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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 187
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Chapter 187

Taking hold on the door k nob, he turns it and opens the door wide open to reveal the last person he

had ever expected to see.

“Hello there, Stefan. I came to speak to Selene. I know she’s here.”

Isaac stands, guards up at the sound of his Alpha’s name being said. He narrowed his gaze at the red

cloaked figure, unable to make a proper assessment of her strength until his eyes zeroed in on her

finger.Or rather, what was on her finger.

A serpent ring.

A witch.

“Ivory, what’s going on?”

Stefan’s voice was void of any pleasantries. The rough, serious edge in his tone was making Isaac’s

wolf struggle with the need to submit. The witch didnt seen affected. She simply smiles, darting her

bright orange eyes across the room before settling her gaze back to Stefan. She doesn’t even falter

when she makes her way in.

“I need to speak to her about her fate. Or rather, what was of her ancestor’s fate.”

“What? What are you-”

“Isaac? Are you alright?”

Selene stepped out of the room, looking at her Gamm a in concern with Raizel following after her. Isaac

felt a sigh of relief leave him when he sees the tension from the latter was relieved and no longer

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hanging over him like a cloud. As much as he wishes he could say all was well, the newly introduced

female standing in front of him said otherwise.

It didn’t take long för Selene to catch sight of the woman.

She stared at her, a weird look in her eyes as she took in the witch. Just like Isaac, she immediately

caught on from the ring the woman wore.


Selene frowned, unsure of what to say. The witch put her on guard. Whether it was because of the way

she smiled dreamily at her or the thick scent of her power was unclear. Raizel pressed himself behind

her and snaked an arm around her waist protectively, looking down at the witch with slight suspicion

before speaking,

“Ivory. What brings you here?”

Ivory doesn’t let everyones mood dampen her smile. She steps forward, aware of their stiffening

postures until she came face to face with Selene. She marvels at the fact that the female Alpha doesn’t

waver in her presence, just like the mate she has. Everything was coming into place, just like she

always knew it would years and years ago since entering the Young Alphas vision. She was glad they

finally found each other.

“Hello, Young Alpha. It’s been a while. I came to speak to your mate.”

Raizel tightens his hold around Selene’s waist.

“Speak to me? About what?”

Isaac is a little baffled at Selene claiming the title of his mate, but he felt a burst of joy rumble from the

depths of his heart for her. Words

s couldn’t convey how happy he was that Selene finally found the one to complete her. True mate or

not, Raizel was undoubtedly the only one she was meant to be

Chapter 187


“About your fate. About the vision. And of course, about Luna Bennett.”

Ivory smiles when she sees Selene’s brows furrow.

“The woman Romanuv Locksworth rejected. His mate.”

Her gaze cuts to Raizel when realization slowly sinks into him. She looks at Selene once more, her

ruby red lips widening until her pearly white teeth is showcased.

“Your ancestor.”

“What? Raizel, what’s going on?”

I look over to the man behind me, hoping he had some form of answer as to what this woman was

spouting. My wolf had been dormant for the most part of today, more than a little exhausted from the

amount of energy we used up but after recognizing the possible sign of a threat, she was quick to get


She pushed aside the fatigue and watched with intense interest as the woman smiled up at us. Her

ears perked up and straightened, body tense and bushy dark grey tail raised.

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Her beady black eyes skimmed over the red cloak that Ivory wore.

“I came here to speak with Alpha Crestfield. Nothing less and nothing more.”

Came Ivory’s soft response to my wolf’s unease. My wolf relaxed her shoulders, taking Ivory’s words in

stride and when recognizing no lie in her tone, huffed before settling down in my mind. She sent forth

waves of caution before resting her head on her paws.

“Ivory, what exactly are you implying here? What of Luna?”

My gaze slides over to Stefan. His expression pinched, fists clenching and unclenching from the nerves

steeling his posture. A permanent frown plastered on his expression with his jaw tight with warning.

“I’m not implying anything, Stefan. I’m simply stating reality.”

“The reality of?”

Raizel’s deep voice cut from behind me, his arm that wrapped around my waist pulling me closer into

his chest until I was practically crushed against him. My wolf sighed in contentment, basking in his

warmth but never letting her eyes wander from Ivory.

Ivory hums but the smile on her face remained.

“I think it’s best we take this up in your office.”

The witch let her eyes glide over the rest of us, taking note of who was here and listening in.

“There’s much to explain.”

“I’m sure you’re all confused. Possibly not even aware of what’s going on, but before I start, I must tell

you that everything you’re about to hear is true. All has been written down and recorded by the

Goddess. She’s shown me the memories herself through visions. Nothing I tell you is fabricated or

twisted with some truths added in the mix. Whether or not you believe me is up to you, but I swear on

the Goddess and my loyalty to the Order that I’m truthful in all I’ll say.”