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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 178
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Chapter 178

“It’s a pleasure, Alpha Crestfield-”


Stefan blinks at the interruption but smiles a bit wider all the same,

“Selene then. I’m Stefan Locksworth, Raizel’s father. And this beautiful woman right here, is Laura. His

mother and my mate.”

I manage to smile at them, taking the hand Stefan offered me into a firm handshake. For the briefest

moment, Stefan flinches from my touch before looking at me in wonder. There’s something unreadable

in the way he looked at me. Like I had done something he was trying to work in his head. A silent

question in the furrow of his brow, prominent.

“The pleasure is all mine.”

I tell him, turning to Laura whose radiant smile never wavered.

“We’re really sorry to have sprung this up on you, but I simply couldn’t wait to meet you. Ever since

Williams spoke of you those many years ago, I always wondered what you were like in person. He

spoke of you so highly I couldn’t help myself. Especially since you and my young Rome are seeing one



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My gaze flickers to Raizel who doesn’t seem the slightest bit concerned about the nickname. He merely

watches his mother fuss about me while wordlessly holding up the silent little girl.

My brows rose at her words. Williams spoke about me before? To her? I was sure he didn’t say

anything bad, but it was intriguing. He never mentioned knowing Raizel’s parents… then again it should

be obvious he did since he was, after all, the Chancellor and the overseer of all the wolves. He would

have had to work with Stefan during his reign as Alpha.

“He’s a good friend of mine.”

I tell her with as much sincerity as I could bleed into my words. Laura nodded, looking at Stefan fondly.

She raised her hand to his chest, absentmindedly rubbing her thumb on the fabric of his shirt as she

stared up to her mate with a soft look. Her face suddenly scrunches up like she had tasted something

sour. She turns back to me and scans me up and down half amused and half mortified,

“We have to get you changed. That won’t do. A lady such as yourself should wear nothing but the best.

Come with me.”

Laura pulls away from her mate, looping her arm around mine before tugging me in the direction of the

stairs. In slight panic, i look to Raizel who’d already been looking at me, I could feel my nerves s pike

up with the thought of being alone with her. I was accustomed to conversing with new people, but this

was the first time I was meeting my lover’s parents. Surely it was a lot more nerve-wracking than some

conversation about pack politics and whatnot.

Searching his eyes for any hint of help, I felt myself tense when his heated gaze swept down my body


“I actually like what you’re wearing,”

He shrugs, his eyes trailing down the loose shirt and sweatpants I wore, I could practically see and

hear the Alpha in him purring in content at the sight of me in his clothes.

“You don’t have to change.”



The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary


Chapter 178


Stefan lets out a chuckle from his son’s comment but shuts up when the woman beside me narrows

her gaze at him. Not wasting a minute, Laura glares at her son, effectively wiping the smirk playing on

his lips but the amusement still lingered.

“Raizel Roman Locksworth, wipe that look off your face right this instant. Your scent is already all over

the woman, there’s no need for her to wear your clothes. No one is going to steal her from you. They’d

be out of their mind to think of it. Don’t think I don’t see that Alpha-possessiveness rolling off of you.”

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Did she just call out the Bloodlust Alpha?

I look to Isaac who’d gotten up, trying to pull the child pulling at his locks away. He had the boy perched

on his forearm just as Raizel had the little girl. The image of two strong men cradling children an odd,

but endearing sight.

Raizel’s face doesn’t change nor does he say anything, but the slight pinkness in his cheeks and the

awkward clearing of his throat when he tore his gaze away spoke for him. Stefan smirked in place of

his son, running his gaze over to me knowingly and suddenly I find myself seeing Raizel in forty years

and honestly?

His genes are a blessing to both man and wolf kind.

“Anyway, lets go Selene. I know I have something for you to wear somewhere.”

She takes my hand in hers, leading me up the stairs when I cast one last glance at the men. Isaac still

looking a little pressed as the child aggressively yanks at his hair. I feel him grumbling about ‘the poor

roots he drowned in conditioner’. Heat sparked up my body when his gaze rakes over me. Shifting my

eyes, Raizel watches over me with a soft smile playing on his lips while Stefan watches the exchange

with softened, knowing eyes. I feel a blush rush to my face when he smirks, sliding his gaze to Raizel’s

neck that I just noticed sports a h ickey.

A Selene certified love mark.
