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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52

“Alpha Locksworth, we thank you for coming here to talk about the situation with my daughter, Hestia.

Alpha Crestfield, if you will, Alpha Walker still has yet to say his part.”

Benicio sounded relieved. I turned my attention back to Locksworth who was still looking at me. I was

starting to feel self conscious from his gaze. Realizing now, just how weird it must’ve been to be staring

at each other for almost a minute, I snapped myself out of my Raizel induced fascination. Clearing my

throat, I looked back Benicio with narrowed eyes. Whatever the hell was going on, they could do

without me. I already seemed to have expected too much of them. The most I could do now was

wander around and see if I can catch anything here. That is, if I don’t get caught. I kept my eyes locked

on the Beta who seemed very shifty from Locksworth’s presence.

I couldn’t blame him.

The Alpha’s presence behind me was so overwhelming I almost didn’t notice the man who stood

behind him. Presumably, his Beta. A tall guy, slightly shorter than Locksworth with sandy blonde hair

and brown eyes stood calmly by his side. I couldn’t detect any fleeting emotion from him but I could see

the amusement in those eyes.

He and Noah would get along quite well.

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I felt heat crawl up from my back. Heat from the smoldering gaze of the Alpha behind me chaining me

to the ground I stood on. His attention initiated foreign sensations from puffing out inside me. My wolf

purred, laying on her back with her paws outstretched. She was seriously confusing me. “I have no

business here. If it isn’t pack related, I’m not interested.”

I reply sharply, not bothering to hide the venom lacing my words. I turn to leave, shooting them one last

glare and strode my way to the door.

“I’ll have to second that. I didn’t come here to entertain your daughter’s delusion from three weeks ago,


I freeze. The deep, raspy rumble from his chest lured out ripples of shudders from me. Locksworth.

directed his attention to Benicio. His eyes hardened, narrowing into slits as he released more of his

dominance into the air. Most of the occupants in the room tensed.

My wolf barked, hungrily watching the ascending signs of a fight. She ruffled her fur out, eyes switching

back and forth between the Alpha and our blood related father. I could feel her excitement trying to

overrun my emotions into a high.

Benicio glared angrily at Locksworth. His wolf peeked out, eyes slowly inking red. The shaking fists at

his side let everyone know of his arising temperament.

“Are you denying my daughter? Your mate?”

Alpha Locksworth rose a brow, amusement dancing in place with a hint of anger under those

smoldering dark eyes. Though his expression was unchanging, the way his body stiffened said

otherwise. He didn’t like the tone Benicio was giving him but he was quick to restrain the growl I knew

was bubbling in the pit of his chest. His muscles were tight, itching to reach out and put the Beta

threatening him in place.

“Frankly, yes. I’ll say this only once: she isn’t my mate, but she is a liar.”

His eyes drift to Hestia whose face is red. She looked embarrassed under his gaze, uncomfortably

fidgeting in her stance. With her eyes glued the floor, she slowly took her seat as Landon threw her a

nasty look. I could feel her wolf whine at the pressure being pointed at her.

“If you strongly believe that, then I’m sure you won’t mind if we go to the Moon Goddess’ Sacred


“Beta Benicio!”

Landon finally speaks, appalled at the challenge directed toward Locksworth. Benicio, ignoring

Landon’s interjection, continues to challenge him silently. I can see the start of a smirk on his face, but

Alpha Locksworth was quick to dismiss it with his own. A slow, dark, cynical smirk knowing no bounds

of mercy inched across his attractive face.

“Of course. But you must be prepared to pay the consequences in full once I prove you wrong, Beta.”

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His eyes darkened.

“I expect full reimbursement for all this trouble you and your daughter has been causing me. Benicio

looked taken aback, eyes darting to Hestia who refused to meet his gaze. He was positive that Hestia

was telling the truth, but then why would the Alpha be so willing to prove his point if what she said was

true. With a solemn face, he nods. Benicio was betting everything he had on the mere promise of

Hestia’s words. A promise that was so obviously untrue but he chooses to be blind


I sigh.

I was just wasting my time here.

I continue to stride out the door with Noah on my tail. My hand reached out to grab hold of the kn ob

once more when-

“Alpha Crestfield.”

I flinch, reveling away from the door and focused my gaze on Locksworth who stared heatedly at me.

His brooding dark gaze bore into me, piercing through every layer of my defenses. I felt vulnerable. My

body lit up with caution as he addressed me.

“I’d like to ask you to accompany us.”

My gaze swept through the crowd of confused faces before settling back to his awaiting one.