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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 201
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Chapter 201

That he’d be able to wedge himself into her life. That he’d easily make her forgive him just by showing

his face. After all, they were mates. A wolf’s weakness was always the mate. Selene would be no

exception to that. So he thought it would only take a few gestures. Send flowers, messages, offer some

sweet words and it’ll be it. He had somehow deluded himself that he could still fix things. That he could

patch everything up with makeshift tape.

That he could somehow salvage the future he so readily threw out for her wh ore of a sister.

He just didn’t count on the fact the fu c king Bloodlust Alpha would come in and sweep her off her feet.

It was then when it happened.

Pain shot to his neck where Hestia’s mark was laid.

His hand shot up to the source of the pain and clutched around the area where it throbbed. Landon’s

mo uth falls open to a soundless gasp as he felt every inch of his skin burn. Like his soul was

tormented and acid was biting into his skin. He ll, he felt like his skin was peeling off. As though layers

of his being was stripped bare. But it wasn’t just external pain. It was worse Inside.

He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t even close his eyes as he felt it.

The last, tiniest strand that connected him to Selene broke.

It snapped clean.

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(like Thanos)

It didn’t take long for him to realize what had happened. Mid-gasp, his eyes widened in realization. The

overwhelming sorrow he felt cloaks over him and his wolf rendered him silent. The furious growls, the

thrashing of his body and the wild eyes of his deranged wolf is all he could see.

He didn’t have the time to wallow in self pity.

Landon cried out when the pain intensified, his neck itching and burning so much that he was tempted

to just rip a patch of flesh off his neck. Like somehow, it would remedy the tenderness of his broken

bond. A cry rips from his throat, his feeble attempts in desperately hanging onto their broken bond

proved to be useless as he felt an emptiness in his heart. An emptiness that had been there for a while

since Selene left, but not to this extent.

His mate was marked.

His mate had marked another.

Selene had turned away from him.

Raizel Locksworth had claimed what was his.

He couldn’t seem to shake that thought away. The only thing he remembers is those haunting blue

eyes piercing into his. Those very blue eyes that he’d once seen shed tears of pain and betrayal, those

blue eyes that came back four years later harder than ever and now, the blue eyes he was dreading to

see with a newly made mark on her neck.

Landon couldn’t find himself to think of anything else.

Not when Hestia, his Beta and even his mother came barreling through the door to see what had

caused his screaming. He couldn’t even register the fact his father hadn’t bothered to show up, couldn’t

even register how the bed was being torn apart in his hands. Or how the room was now slashed with

claw marks.

He couldn’t register that he’d stood up, torn his shirt apart and half-shifted in complete insanity.


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary.


But most of all, he couldn’t register how his hand had wrapped itself around Hestia’s neck, lifting her off

the ground as she struggled to breathe.

I saw her eyes.

The fear in them.

The trembling of her lips.

Her small body shivering as she fought for each shaky breath she took.

I saw her eyes.

Her eyes ever so slowly beginning to s hut and I couldn’t do anything about it.

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My body, paralyzed in its stead, aching to move but couldn’t. The weakness I grew to hat e mocking me

as I couldn’t even lift my arms to brush her curls out of her face. To offer her some kind of comfort even

if I knew it wouldn’t do anything. Even if it was a lie. At least then, her fear would’ve lessened. Maybe

her whimpers would hurt less. The blood that was pouring out of her stomach, the pain in her face, her

helpless cries-

I saw him.

His body torn and and laying there in his flowers. No one to see his last moments, no one to hear the

pleas or his final words. He was probably calling after her. Telling her to run, and to find me. He

probably thought of me. Wondered if I was alright and if I made it out.

Did he blame me?

Did she blame me?

Did I still blame myself?

Even when I know that in terms of my reality there was not much I could’ve done- since I’ve been

sleeping for two days and had an attack over Landon’s mating and marking- I couldn’t help but feel that

guilt. That guilt and mocking voice that always followed me.

You could’ve saved her.

You could’ve saved him.

You could’ve held on for a few more minutes and given her a fighting chance.

If you had been strong

maybe she wouldn’t have bled to death.

The Female Alaba’s Sanctuary.