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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75

So how come?

How come I feel this was toward her when I was never supposed to?

“No. I don’t.”

Her response almost had me sighing out my relief. If it wasn’t obvious from the face I was making, I

was more than happy with her response. I kept my gaze on her, walking toward her only to find her

holding her ground. A smile threatened to inch across my face as she stood there, waiting.

I longed to caress the side of her face, but I withheld my desire.

So instead, I lift my hand higher,


I breathlessly whisper. Her eyes widened by a fraction as she stared at me. The word I never once

used that sounded foreign from my own mouth, had weaseled its way out. I was sure she was going to

lash out and refrain from agreeing. I could only imagine what kind of thoughts were going through her

head right now. Swallowing, the tip of my tongue swept across my lips.

Her eyes immediately followed my gesture as mine swept down to hers.

Then suddenly, her hand was in mine,

Instantly, the tingles I’ve heard so much about shot through my veins. A shiver almost passes by me

from our contact. Just the graze of of her touch had me on my knees. Warmth. Overwhelming warmth

washed down on me.

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She stiffened, almost pulling back from the shock of our touch but I held her in place.

I didn’t want to lose her touch so quickly. These feelings erupting from within me forced the unfamiliar

feel of affection to surface through. She felt so good. So right. My soul yearned for more, my body

willing to be the instrument she played as long as I could continue feeling her.

This woman was my mate.

She had to be.

There was no other explanation.

I swiped the pad of my thumb across the bumps of her knuckles. Each little ridge brought out more

feelings of endearment from me. Such soft, small fingers curling against mine. I couldn’t help but stare

at our joined hands in complete wonder. This woman was my mate.

A smile almost breaks across my face.

My mate.

The one being that would forever hold me together. The one and only person I could drown my

affection in. The one and only woman I could ever confide in and cherish for the rest of my life. My lips

tingled to kiss her knuckles. But I refrained, I didn’t want to scare her off so early. The things she heard

about me must’ve already affected her first impression.

Snapping out of my daze, I immediately begin to tug her toward the pool.

She says nothing but I feel the uncertainty in her. I knew she felt the ‘spark between us, but she was so

certain we weren’t mates. Which, I definitely didn’t understand. The intensity of the emotions. flowing

between us was incomparable to anything else.

At least, for me it was.

Once we reached the pool, I reluctantly let go of her hand.

The instant her warmth left mine, I began to miss it dearly. My wolf whined, rolling over to his back. and


laid there.

It was his way of sulking.

Lifting the same hand I sliced through, I

watched drops of my blood fall into the pool. Once the redness of my blood bled out, I craned my neck

over to Selene who still looked incredulous of what we were doing. I was certain she could see through

my poker face, the softening of her eyes told me so. She gave me a look, sighing out before taking a

dignified step toward me.

“It’s not going to work.”

She says.

My heart clenched but I ignore it.

I move aside, giving her space to walk over to the pool. I watch intently as she makes her way forward.

Walking by me, her shoulder just barely grazes against mine and once again, the eruption of tingles

swell between us. I suck in a breath, restraining my desire to pull her back to me. But she walks on as if

it never happened. She raises her hand, letting one of her claws extend and sliced down on her palm. I

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bite back a growl, a little upset that she was bleeding but knew what for.

I practically forced her into trying this out with me.

Her blood inked in the water and all I could do was stare as it cleared out. I was impatient, desperately

wanting to see that shade of blue form.

Only, it wasn’t blue.

It was red.

My eyes burned through the water. Disappointment, betrayal, sadness, confusion.

All sorts of emotions flowed through me like a typhoon and none of which were good. My shoulders

slumped back.

“Like I said,”

She whispered quietly. I could hear the distinct tone of disappointment lace her words but I don’t

comment on it. I felt the exact same way.

“Not mates.”

My throat burned, my jaw clenching tightly as I force down my emotions. My wolf says nothing but

simply watching. Not a trace of his emotions filtering through our bond. I expected him to at least react,

but nothing.

“I should’ve known it was impossible…”

I mutter to myself.

Now I just felt st upid. Stup id to actually think the Moon Goddess has let go of her grudge against my

bloodline and give me a mate. Even when I knew since at a young age that I wasn’t given one, I was

foolish enough to think that maybe I was. I’ve never doubted my fate until today.