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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 523
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Brandon's car made it to the construction site just in the nick of time. He hit the brakes hard as the site plunged into darkness,

bringing the car to an abrupt halt.

Theresa, who'd been on the verge of dozing off, was jolted awake by the sudden stop. Confused, she looked towards the dark

construction site and called out tentatively, "Daddy?"

Brandon pulled up the handbrake and started unfastening his seatbelt as he turned to look at her, "Theresa, stay in the car with

your godmother and Grace while Daddy goes to find Mommy, okay?"

Theresa shook her head frantically, fear in her eyes, "No, | want to go with Daddy to find Mommy."

"It's raining outside, and it's too dark in there. It could be dangerous, and Daddy won't be able to keep an eye on you. Be a good

girl and wait here with your godmother and auntie."

Brandon's voice was gentle, but it carried an undertone of firmness that wasn't to be argued with. He then looked over at Susan

and Grace, "I'm counting on you to look after Theresa. I'm going to check things out."

Susan and Grace nodded in unison, "Of course."

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He handed the car keys to Susan, "There's no signal inside, so we might not be able to stay in touch. You take the driver's seat, and

if anything goes south, head straight to the hotel."

"Got it," Susan said, taking the keys.

Theresa wriggled, trying to break free from Grace's embrace, crying and protesting, wanting to follow Brandon.

Brandon leaned in to give her a hug, his warm palm tenderly stroking her cheek and hair, before planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Listen to me!"

His voice was hoarse with emotion as he let her go, pushing through her cries and stepping out of the car. The situation inside was

unknown, and this the couldn't indulge her desire to calong.

The rain was still coming down outside, but it had lightened up a bit.

Brandon didn't bother with a raincoat; he just charged into the storm. Just stepping out of the parking lot, he hadn't even reached

the site's entrance when a black sedan cswerving dangerously close from the side, screeching to a halt just shy of hitting him.

He instinctively looked up, his brow furrowing at the sight of a disheveled Kent in the car, then back at the vehicle with its bumper

hanging off before he glanced back at him again.

Kent had already unbuckled and was hurrying out of the car, wiping his face as he approached Brandon, "l was in a rush to get

people over to check out the site after getting off the highway. Didn't notice the slippery roads in the rain. Took a turn on the off-

ramp and had a bit of a fender bender, got held up."

"Are you okay?" Brandon asked, already striding towards the construction site.

Kent jogged to keep up, "I'm fine."

"Did you call the cops?" Brandon questioned.

"Yeah." Kent replied, "But the local station seems to be swamped tonight, not enough cops to go around. Plus, this place is far from

the station, and with the storm and it being the dead of night, who knows if they've even made it yet."

By the tthey reached the entrance, a security guard called out from the booth, his flashlight beam cutting through the

darkness, "Hold it right there. This is a construction site; you can't just waltz in."

Brandon didn't break his stride, simply lifting his work ID for the guard to see. Once the guard got a good look at the words "Project

Manager, President of Starlight Group: Brandon", his demeanor instantly turned respectful, "Mr. Crawley."

"Open the gate!" Brandon's urgent pace was halted by the barrier, and he spoke in a cool tone.

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The guard quickly scrambled to operate the gate.

As soon as it opened, Brandon didn't miss a beat and strode towards the construction area, fishing out his cell phone to try making

a call once more.

Sure enough, even his phone had no signal.





