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The God of War by Useless scholar

Chapter 10
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The God of War Chapter 10

“Damn it!”

Behind Jorge and the others, Jeffery was stunned at first and then he cursed.

What the hell!

“Acting tough in front of me. You don’t even care that I am your relative, right?” He looked at Jorge’s

back and said through his teeth.

“Do you think you can do everything even though you have the support of the army after retiring from

the army?”

“Let me tell you the truth. General Larsen, the commander of Ocean Department, is my close friend! He

can have you scram with just one word!”

Jorge paused slightly.

He could not help but laugh. “To have me scram with just one word?” He turned around and narrowed

his eyes at Jeffery with a faint smile.

“Is Sean really your close friend?

“Uncle, I’m timid. Don’t scare me!”

Jeffery took out his phone and was so angry that he laughed. “Alright, alright! Good for you. Just wait

and see!”

After saying that, he glared at Jorge and then opened the contact list to find Sean’s phone number.

He clicked on the screen and dialed! About ten seconds later…

“What is it?” Sean answered in a low and serious voice. “Jeffery, what’s the matter? How many times

have I told you not to call my private number casually? Today’s situation is special, and I am very busy.

If there is anything, talk about it another day!”

Jeffery tensed up and he said, “General Larsen, don’t hang up the phone. There is a small matter!”

“The soldiers under you are running amok in First Hospital. My son’s treatment is delayed!”

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“Maybe … you would like to deal with it. I’m really thinking for your sake. If the news gets out, it won’t

be good for your reputation!”

On the other side of the phone, Sean, who was dressed in military uniform with three golden stars on

his shoulder, trembled. “You … Say it again. Where?”

“First Hospital.” Jeffery was stunned and confused. “Where else would I go if I want to take my son to

see the doctor? I…”

‘Bastard!’ Sean clutched his phone tightly, cold sweat dripping from his forehead. ‘Jeffery, you brainless

idiot! What’s the usage of your eyes? Did you not notice the title of those warriors? Those are the

warriors of the War God Temple, elites under the Lord of War God! They are not my subordinates at

all!’ Sean gritted his teeth and shouted coldly. “Stay there! From now on, you are not allowed to speak

or move!”

“I’ll be right there!”

Then the phone hung up!

Jeffery listened to the beeping sound coming from his phone and was stunned for a long time. He

looked up at Jorge and laughed wildly, “Jorge, you are out of luck!”

“General Larsen said he would come and deal with it immediately!”

“Being pretentious in front of me? You are still too young!”

Jorge held Olivia in his arms as a meaningful smile appeared on his face. “Alright! I’ll wait!”

About twenty minutes later.

A camouflage off-road vehicle whizzed over from afar and moved quickly into the hospital.

The commander of Ocean Department, General Larsen! He didn’t even bring any guards. He

personally drove over. He pushed open the door and quickly walked out. His gaze immediately fell on

Jorge’s face.

He was secretly trembling!

Others might not know, but as the highest commander of Ocean Department, he knew everything! The

handsome young man with a smile in front of him was the legendary invincible existence. He was on

equal footing with King of Country D. His status was supreme and his merit was matchless. Jorge

Green, the Lord of War God!

“General Larsen!”

When Jeffery, who was standing in front of Jorge, saw Sean from afar, his face was filled with joy. He

brought the three bodyguards and ran over to greet Sean. He quickly complimented him, “It’s just a

small matter. General Larsen, you can just send someone to deal with it, yet you come in person. You

are so kind!”

“After this matter is settled, let’s enjoy some tea together. I just asked someone to get some top-grade

tea leaves from Mount W. Although they are not produced by the seed trees, they are still worth a lot…”

A slap was suddenly heard!

A super loud and clear slap stopped Jeffery. He spat out a mouthful of blood with a painful sound.

Blood spattered everywhere!

This slap was fast and ruthless. Not only did it shatter Jeffery’s teeth, but it also hurt his tongue. His

head tilted. In an instant, his feet left the ground and he spun several times in the air. Then, he fell

heavily on the ground. He was confused and totally dazed. “What, what…” Around them, Douglas, the

two vice-presidents, several old doctors, the bodyguards of the Easton xo.com fast updatefamily,

and even Roselyn, who was beside Jorge, were all stunned.

They were so shocked. What was going on?

Wasn’t Jeffery Sean’s close friend? Did he call that “close”?

Why did Sean beat Jeffery up? Shouldn’t he beat Jorge up? “Asshole! Can you be more stupid?” Sean

was furious. He punched Jeffery with his fists and feet, who was lying on the ground and unable to

resist at all.

Then Sean kicked the three Easton family bodyguards, who were dumbstruck, to the ground. Finally,

Sean grabbed Jeffery’s and the bodyguards’ ankles and then dragged them onto his car. Sean saluted

Jorge from a distance before starting the car. Smoke and dust billowed everywhere!

Douglas and the others were lost for words.

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They were shocked again!

Sean stayed for less than half a minute, and from beginning to end, he only said one sentence. He

didn’t hesitate at all. He dragged the four men and just left…

Was this the style of the chief commander of Ocean Department? Surprising. Confusing.

Roselyn stared blankly at the SUV as it left. She couldn’t help but swallow. She slowly raised her

hands, about to make a few hand gestures. However, she didn’t know how to express the doubts in her

heart. Her delicate and good-looking eyebrows gently furrowed. She was indescribably charming!

Jorge looked at Roselyn’s cute expression and became extremely tender. If she could make a sound,

what would she say at this moment? It must be the language that was the most pleasant to hear and

the most melodious laughter of time!

“Director Wheeler.” Jorge turned to look at Douglas and said solemnly, “My wife’s operation will be

handled by you personally!

“During the operation, the visible micro-injury operation should be carried out. Clean up the surface of

the scar formed by the burn in the throat, and straighten out all the blood channels and nerves.”

“In the end…”

When he said this, his gaze fell on Roselyn’s face, and he said softly, “Roselyn, give it to him.”

Roselyn nodded slightly. She took out a small and exquisite pink “blossom of God’s will” from her

pocket and carefully handed it to Douglas.

“This is…” Douglas took the flower, carefully observed it for a moment, and then his pupils gradually


His breathing quickened, his heartbeat accelerated, his forehead was covered in sweat, and his hands

and feet could not help but tremble violently.

That, that was…

That was the national flower of Country E, “the blossom of God’s will”, a rare breed carefully cultivated

in the main palace of Country E! There was only one in the world