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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 179
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Chapter 179

I quickly look away, following Laura as she pulled us out of view. White hot embarrassment stain my

cheeks. The instinct to mark him showsthrough the decorations on his skin. While my wolf puffed at the

sight, finding our claim laying on a vulnerable part of him as a victory against competition, I for one

found it a lot more embarrassing than anything else.

Laura walked us down the corridor, a few wolves we passed by bowing their heads in respect for the

preceding Luna before giving me a curious glance. Most of them stopping in their step to sniff the air

before eyes would widen into saucers when they’d caught their Alpha’s scent on me. If our combined

scents weren’t enough of an indicator that I slept with him, it’d be the clothes I was wearing. The worst

part would be the huge grin splitting their faces as they had no shame in hiding their delight.

Laura strode over to the end of the hall, stopping in front of a room with two wooden double doors. She

didn’t hesitate in turning the k nob and pushing the door open for me. I timidly walk into the room

feeling like I was intruding.

It didn’t take much to know this was where Laura and Stefan stayed.

Or at least, did stay.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Their scents lingered in the room faintly. Like they hadn’t used it in a long time. I had a hunch they

hadn’t been here in a while even before entering the room. Most Alpha pairs after passing their reign

down the bloodline would live out of the Pack house. Some would stay within the borders while others

would live completely off territory. It wasn’t mandatory per se but rather an unwritten tradition. Wolves

found it unnerving having too much Alpha presence at the same time. Even when formally passing the

title down, the presence of an Alpha never fades. It’s why Meredith is quick to come as she is quick to


I walked to the center of the room, allowing my wolf to get accustomed to the scents and environment

we were suddenly sucked into. She didn’t offer much input about how she felt. No unsettling feeling or

hostility pulsing in our bond. She was curious, slightly intrigued with a dash of wonder bubbling in her


I was so taken by the familiar yet foreign feel of the room that I hadn’t noticed Laura sauntering off to

the wardrobe at the end of the room. She’d slipped her hands through the metallic handles and yanked

it open, a flare of dresses all ranging from greys to vibrant yellows welcoming my eyes. I was a little

worried when she skimmed over the neon colors.

Every so often she would mutter out a soft, ‘no’ or ‘not quite’ until she stopped at a knee length, flowy

white dress. Something sparked through me. A sense of belonging but somehow still misplaced. It

wasn’t anything extravagant but somehow even the simple pearl beading at the waistline was enough

to make it stand out. I felt connected to the dress- odd as it sounded.

She pulled the dress out, giving the outfit a once over with a dignified nod before she peered over to

me. She smiled to herself, walking in six strides with the dress over her forearm. In her other hand a

fresh, packaged set of underwear I didn’t dare question. Tucking a loose graying black lock behind her

ear, she held out the dress in her arm,

“Go on. Get changed. I always had an extra set of unused underwear here in case of… situations. I’ll

be right here when you finish. I hope it isn’t too tight or loose, you look about the same size as me.”

I flush at the little innuendo. The softness in her voice was comforting but I couldn’t shake off the

feeling of being a burden. I was perfectly fine wearing Raizel’s clothing and it felt like she was fussing

herself over me too much. I didn’t want to feel indebted. It’s s tupid yes, but it felt weird being fussed

over by her. She must’ve sensed my hesitation. The smile on her face only widened when she patiently

touched the side of my arm,


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Chapter 179

“I apologize if I’m being overbearing but please don’t think you’re intruding. I simply can’t overlook a

pretty little thing such as yourself drowning in mens clothing. Besides,”

Laura smirked,

“-it’d be a waste to miss an opportunity to see a flustered Raizel, wouldn’t you say so?”

I couldn’t resist the laugh spilling from my lips. For a moment I saw a glimpse of Meredith inside Laura.

The playful snark in her eyes reminding me so much of Meredith’s hazel ones. I had no doubt the two

would be good friends. A dangerous combination.

Taking the dress and underwear from her hold, I looked over to the bathroom and went toward it after

receiving a nod of approval from Laura. Stripping down naked after I locked the door, I slid the on the

silky fabric over my body after putting on the undergarments and looked at myself.

There was in fact, a few hi ckeys down my neck that the the boat neck neckline of the dress did nothing

to conceal. The purplish blues on my skin showcased for all to see. Laura had to have seen them but

thankfully made no comment. Unlike her, I was certain the minute Meredith sees them, she’d pass out.

Maybe follow up with breaking the news to Elizabeth and Williams before all three. would go to

interrogate me.
