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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 522
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The folks down there were spooked by Jerry’s commanding presence and didn’t dare to hesitate any longer; they quickly turned

back around and got cracking.

Sophia, in a panic, turned to Tomas, "Who's the boss here, you or him?"

Tomas shot her a look, clearly in a bind, "Chairman Crawley wants us to kick off work tonight; | can't just go against that."

She didn't expect Daniel to be the one pushing for it.

"You can't defy Chairman Crawley's orders, but you think it's fine to blow off Mr. Crawley's?" Sophia snapped, "The man calling the

shots at the company right now is Mr. Crawley, not Chairman Crawley."

"Whether it's Mr. Crawley or Chairman Crawley, as long as the job gets done well, who cares what tthey punched in."

Jerry said this as he turned towards the workers who were still hesitating, "What are you waiting for? Get a move on, the auspicious

tis almost upon us."

After saying that, he plunged into the storm, barking orders and getting everybody into their places, his megaphone now dangling

by his side.

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Sophia glanced at the megaphone hanging by his side and then dived into the storm herself, dashing towards Jerry. She caught

him off guard, snatched the megaphone, and then shouted to everyone who was bustling about, "I'm Brandon's wife, and I'm

standing in for him when | say, the weather tonight is not fit for work; | want everyone to stop the construction immediately!"

As she spoke, she lifted her phone, "I've got our marriage certificate to prove it."

The bustling crowd paused once again, exchanging looks, when suddenly an old man's angry voice erupted at the stairs, "Don't

listen to her spouting nonsense. She's not my daughter-in-law."

Sophia turned towards the voice. Daniel was making his way up to the platform, shielded by umbrellas held by a couple of people.

He didn’t even glance at Sophia, his gaze already moving past her to Tomas and Jerry, "What are you waiting for? Get ready, do

you want to be responsible for any delay?"

The pause in activity was over, and everyone got back to their busy work with renewed vigor.

Sophia, ignoring everything else, hurried over to Daniel, lowering her voice urgently, "Someone's trying to stir up trouble; you can't

let them start work."

"The Crawley family hasn't wronged anyone; who would try to cause trouble?"

Daniel gave her a look of distaste as he eyed her drenched figure, "You're just a designer, not a builder. What are you doing here in

all this rain? You're no help, better head back now, why get soaked for nothing?"

Just as Sophia was about to respond, out of the corner of her eye she spotted a familiar stooped figure heading towards the

concrete mixer with tools in hand. Right below the mixer was the deep, dark water, and the spot for the column pouring was also


A sense of urgency gripped her, and she blurted out to Daniel, "You've just recovered from a serious illness, better get back and

rest, don't stay out in the rain," before running towards Nell.

Daniel looked at Sophia, baffled, watching her sprint towards the thin, stooped figure by the concrete mixer, heedless of the

puddles underfoot. He frowned, puzzled as to why Sophia would run off to find a worker.

Sophia reached Nell's side, and just as he was about to get to work with a shovel, she grabbed his arm.

"Nell, the storm's too fierce, and you're not in good shape. Head back and take a break."

Nell, his arm caught, looked at Sophia, confused. The wind and rain made it hard for him to hear her, but he got the gist from her

body language and fragmented speech. He gave a shy smile, "It's okay. I'll be done in a jiffy. It's pouring, you better head back."

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No sooner had he spoken, Jerry's voice commanded, "Let's get the show on the road!"

The concrete mixer, which had slowed down, started roaring back to life, and everyone got back to work with gusto.

Gathering around the mixer, they shoveled materials into the mixing drum. Nell also turned to get back to work.

Sophia grabbed his arm firmly, "Let's head back."

Without further ado, she took the shovel from his hand and started to pull him back. She hadn't even taken a step when suddenly a

"boom" sounded - a quiet explosion, and the floodlights that had made it as bright as day flickered out, plunging the site into pitch






