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The God of War by Useless scholar

Chapter 51
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The God of War Chapter 51

Jorge looked at the ugly faces of the executives and stood up with a sneer. He put his right hand slowly

into his pocket.

When Jeffery saw this, he tensed up at once.

Jeffery thought that he was about to make some move. Then Jeffery said, “Jorge, this is the Easton

Group. The most elite security guards are outside the door. You can’t mess around! Where are the

security guards?”

Jeffery was so anxious that he was sweating. The richer he was, the more afraid he was of death. That

was who he was.

The corners of Jorge’s mouth curled up.

He took out a stack of shopping lists from his pocket and threw them on the table, “Watch carefully.”

Jorge looked at Jeffery and said, “I paid for the car and the furs. Is this dirty money? Is this your so-

called evidence?”

“You want to set me up? Save it!”

Jeffery was furious and gritted his teeth.

Jeffery thought to himself, “Jorge paid the money? Impossible! He is just a retired soldier. How can he

have so much money to buy a luxury car and buy famous brand clothes? It is ridiculous!” An executive

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was in disbelief, threw the ticket fiercely, and said, “It must be that Roselyn transferred the property to

you. That’s why your name is on the receipt.”

Jorge sneered and slapped Jorge. The meeting room became silent. The sound of the slap was

particularly clear. Jorge then said, “You are stupid but don’t think that everyone else is stupid. You can

ask the Banking xo.com fast updateRegulatory Commission of Ocean City to investigate. See if

the Easton Group has been involved in this!”

“How dare you! I’m going to sue you!”

The senior executive who was beaten was ashamed and annoyed, covering his face and shouting at


Jorge did not pay attention to him. He turned to look at Jeffery and chuckled, “Mr. Easton, I’ve already

kept the evidence. I believe you had fun this time. Wait for my lawyer’s letter!”

Jorge pressed the play button on his phone.

The recording sounded. It was about the content of today’s meeting and every word was recorded.

Jeffery’s expression completely collapsed! He had never expected that he would be defeated by Jorge

when he wanted Roselyn to get lost today! This time, he went for wool and came home shorn. Jeffery

had completely lost, “Roselyn, tell me the truth.”

Jeffery gritted his teeth and turned to look at Roselyn, “Is that money from Jorge or not?”

“Of course.”

Roselyn was resolute and decisive.

Jorge was rich, to begin with, but people looked down on him! She stared at Jeffery and her words

piercing his heart, “Mr. Easton, you must be disappointed that I didn’t accept any bribes!”

Jeffery’s face turned black and red as if he had been slapped in the face.

“I don’t care where you got this money! It doesn’t matter who owns it!”

“You and the Malone Group worked together to hurt the Easton Group. Today, I will fire you no matter


Roselyn’s beautiful eyes widened and her palms trembled in anger.

This was a baseless accusation, but she was mad at her uncle, Jeffery, who was so despicable!

“I don’t care.”

Jeffery breathed heavily, and many thoughts were rolling in his mind. He thought that If he did not take

back the project today, he would not be a match for Roselyn in the future when she became stronger!”

Then Jeffery said, “Ms. Easton, you’re joking again.”

Jorge patted the back of his wife’s hand and smiled at Jeffery, “It’s time for me to put my cards on the

table! Roselyn came to the meeting today to tell you that she wants to resign!”

The entire conference room was in an uproar. Even Roselyn was looking at Jorge with a shocked

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She didn’t say that! What was Jorge doing? Without a job, how could she raise her family? Although

Jorge was rich, it was not her money! Jorge said, “Don’t worry.”

Jorge smiled gently at Roselyn. Then, he looked at everyone with a cold gaze and asked, “Didn’t you

want Roselyn gone? Alright, I’ll fulfill your wish now!”

“You do bad in your business and all you know is to flatter people and scheme against each other! You

are not worthy of working with Roselyn!”

Jeffery flew into a rage. He pointed at Jorge and roared furiously, “Jorge, shut up!”

“You should shut up!”

Jorge snorted coldly, “Roselyn has been in charge of her project from the beginning to the end. It has

nothing to do with you!”

Jeffery burst into laughter.

Jeffery laughed wildly and raised his eyebrows, “Even if Roselyn gets exhausted, she is just a tool for

the Easton family! She won’t get a single cent from the protract according to the contract!”


Jorge smiled faintly, “Mr. Easton, you seem to have forgotten again. The contract was signed by

Roselyn herself. Can she not get the benefits?