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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 534
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Don's expression tightened, "What happened?”

In that instant, his mind raced with thoughts of Sophia being hurt, but the next moment, Cindy's tearful words caught him

completely off guard, "Last night, the construction team worked overtime. Sophia fell into the river trying to save someone, and

she hasn't been found yet."

Don's mind went blank for a second.

The employees attending the meeting took the opportunity of him being on the phone to sneak a peek at their mobiles.

The news of a huge reward for any information leading to a rescue had already been blasted across all major platforms as the top

headline, pinged straight to everyone's phones.

Ivan was also in the meeting room. He had casually glanced at his phone, but when he saw the n"Sophia", his actions froze,

and he grabbed his phone to speed read the message. In a flash, he was on his feet, not even a "sorry" out before he bolted out

the door.

Don quickly opened Twitter on his phone and his face went pale seeing the official statement from Starlight Group. Without a

second thought for the meeting, he called out, "Meeting's adjourned," and hurried out.

The office was in an uproar.

Whether they were diligently working or slacking off, everyone was rattled by the news of Sophia's disappearance in the river,

whispering and discussing the shocking news, hardly believing it.

They had worked together for long. Sophia was well-liked for her kindness and good temper, lacking any airs of superiority, and

being gentle and beautiful. The sudden bad news of her misfortune had a few unable to hold back their tears, which started flowing


Sniffling filled the office.

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Marian stared at the news from her phone with eyes wide open. When Don walked in, somebody couldn't help but stand up and

call out to him, "Mr. Dempsey, the director, she..."

They couldn't finish their sentence, choked up and unable to continue. Don knew what she wanted to ask. His handsface,

usually relaxed, was now tense.

"I'm heading to Zion City," saying this, Don tossed his papers onto his desk and walked out.

Marian quickly stood up, "I'm coming too."

"No need," with that, Don had left.

Marian grabbed her bag and hurried after him. Others wanted to go too, but they had to work and didn't dare to leave.

In the office, only Marian, a “royal”, was muddling along there. The rest were just ordinary workers, and didn’t have the guts and

audacity like her.

Following Don to the underground garage, Marian, teary-eyed, insisted on going to Zion City with him.

But Don's mind was preoccupied with the possibly endangered Sophia, not knowing Brandon's condition or Theresa's. He was going

to get information, not on a leisure trip, so he flatly refused Marian.

"Just wait at the office for updates."

After saying that, he got into his car and drove off. He then pulled out his phone and called Brandon.

The phone rang, but no one picked up. He kept calling, but still no answer.

In the end, he had to call Kent. Fortunately, the latter answered quickly.

"How's Brandon doing?" Don asked urgently.

Kent sighed deeply before responding softly, "Not good."

Don's heart sank. "I'm on my way." He said, his voice blending with the sound of the wind, "Keep an eye on Brandon."

"Okay," Kent responded, both devoid of their usual light-hearted banter.

Marian watched as Don's car disappeared into the distance until it was out of sight.

Her urgency slowly faded into contemplation, mixed with a touch of panic and fear. Her hands clasped together tightly in front of

her, like entwined vines unconsciously twisting, turning her knuckles white.

She didn't dare linger in the garage and got into her car.

Instead of returning to the office or daring to go back to the Frost family mansion, she sped down the road. She got what she

always wanted, and yet couldn't stop trembling, struggling to grip the steering wheel, her breathing getting heavy and ragged,

almost unbearable.

Forced to pull over, she gasped for air, regulating her breathing until she felt somewhat better before slowly starting the engine.

With nowhere else in mind, the only place she could think of was the hotel where her father, Dennis, was staying.

Marian stumbled back to Dennis's hotel, her mind too chaotic and fearful, her hands shaking so much she could barely open the

door. She didn't even think to ask if Dennis was there, just instinctively seeking a haven to settle herself down.

She shakily opened the door and collapsed inside, not even managing to close it before Dennis's furious rant from the study

blasted out, "Idiots! You're all idiots! The plan was to get rid of that bum, and instead, it's that woman who ends up dead. How do

you all screw this up?"

His roar snapped Marian back to reality. She quickly closed the door to prevent the sound from escaping but tried not to make too

much noise, not wanting to alert Dennis.

Still, the noise was too loud, and the ranting in the room abruptly stopped. Dennis cout of the study.

Marian couldn't avoid him and had to look up, hesitantly calling out, "Dad."

Dennis gave her a cold glance before saying into the phone, "I'll call you back."

Then he hung up and turned to Marian, "Heard everything?"

"What did | hear?" Marian tried to play the fool. But Dennis wouldn't let her off this time, "Don't play dumb with me. With the news

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causing such a stir today, you know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you?"

Marian shook her head in a fluster, looking like she couldn't accept what was happening.

Dennis mistook her reaction as being unable to accept that her admired father had changed so much. He watched her for a long

while, eventually softening.

"Marian, there are sthings that even dad can't control," he said, his tone more gentle.

"I don't wanna hear it," Marian still freaked out, backing off like she'd thrown a million tantrums before, and tried to make a break

for it. But she wasn't as quick on her feet as Dennis, who snagged her arm, forcing her to freeze in her tracks.

"Marian, you're the only one who can save Dad now. You've gotta pull through for me."

Dennis was dead serious as he laid it on her, "Our plan has hit the fan, and Brandon's gonna sniffout for sure. You gotta have

Dad's back."

Marian had no choice but to look at him.

"How do you expectto help you?" She asked.





