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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 198
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Chapter 198

He pulled away, marveling at the sight of his indents forever staking its claim over her.

It was done.

She was marked.

She was irrevocably, wholeheartedly and entirely his.

And she wouldn’t have had it any other way.

I felt my heart thud against my chest.

Liquid euphoria running through my veins as his teeth held onto my neck a little longer. The burning

sensation of his canines sinking into my flesh brought out a strange sense of pleasure-pain. A

combination I wasn’t even aware could feel so good. The wolf inside me howls with delight, a wanton

moan simultaneously slipping from my lips as he finally pulls away. My wolf revels in being marked.

Loving the sensation of teeth clamping down around our neck as a sign of ownership. Her body grows

limp, tongue hanging out as her tail lazily swishes back and forth. Her contentment mixing with mine

only adds to the euphoria washing over us.

She felt blissed out- h ell, so did I. I lull my head to the side, staring up at my mate who looked

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absolutely wrecked. His dark hair curling into a mess atop his head and his skin glistens with a sheet of

sweat. The tight muscles that made up his firmness was taut against me. Large hands rested tight at

my hips. Was he a dam n sight. I could feel my wolf purring in agreement.

Raizel lets out a breath, canines still out with my blood dripping from the sharp tips of his teeth. Just

looking at it made my neck sting with tenderness. I wondered how large his indents were. How large

his mark was on my neck. The larger the indents, the more the wolf. In formal introductions, wolves

would often use the wolf’s marks as reference to have a better picture on who they were dealing with.

An Alpha not yet wearing a mark would always prove to be the more trickier and riskier Alphas to


I curled my fingers around his biceps, nails digging into his skin as my hips grind hard against him.

Instantly, a bolt of electricity shot down my core. The insatiable need to have him over and over again,

especially after marking, overpowers any another thought.

The primal want and need of having him closer grows the longer I stare at him.

Raizel groans appreciatively from the back of his throat. His hips move forward to meet my small

thrusts; his coc k hardening inside me once more. His movements are slow, savory and most


I could feel a growl of annoyance rise from my chest but I feel push it back when he moves forward

particular hard. I groan, rolling my head to the side when I felt him latch his lips onto my neck again. He

kissed at my mark, worshipping his claim with chaste kisses and long licks. My sensitivity to the mark

shows in how I arch myself into him. My back curves, my breasts pressing into his chest as he nibbles

at my mark. Then again, he lodges his canines into my neck, remarking me in less than five minutes

after the first one. The natural inclination to grind myself onto him grows.

I feel the connection between us thicken. The barrier that separated us slowly started to thin out. The

warmth of his skin becomes a reminder of what I have with him. It becomes a reminder of what I have

now and forever until my last breath.

Raizel pries his lips off my neck and moves away just enough to inspect my mark.

He watches with awe as I shiver when he lifts his hand up and swipes his thumb across the indents of

his teeth. He traces the wound, noting how I shake in his hold as he does so. The fire burning in his

eyes darkens into a pool of molten desire as my wetness drips down my thighs. Slowly, he leans-

Chapter 198

forward, hips still connected with mine, and kisses the freshly made mark softly.

“My mate.”

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He murmurs, grasping onto my hair like vines. He tugs at my hair until I look to side so his lips can

have access to my shoulder. He kisses me there, mumbling to himself the same word he never thought

he’d ever say.

The satisfaction his wolf feels resonates from his tone. They were on par with one another. The two of

them leveled out in terms of control over his body. I understood him better, my connection with him just

as strong as my wolf’s connection with his. If I had thought we were close before, I was just proven

wrong. I felt completely bare to him. Vulnerable in every sense of the word. There was no hiding, no

facades, nothing that could possibly hide how one felt against the other.

We were joined.

“Are you okay?”

He asks, his eyes fleeting up and down my body with concern shining through his lust-filled gaze. The

constant needless worry he seems to have over me makes me smile. More so now after had just

marked me. Any newly marked mate would feel possessive -if not more toward their partner. I could

already begin to see how that’ll play out for the next couple of days. Cupping his jaw, I kiss his chin

chastely and nod.

“More than okay.”

He merely smiles in response. A gentle, warm smile that somehow always makes my heart skip a beat.