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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 520
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He blocked off the construction team and all the relevant responsible parties, but totally spaced on guarding against Daniel, an old-

timer who'd bowed out of the project eons ago and had just narrowly dodged the reaper's scythe.

Brandon was stumped. He couldn't for the life of him figure out why Daniel, who hadn't meddled with the project in ages, suddenly

wanted to get his hands dirty.

But Brandon didn't have the luxury of tto mull it over. Once again, he grabbed his phone, trying to call Daniel and Jason, but

their phones were still dead as a doornail.

Sophia's number was a no-go too.

The anxiety of not being able to get in touch with anyone was spreading like wildfire in his chest.

The sky had started to drizzle as the car closed in on Zion City. The place was in for a stormy night.

A sudden plunge of cold air had brought a deluge of rain and howling winds. The freaky weather only deepened the knot of worry

in Brandon's gut.

Theresa was a bit spooked by the growing tempest outside, not crying, just instinctively clutching her little rag doll tighter, her tiny

face painted with even more unease and panic.

Susan couldn't help but glance out the car window, the pitter-patter of raindrops on the glass inexplicably sending shivers down

her spine. She could only try to shake off this unnamed panic by hugging Theresa tighter.

Sophia braved the storm to reach the construction site.

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The once serene and transparent palace construction area was now surrounded by a bunch of people, clad in long black raincoats,

standing in the storm, ready to get cracking at any moment.

The wind was fierce, the rain was heavy, faces were indistinguishable, and people unrecognizable.

Sophia scanned the crowd but couldn't spot Tomas. She whipped out her phone, attempting to call him, but got the “call cannot be

completed” message.

After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, her calls wouldn't go through. Even though she was wearing a rain poncho, the wind and

rain from the cold front made her hair a mess, with raindrops pelting her face, soaking her skin, and drenching her forehead.

Sophia couldn't care less about these annoyances. After a few failed attempts to reach Tomas, she had no choice but to dive back

into the storm and approach the nearest man.

"Hey, do you know where | can find Tomas?" Sophia grabbed his raincoat sleeve and shouted in his ear.

Her voice was partly swallowed by the roar of the storm. She had to repeat herself twice before he heard her and pointed towards

the direction of the column casting, gesturing towards the scaffolding, "Over there."

Sophia followed his pointing finger, squinting to make out a few figures on the scaffolding through the torrential downpour, but

with everyone under umbrellas and in black raincoats, she couldn't tell which one was Tomas.

"Thanks a bunch!" Sophia quickly thanked the man who had pointed the way, and then plunged into the storm, heading towards

the scaffolding up ahead.

The scaffolding was a makeshift metal bridge built over water to facilitate construction, standing nearly five meters above the

water's surface, reached by climbing metal stairs.

This was also the casting platform for the columns, with the center of the scaffolding being the exact point where the concrete

would be poured down vertically.

The few people on the scaffolding were peering into the pitch-black water and gesticulating, seemingly discussing the finer points

of construction.

The floodlights hung high on the shore lit up the entire construction site, and the concrete mixer was already rumbling away,

everything ready and waiting for the auspicious moment to start pouring from the scaffolding.

As she got closer to the scaffolding, the faces of the workers in the storm becclearer, all unfamiliar men she'd never seen

before. Among all the strange faces, Sophia caught sight of Nell, her heart skipping a beat.

Nell stood on the scaffolding, earnestly measuring the distance between the railing and the water with an electronic ruler, his

stooped, tall, and thin figure looking frail in the storm, as if he might be blown over at any moment.

Sophia instinctively moved towards him, and just as she was about to approach, Tomas, who had been peering over the railing into

the water, turned around and caught sight of Sophia approaching.

"Director Yearwood?"

His voice carried a hint of panic, as if he hadn't expected Sophia to show up.

Jerry, standing next to him, looked up at the sound of Tomas’ voice. Seeing Sophia, he seemed not at all surprised, calmly and with

a smile greeted her, "Director Yearwood, with such wild weather, what brings you out here?"

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