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The Indifferent Ex-Husband Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate

Chapter 481
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Yvonne shot him a text back real quick, "Told ya last night, Brandon's mess has gotta be tied to my sis-in-law, but you wouldn't

believe me."

"Bullshit." Daniel snapped back vulgarly, "Get your brother to pickup. What kinda look is it for a grown man to be sloshed like


Yvonne didn’t dare say more, just meekly replied with an "Okay" and pocketed her phone, glancing at Brandon who was still half-

closed eyes, resting; she wanted to call out to him but didn’t have the guts to disturb or the heart to do it.

She looked over at Kent, all begging eyes, "Kent." hoping he'd step in to help.

Kent hesitated, glanced at Brandon, and felt a bit stuck too, "Mr. Crawley’s in no shape to pick anyone up right now."

He couldn’t help but push Yvonne a little, "How 'bout | go with you to get Chairman Crawley? Mr. Crawley's in a bad mood; just let

him chill here alone for a bit."

He was about to start getting ready, but Yvonne wasn't having any of it.

"No way. Being alone's just asking for trouble, especially with booze involved," Yvonne said, haunted by all those news stories

about drunk folks choking on their own vomit. She didn’t like the idea of leaving Brandon alone one bit, especially since her dad

had specifically asked for Brandon to cget him.

"What the heck’s actually going on with Brandon and Sophia?" Yvonne couldn't help but whisper.

"I really don't know the details." Kent whispered back, "But things don't look peachy. | mean, when have you ever seen Mr. Crawley

like this?"

Yvonne nodded and asked softly, "They aren't together anymore, are they?"

“About that.” Kent gave an awkward chuckle, "You might wanna ask Mr. Crawley yourself."

While he suggested Yvonne should ask Brandon directly, he couldn't help but add, "I mean, it's been ages since I've seen them

together. Mr. Crawley's been solo parenting, haven't seen him on the phone either. Nowadays, it's all work or hwith the kid.

Speaking of which, poor kiddo, either without a dad or a mom."

He trailed off, implying more than he said, and glanced at Yvonne.

Yvonne herself being a mom, felt the sting in her heart just listening, her gaze drawn back to Brandon indoors, not noticing the

look Kent gave her.

Brandon seemed to cto, rubbing at his furrowed brow, a pained expression on his face.


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Yvonne couldn't help but call out to him, walking over, "What's wrong?"

"I'm fine."

Brandon's voice was still tinged with the rough edge of alcohol, "What are you doing here?"

"You forgot dad's getting discharged today?" Yvonne said, her eyes drifting to the mess of bottles unwittingly, "Why are you hitting

the bottle during work hours?"

Brandon didn't answer, already pushing himself up from the table.

"Let's go."

He said, voice still gravelly, grabbing his car keys from the table. Maybe the drink had hit him harder than usual; his normally

steady steps wobbled, and he swayed a bit.

Yvonne instinctively reached out to steady him.

"You sure you're okay?" She asked worriedly, "Why would you drink so much in broad daylight?"

"I'm fine."

His voice still rough and low, he shrugged her off, his steps unsteady. Kent rushed over to help but got shoved away before he

could even touch Brandon's arm.

"Get someone to clean this up."

Brandon said, already striding towards the elevator, pushing past him. Yvonne hurried after him, catching him as he staggered.

This tBrandon didn’t push her away, standing at the elevator, pressing the button.

He reeked of alcohol, looking painfully sober yet distressed. Yvonne wasn't sure if he was drunk or not; she'd never seen him drunk

or out of sorts like this.

She felt a pang, not sure if it was for Brandon or at the sight of his crumbling facade.

"Brandon, you sure you're okay?"

As the elevator doors closed, Yvonne couldn't help but ask, looking at Brandon's deeply furrowed brow.

His expression seemed to be holding back discomfort. But the answer remained, "I'm fine."

The elevator descended to the underground parking lot.

"You drive."

Stepping out of the elevator, Brandon tossed the keys to Yvonne, speaking faintly, already heading towards the car.

His voice was clearer, but the pain on his handsface remained.

"Sure," Yvonne replied softly, catching the keys and about to unlock their black Cayenne with the remote, when a white sedan

rolled to a stop at the elevator entrance.

The door opened, and Sophia stepped out.

"Sophia?" Yvonne called out, surprised.

Brandon, rubbing his forehead, hadn't noticed the car; Yvonne's call made him pause and look up at Sophia.

Sophia had just finished thanking the driver and looked up, locking eyes with Brandon unexpectedly, her movement halting.

Yvonne watched the two, sensing a strange distance between them, not at all like a couple who'd been together.

She wasn't sure if they were still at odds or what, but with neither speaking up, she broke the silence with a strained laugh,

"Coming to work?"

Sophia glanced at her and nodded slightly, "Yeah."

Then she couldn't help but look at Brandon again. He looked a bit off, and there was a scent of booze about him, like he had been


Sophia remembered Brandon wasn't one to drink, even at social events he'd just clink glasses lightly, hardly ever smelling of


Now, in the middle of the day, during work hours.

Sophia frowned in confusion, about to speak, but seeing Yvonne's puzzled stare, she ended up keeping her questions to herself.

Brandon didn't offer any explanations either, just looking at Sophia indifferently. It was Yvonne who couldn't stand the silence,

chuckling awkwardly as she explained to Sophia, "Dad's getting discharged today, Brandon and | are going to pick him up."

"I see." Sophia gave a light nod of acknowledgment, "You guys go ahead then; don't lethold you up."

"Sophia, do you wanna cwith us for a bit?"

Yvonne thought it polite to extend an invitation to avoid making Sophia feel left out. Sophia smiled and shook her head gently, "It's

okay. You go ahead; I've got things to handle."

"Alright then." Yvonne nodded in agreement, "You go on with your stuff."


Sophia nodded too, throwing a concerned glance at Brandon but ultimately didn't ask anything. After a courteous nod to Yvonne,

she stepped into the elevator.

Yvonne took note of the awkwardness between Sophia and Brandon - it was a dead giveaway that they weren't as close,

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confirming her suspicions.

She couldn't help but cast a worried look at Brandon and was about to say something when he coldly averted his gaze and left her

with a curt "Let's go", striding toward the black Cayenne parked not too far away.

His steps were as steady as ever - a contrast to the unsteady air he had in the office just moments ago.

Puzzled, Yvonne glanced at Brandon and hurried after him.

By the tthey reached the hospital, Brandon seemed either hit by the booze or something else; he looked even more agonized

than at the company, as if he was fighting hard against discomfort.

Daniel and Patricia were already tidied up and waiting in the hospital room. Seeing the belated Yvonne and Brandon, Daniel

couldn't help but grumble, "What took you so long?"

Standing behind Brandon, Yvonne subtly gestured toward him. Daniel then turned his attention to Brandon.

On Brandon's face, Daniel saw an unusual dejection, a lack of vitality, and a pain that couldn't be concealed. The faint smell of

alcohol wafting off him was a far cry from his usual composed self.

"Heard from Yvonne you were drowning your sorrows with booze in the office?"

Daniel frowned and couldn't help but speak up.

Brandon didn't respond directly; instead, he pulled over a chair and sat down, propping his head with one hand and rubbing his

forehead as if to ease the discomfort.

Daniel's questioning gaze shifted to Yvonne. Yvonne shook her head innocently, "He was like this when he was at the company."

After speaking, she couldn't help but look at Brandon and softly said to him, "Brandon, you wanna swing by the doc since we're

already here? It's a hospital, after all."

"No need."

Brandon's hoarse voice cthrough, sounding like he was suppressing a burp.

"I'm gonna hit the restroom."

With that, Brandon got up and headed to the restroom. As the door closed, a loud sound of vomiting echoed from the bathroom.





