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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

“You look beautiful.”

My breath catches as he slowly turns his head to look at me,

“-as you always do… but more so tonight.”

I find myself smiling at the compliment and laugh softly. My response shocking him as he tenses up but

relaxes when he sees the smile on my face.

“Thank you. You don’t look so terrible yourself.”

His lips quirked up as he brought the cup to his mouth. I watch-too intensely- his Adams apple bob

when he downs the drink. Setting the empty glass down onto the steel platter a new waiter passing by

was holding, he gives me a slight smile that just barely pulled up his lips.

“If I didn’t know better, my little wildflower, I would say you were trying to flirt with me.”

His sudden statement had me coughing from the outrageousness of his comment. Did he not just call

me beautiful? Was he not the one that started this? I look at him, a little surprised from his bold

statement and couldn’t resist to scoff.

“Then it’s good that you know better. I was simply trying to be nice, Alpha Locksworth. I’m afraid I don’t

fit into the category of the women falling weak to your charms.”

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Raizel smirks, suddenly taking the drink from my hand and setting it down. His warmth kissed mine and

it felt like I’ve been burned. His touch lingering on the skin it made contact with. His arm suddenly lays

around my waist, bringing me to his chest as he steadied us. His face got closer and closer until he

stops just a few inches away.

“Somehow, I don’t believe you.”

His eyes fell to my lips as I swallowed. My throat constricting painfully as a sinful thoughts wedged its

way into my mind.

“Fortunately, I didn’t ask you to.”

I whispered. His eyes met mine and a spark of attraction lights up between us. Unmeasurable

attraction, undeniable temptation… He was everything a forbidden fruit was meant to be. I was ready to

pull back, ready to awaken myself from this short, deluded dream but his grip on my waist hold me


“Dance with me.”

He orders huskily.

I could barely manage a nod, knowing that denying him of a dance was not in my best interest. Not

when that look he was giving me reminded me so much of a predatorily look I often give the rogues in

my ‘care’. The infamous I-dare-you-to-even-try look. Not that it was in any of my interest to reject him

as I was admittedly starved of his presence for the last few days.

If I couldn’t have him, what harm could one little dance do?


He breathes out, leading us to the center of the dance floor with his arm still attached to my waist. I’m

aware of everyone watching our every move, including Noah and Mailia, even Landon, Hestia and my

parents. I know and hear all the murmurs of shock and questions spreading around the air but I

couldn’t bring myself to care.

Couldn’t even act like I did as Raizel slipped a hand to my waist and his other hand to hold mine. We

swayed together, my free hand resting on his firm shoulder as he spun us around. His focus was on me

as mine was on him. His intoxicating scent I grew addicted to blurred my rational thinking. Under the

light that dimmed out any interest for anything else other than my male in front of me, I feel myself

getting drawn closer. His grip tightened at the same time mine did and slowly my restraint is dwindling. I

couldn’t break free from the trance even if I wanted to. The pleasure from being held by him chaining

me to his will. His warm body holding me close to him preventing me from even considering escape.

“I know you feel it, Selene.”

He whispers softly. We turn, my feet keeping up with his. A shudder runs down my spine when his

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warm hand scrapes along the exposed part of my back. His warm fingers skim down the curve of my

spine. I bite the inner part of my lip, forcing my face to hold an expression of indifference but my voice

betrays me as my response came out as a soft whisper.

“I don’t know what you mean, Alpha Locksworth.”

I mutter, feeling his minty breath fanning over my lips. He pulls back slightly to look me in the eyes. His

grey ones prying into my blue ones with the intention of breaking down my barriers. His expression

lying somewhere between disappointment and confusion.

“Are we back on last name basis?”

He asks suddenly. Disheartened and a little upset. My heart fell at the sound.

“We should’ve always been on last name basis.”

I feel the words leave my tongue heavily. I know d amn well I was trying to bluff for the sake of my

peace but it was so obvious. I knew better than anyone that I had loved the freedom of calling him by

his first name. After uttering ‘Raizel’ for the first time, saying ‘Locksworth’ now was completely foreign

to me. It sounded wrong.

Raizel frowns, clearly unhappy with my answer and moved his face closer to mine. I momentarily

freeze up from his invasion. Leaning closer and closer, the side of his face brushes against my cheek

and he stills. I swallow thickly. So much for self restraint. My fingers curled into the fabric on his

shoulder from anticipation. I felt the bridge of his nose grazing up the curve of my neck and the soft,

plushness of his lips kissing the skin of my earlobe.