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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 188
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Chapter 188

Ivory leans against the cushion of the single couch. She knots her fingers together, sliding a leg over

her knee as she settles in her seat. The air around her screams elegance. Her posture, expression,

body language. The rhythmic tapping of her fingernails against the wooden armrest eliminates the

complete silence on our end.

We were all in the Alpha’s office now, watching the woman unclip her cloak so that the thick, red wool

pools around her frame. She was a beautiful woman; pale blue, supple skin with inked markings

stretching for miles from the top of her head to the tips of her toes, beautiful, sharp orange eyes with

flecks of green surrounding the irises. She had thick green hair smoothened into a loose ponytail she

tied off with a ribbon. Her lean but slender figure constricted in the confines of her black, long sleeved


Raizel and I sat opposite of her. His fingers intertwined with mine with vin e-li ke grip and rested right at

his knee. I could sense the inner turmoil in his mind after what she’d said about some ancestor. His

confusion clouded over with heavy thought showing on his face. It felt like things had clicked in his

mind yet had only manage to confuse me even more.

I had no ancestor named Luna Bennett.

At least, none that I know of

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“Can you start from the beginning?”

I surprise everyone from their thoughts. Isaac’s confusion being the one I felt most due to our bond. I

didn’t mean to sound so accusing, but with all the confusion catching up to me, my disbelief slipped. I

didn’t necessarily believe her but I knew I couldn’t be too closed minded.

“Of course,”

Ivory licked her lips slowly, staring at the floor with distant eyes like she was stuck in a memory. She

took in a small breath and sighed.

“I suppose I should start off by clarifying the Moon Goddess’ role and her powers. Most wolves assume

that she controls everything. Fate, destiny- whatever you want to call it. While to an extent, that’s true,

there’s also much to recognize as untrue. The moment we come into existence, we get tied to another

soul. Our mate. Everyone has one. The Goddess is the one who ties us together. She binds our soul to

the one she saw fit to be our match. She predetermines who you will have before you’re even

conceived but it won’t be in effect until the moment a wolf takes their first breath. She outlines our fate,

but she never forces it as most believe. Think of her as an architect. She designs our lives like

architects would buildings but in the end of the day, the ones who build the actual structure are others.

She doesn’t take the bricks and cement them together. The ones who build our lives is none other but

ourselves. What most wolves fail to realize is, that although she bound us to another, she doesn’t

control us.”

Ivory leans forward and swept her gaze around the room,

“We still make the choices in our lives. We are the ultimate deciders. We consciously choose to do

things. The Goddess is there to guide us to the road, but it’s still entirely our decision whether or not to

actually use it. Yes, your wolf is there to act as another guide, but holistically, it is still our humanity that

has control. Most wolves follow her guidance… others, well, they don’t.”


Isaac mumbles, glaring down at the floor. Ivory lifts her eyes to glance at him but nods silently. The

frown on her face and the pity in her eyes tells me she knows more about our past than I initially

assumed. I instantly bristled, thinking back to Duskfall before forcibly shutting my mind off.


The Female Aloha’s Samehuset

Chapter 188

“Yes. Rogues. Rogues are those who completely disregarded the Goddess’ wishes. They seek to

destroy balance and obtain more power for themselves. Rogues are the ones who choose not to take

the path the Goddess guides us to- they’re the ones who take the complete opposite. The ones who

only seek to wreck havoc for a new order. The ones who wish to destroy that road so no one else can

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use it.”

Her eyes fleet over to me and they flashed with interest,

“And then there’s those who wish to defy the mateship.”

I could feel Stefan and Laura’s confused gazes biting into me, even Violet and Xavier’s (though I’m

sure they have no clue as to what was going on here) burn into the side of

my face.

“Those that defy the mateship blur the reality the Goddess has foreseen us with. Pups that never

should’ve existed are born and the pups that should have existed never did. Romanuv Locksworth,

ancestor of the Young Alpha, was the first to propose the division of land among packs. Everyone

knows this. It’s common knowledge.”

She shrugs,

“What people typically don’t know is that he was also the first to deny the Goddess’ gift. He rejected his

mate. He became the, forgive me for the lack of a better word, trendsetter. The moment he had his heir

with Analisa, the woman he chose over his mate, he essentially destroyed the Goddess* agenda. The

outline of the future crumbled with that choice. He didn’t realize there’d be a butterfly effect with that

decision… The mate of Analisa mated with another, mixing genes that should never have been. They

had pups that was never predetermined. And then there was Luna Bennett.”


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuar