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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 192
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Chapter 192

I pulled her into me, reveling in the way she fit so perfectly against my chest. Her sweet scent filters

through my nose as I buried my face into the cr ook of her neck. The soft trills of her hair grazing

against my skin. My wolf and I were in sync, both just overwhelmed with the idea that our mate was.

right here. That we even had one to begin with. That now, no one could possibly deny us and call it


That despite everything the world had told me since long before, she was real and in my arms. Right

where she belonged, never to be let go now or ever.

“Mine. Entirely mine.”

I whispered, holding her tighter. Her warm, curvy body leaning into me just as tight is the only thing that

pulls me away from my thoughts. Her thick, heavenly scent surrounds me. The silky comfort of her love

envelops me whole. That familiar tinge of something floral mixed with vanilla has me feeling delirious

that a groan almost slips by me. I could taste it on my tongue, my lips ached to shower her in my

affection. To kiss every inch of the body I had already memorized and committed to memory.

Goddess, was she a blessing.

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The wolf is begging to take full control, to rub his scent all over her and mark her so no other could ever

think of taking her away. Not that anyone really would’ve had a chance or had the balls to.

She was mine.

Physically and soulfully.

The desire to lay my claim on her and have her lay her claim on me overpowers everything else. The

ultimate commitment to one another. With the reality that we were meant to be, the need to seal the

mateship hangs over me like a looming shadow. My wolf has no qualms in restraining his own thoughts

about the matter.

The only thing that reminds me that yes, this was real, and that I was not imagining all this was the way

she shuddered against me. Even now, after seeing the truth that we were mates I had a hard time

believing it. That this wasn’t just a fragment of my imagination. That I was blessed to have a soulmate

who was simply the most beautiful of all.

Everything good and right in the world all fit in one lithe body.


She mumbled, right into my chest.

I felt a put settle in my chest. Her bold claim over me satisfied both the beast and I. Yes, I was hers in

every sense of the word. Her thin arms wrapped around my torso, holding me just as tight as mine

were around her.

I knew, the moment I saw her, she was the one.

She was the one who could quite possibly be my downfall. She was the one, with those wide blue eyes

and those plump pink lips. Those small, shy smiles that get impossibly shyer when she realizes I

caught her. Her soft hands trailing up and down my body when she explores…The unpredictable,

abrupt confidence she has to be a temptress while simultaneously hold the face of an angel who knew

nothing of sin. She was the one who held my heart and although I’ve known since the minute I laid my

eyes on her, I knew that she, who was standing there wrapped around me, was someone I could never

bear to lose.

ho held my heart, was my


le, who held my heart, was my mate.

She, who held my heart, was Selene.

And I had been hers since the day I walked in Walker’s office and saw those pretty blue eyes.

He didn’t waste a second, pushing me into the room without separating his lips from mine. Deep rooted

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desire coursing through my veins as I card my fingers through his thick hair and tug on those unruly


Teeth clashed, tongues tangled, moans filled the emptiness of his bedroom, lips swelling from the

bruising the other’s lips caused. It’s absolutely filthy. Carnal desires barely restrained seeps through our

movements. Heat resonated from our bodies onto one another like a furnace fueled by the other’s

kisses. His calloused hands skimmed around the skin of my hips; rough and desperate under the force

of his grip. He curved his fingers around the fabric of the dress-both palms rested on my as s, handfuls

of flesh in his tight grip. He squeezed, eliciting a moan from me that he easily caught into his mou th.

His tongue plunged into my mo uth, teeth teasing and unyielding as he bit at my bottom lip.

Fire licked up my skin. Goosebumps rose from where his warm fingers wandered-leaving behind

invisible trails of his burning touch. It lingered there. His need, his desire, his passion. He laid it out all

for me. So much so I began to squirm with desperation. The feeling of when he squeezed a patch of

flesh, brushed against the curve of my jaw, li cked a strip up my neck made my knees wobble with

draining strength. The feeling of everything he did stayed behind like a tantalizing buzz. I felt desperate

for his touch, ached with a new profound need for his body to fit mine like a puzzle piece. I felt his

urgency behind every li ck and bite. Like he needed constant confirmation that this was real, this was
