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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 555
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Brandon didn't even glance his way; instead, he turned to look at Theresa, who was still deep in dreamland.

Her brows were slightly furrowed, whether something had ruffled her feathers in her dreams or she was revisiting Sophia in her

sleep, who knew. Her hand lifted and swiped at the air as if trying to grab something.

Brandon caught her hand and gently patted her shoulder, murmuring soothing words by her ear until she settled back into


Daniel couldn't help but look at Theresa. He had only met her a couple of times, but this little girl had made quite the impression

on him - pretty and well-behaved, reminded him of Yolanda when she was just a wee one.

But back then, blinded by his bias against Sophia, he had never really given Theresa the tof day, let alone a smile.

Thinking back on how he had treated Theresa previously, Daniel hung his head low, yet he couldn't help wanting to take a good

look at the girl - Sophia's daughter, Yolanda's daughter, his granddaughter.

The weight of these identities stirred a complex mix of emotions within him. The image of Sophia coming to his rescue and the

countless times he had snubbed her haunted him, leaving him tossing and turning at night with regret.

Sensing Daniel's gaze inching toward Theresa, Brandon subtly shifted his body, blocking the line of sight.

Daniel looked at Brandon with a pleading expression, "Brandon, can | please just take a look at the kid?"

"What for?" Brandon didn't turn around, his voice cold and distant, "To see how much misery you've caused her? Or to see how you

turned a kid with a loving mom into one without?"

Daniel fell silent, and then finally mustered a meek apology, "I'm sorry."

Brandon paused in his actions, abruptly stood up, and shot a sharp look at him.

"Sorry, sorry, your flimsy 'sorry' can bring Sophia back?" By the end of his sentence, Brandon's temper was barely under control,

though he still kept his voice low, "You've been saying sorry all your life, but when have you ever truly meant it?"

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Daniel kept his head low, not daring to make a sound. Patricia couldn't stand it and tried to mediate, "Your dad was just trying to do

what's best for you and the company; he never saw the disaster coming."

"Shut it!" Brandon gave her a cold glance, "His blunders and being played for a fool are his own doing; don't try to foot the bill for

his stupidity under the guise of looking out for me."

Patricia attempted another intervention, "Brandon, don't talk about your dad that way. | know you're hurting, and so is he. Nobody

wanted anything to happen to Sophia."

"Shut your trap!" Brandon gave her another chilly warning, "Who do you think you are here to talk about her?"

Patricia clammed up, her expression souring as she closed her mouth.

"Get out!" Brandon's gaze had already moved away as he issued a frosty eviction order, "Don't makedeal with you both."

Daniel gave him a complex look but caught the underlying message, especially the part about being played for a fool. He couldn't

help but ask Brandon, "What did you mean just now? Who's using who?"

But no one answered him.

Just then, Kent cin, and sensing the tension in the room, he could guess what had gone down. He cover with a smile,

helping Daniel up, "Chairman Crawley, Mr. Crawley needs his rest to recover. You should head back now."

While saying that, he almost forcibly ushered Daniel and Patricia out.

Daniel was reluctant to leave, torn between worrying about Brandon and puzzled by the mention of being used. He was also eager

to get another glimpse of Sophia's daughter, particularly under the heavy weight of guilt, which made him look back three steps

for every one he took, craning his neck for one more peek at Theresa.

But Brandon's tall silhouette completely blocked his view.

Daniel couldn't help but beg, "Brandon, | wronged Sophia; | treated her badly. Just lethave one look at her daughter, will you?"

But still, he received no response, and his pleading had even woken up Theresa. She opened her eyes, wide and drowsy, the

haziness only lifting when her gaze settled on Brandon's face.

"Daddy?" She softly called out to Brandon, her round eyes scanning his face, as if to make sure he was still there.

Brandon tenderly stroked her face, his voice hoarse as he responded, "Yeah."

He then asked her, "Did Theresa get enough sleep? Shall we rest a bit more?"

Theresa shook her head, "No need, I'm all rested."

As she spoke, she leaned on Brandon's arm to sit up, only then noticing Daniel, who had been pushed to the doorway, and she

instinctively gripped Brandon's arm tighter.

Brandon held her close, whispering reassurances in her ear, "Don't be scared, Theresa."

He turned his body so she wouldn't have to see Daniel. But Theresa's curiosity seemed to get the better of her, and she couldn't

resist sneaking a glance at Daniel. The calm in her eyes was a carbon copy of Sophia's.

Daniel felt a lump in his throat and with a trembling voice, he called out to her, "Theresa."

Theresa didn't respond, just stared at him wide-eyed, puzzled and wondering why he wasn't the mean person from before.

Brandon looked at Theresa and softly said, "How about | take Theresa to get sfood?"

Theresa nodded, "Okay."

Brandon carried Theresa out of the room, not sparing a glance at Daniel and Patricia.

Daniel watched as Brandon and Theresa's figures receded, his expression forlorn. He couldn't help but turn to Kent, hoping Kent

might speak on his behalf.

Kent just shook his head with a smile, and then looked at Daniel seriously.

"Chairman Crawley, smistakes are no big deal, and you can afford to slip up again. But with smistakes, there's no turning

back once you've made them. Now that Sophia's gone, to the world, to you, it might just be a moment of regret, and life goes on

as usual. But for Mr. Crawley and Theresa, they've lost their entire world. You take good care of yourself from now on, and as for Mr.

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Crawley, let's not disturb him anymore; he's not coming back."

Daniel was stunned, instinctively looking towards Kent. The latter didn't say much more, gave him an apologetic smile, turned

around, and left, the smile fading from his lips as he did.

From the moment Daniel got swayed by Marian's instigation to meddle with the concrete pouring for the pillars, he was doomed to

lose his son.

Sophia couldn't cback, and neither could Brandon.











