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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 189
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Chapter 189

Raizel’s grip on my hand tightens.

“Luna was a wonderful woman. Kind, soft spoken and well, different. She wasn’t what Romanuv was

looking for. The man had ambition- he had goals, desires, thirst for power and with Luna… he couldn’t

have that. Well, at least, that’s what he thought. Luna was the first mate to have ever been. rejected.

She had been abandoned. Something completely unheard of at the time. The Goddess. couldn’t have

foretold that Romanuv would reject his mate. She makes the dots, but she doesn’t connect them. We


Her words resonate in my mind. The question lingering in my head making it so that I felt anxious.

“And you’re telling me that this… Luna, is my ancestor?”

I ask her, pinching my brows together. Goddess, just how problematic is my bloodline? Two wolves

rejected by their mates and essentially being replaced. I couldn’t stop the soft laugh escaping me.

I guess it runs in the family.

Ivory nods, smiling at me as she tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear. I can see a penny sized blue

tattoo of a small dragonfly rest at the side of her neck.

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“Yes. You are her descendent from your mother’s side.”

“If that’s so, how come I’m not cursed? If Raizel is cursed because his ancestor mated with another,

how come I’m not?”

“That’s because Luna didn’t have a choice. Romanuv did. She didn’t choose to defy the Goddess like

her mate had. She had no fault in this. All the blame rests on Romanuv. The Goddess may be

overbearing at times but she isn’t entirely cr uel. She allowed Luna to meet another wolf. A wolf who’d

lost his mate to illness. Ah-”

She snaps her fingers when a thought struck her,

“That’s another thing. Illness and death is not something the Goddess controls. When one loses at

mate to either one way too early, she can choose another who also had a similar fate and pair them

together. And so, she sees what Romanuv has done. She sees how the poor girl was left behind and

she gives her a chance. Granted, her fate was already sealed. The Goddess cannot undo the binds

she created between two souls. She can’t just snip it off like its a thread, especially since Romanuv, her

true mate, was still living. Though they couldn’t be real mates, at least Luna wasn’t lonely in her life.”

“But don’t you think its unfair? To curse a bloodline for the mistake of one person?”

Weston asks, a deep frown on his face and a bite in his tone. Clearly he didn’t approve of what was his

Alpha’s fate, much like everyone else in the room. He folds his arms across his chest and leans against

the wall. A look of slight annoyance crosses his features.

Ivory’s smile falters at the question as she glances at Raizel and Stefan.

“Yes… it is. She was angered that a Bloodline was forcibly created out of her reach. She took is as an

insult and so she punished all of you. It was unfair for Bennett to bear the sufferings Locksworth put her

through. The life she should’ve had as a strong Luna by his side was no more. The good she would’ve

brought to the world was gone. Romanuv’s betrayal forced the Goddess to rearrange mateships that

hadn’t been established yet. The woman that Analisa’s mate took lost her true mate so the Goddess

had to find one for him. It’s a domino effect, I’m afraid. Mixing and matching everything over again.”

“Are you trying to say every Locksworth since Romanuv mated with someone they weren’t supposed

to? That the mate they had was simply a … substitute because the mateships were

The Tamala Aluba’s Sanctuary rearranged?”

Stefan speaks up, angered by the insinuation that Laura wasn’t rightfully his. Laura herself looked a

little crestfallen, so much that it actually stung in my chest to see her make such a face.

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“Not exactly. The ‘curse’ was the price to pay for their mate. In exchange for the mate she saw the

bloodline unworthy of, she would take part of them away. Sight, a leg, an arm, hearing… It’s give and

take. It wasn’t entirely because she was being petty. The Goddess cannot control you but she can

bestow “gifts” or “curses”. I never said the Goddess was kind. The mates your bloodline had after

Romanuv was your true mate. The Goddess made it so. That leads us to the rogues once more.

Rogues are usually descendants of those from rejected bloodlines. From DNA we consider to be ant

abomination. They become even more immune to the Goddess’ will because of the fact they were born

out of her plans, hence their desires to rule over her.”

I bite my bottom lip when I finally ask her,

“And what has this got to do with Raizel and I?”

Ivory gives me a warm grin as she looks between us. The unmistakable joy in those eyes renders me


“It means that you were always fated to be. If I’m being honest, I’m not sure if she planned for this to

happen but…Everything is coming into full circle. Your bloodline was always supposed to intertwine

with Locksworth’s. This doesn’t mean your mother was supposed to be Stefan’s mate. For a long time,

the Goddess forced your two families apart. I don’t have an answer as to why she stopped that


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuar