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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 55
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Sheila was tied up and unconscious in an abandoned steel factory, her eyes covered with a black cloth. Meanwhile, Diego had a
charming smile as he savored good wine and steak.
“Mr. Bourbon, our target hasn’t shown up. Maybe he won’t come,” a burly red- robed warrior reported.
“Don’t rush it. Let’s wait,” Diego said and put down his utensils. He continued, “I’ve already looked into it. Dustin has a serious
relationship with Sheila. Given his personality, he’ll come to rescue her.”
“I’m worried he won’t give up the Cherusia. Should we send our guys to attack the Zephyr Lodge and take the treasure?” the red-

robed warrior suggested.
“Fools!” Diego scolded. “Zephyr Lodge has many strong elites. Even if we succeed, we will lose many of our men.”
“The fighters from Dragonmarsh aren’t very strong, Mr. Bourbon. You’re giving them too much credit,” the red- robed warrior
complained. He believed their battle-tested Kimboku warriors were tougher than Dragonmarsh martial artists.
“Dragonmarsh martial artists may not be the best, but they have numbers on their side. Even a strong tiger needs to be careful
around a pack of wolves,” Diego reminded.
“I understand,” the red-robed warrior nodded reluctantly. He didn’t seem to respect the Dragonmarsh martial artists. It was
probably because they weren’t important fighters in the past.
Suddenly, a cold voice spoke from nowhere, “Are you waiting for me?”
“Who’s there?” Everyone became alert and started looking around. A figure emerged from the darkness- it was Dustin. “Mr.
Rhys, you’ve arrived. I’ve been expecting you.” Diego smiled as he greeted Dustin.
“Who are you guys?”
Dustin looked around. He discovered that there were between twenty and thirty people hiding out in the area. Five were elites,
and the rest were formidable warriors.
Such force could easily overpower a coalition of wealthy families. “I’m Diego Bourbon, and I’m delighted to meet you,” Diego
“Bourbon? You’re from Kimboku, right? “Dustin asked. “Yes,” Diego replied. “I’ve heard you have the Cherusia. I’m willing to pay
for it. Can we make a deal?”

“Wow, you have perfected your Dragonmarsh’s accent to a tee. Unfortunately, I can’t sell it to you,” Dustin refused.
“Is my offer not good enough? Tell me your price,” Diego insisted, smiling.
“I don’t like being threatened. By arranging this meeting like this, you’ve already crossed a line. No matter how much money you
offer, I won’t sell it to you,” Dustin said firmly. Diego was less than pleased.