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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 174
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Chapter 174

“How about one of us go through the vents? I’m sure one of us could fit. Or we could just take our

chances, walk up to the door and ask if they’re making children.”

Isaac and Emerson share a look that said “he’s so f ucking st upid” before shifting their judgmental

eyes on the person who coaxed such a reaction from them. They’d figured he was kidding, but they

soon realized they’d underestimated Weston’s spontaneous streak. Before either one of them had a

chance to thoroughly reject his idea and explain in depth of what Alpha Locksworth would do to him if

he interrupted, Weston had jumped to his feet and started sk ip ping in the direction of the door.

“For f ucks sake-”

Emerson bolted up, quickly going after the the Beta in hopes to stop the man from signing his own

death warrant. He grabbed his wrist, yanking him back to which Weston let out a startled yelp and

glared at him. Dark eyes narrow down on green ones.

“What the hell, Em-”

“Do you really want to die?”

Emerson hissed, warily looking at the door a few feet down like he was half expecting his Alpha to just

rip through it and throttle them on sight- no questions asked.

“Oh come on, Em. You can’t tell me you aren’t curious. They’ve been in there for literally-”

Weston glances over at his watch, working the numbers in his head,

“Fourteen hours, thirty-six minutes and fifteen seconds.”

He shakes his head whistling.

“And not even for a second have either one of them come out. Must I remind you that they had

someone from the kitchen bring them up food? Let me rephrase that in case you missed it: Raizel f

ucking Locksworth had someone bring them food since they refused to come down in the dining hall

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

and I’m dam n sure the poor kitchen girl they scarred wasn’t blushing because of the color of his


Weston wiggled his eyebrows, trying to lure the ga mma into going along with his ploy.

Emerson didn’t take the bait. He rolled his eyes, hoping no one would call him out on the slight redness

in his cheeks and took Weston by the collar of his shirt to drag him back to where Isaac stayed

hunched over. The latter wasnt doing so well with his own red hue sprinkled over his cheeks. He loved

Selene and all, but he really didn’t want to hear about her fantastic sex life.

“Let’s go, Everdale. We don’t need this idiot interrupting anythin


and getting us all killed in the

Emerson grumbled, the redness making its way to his neck. Isaac trails behind the two, holding back a

slight smirk when Weston whines and makes grabby hands in the direction of the door. Its amazing

how similar he was to Noah- no matter how much they denied it. He’d never admit it but earlier before

he nearly called Weston ‘Noah’ just as he caught himself. The embarrassment was real. He knew if

either one of the Beta’s found out, they’d never live it down. It would be a constant joke they’d make to

get a crac k at him.

“Seriously West, are you actually that concerned about his sex life?”

Emerson asked, letting his hold around Weston’s collar go when he tugged him toward the stairs.

much Weston’s protests only got louder and whinier when he caught sight of the railing. He still very

wanted to see what was going on. Possibly co ck block if he could. He thought it was in his right since

he wasn’t allowed to attend the field trip that Emerson had a pleasure of going on. In response,

Emerson got sharper with his words. It was quite a scene. The Gam ma pulling the Beta down the

stairs by the hand like a mother scolding her child for hitting another student at school. The pout on the

said Beta’s face didn’t help. They were quite a sight; the three of them. Isaac wordlessly followed like a

lost puppy, effectively catching the attention of the many, many passerby’s.

Weston groans, tugging his hand back only for Emerson to tighten his hold.

“I just want to know if I’m gonna be an uncle so early in my life.”

He exclaims in exasperation. Emerson stops midstep and raises a challenging brow at his reason. He

worked with the man for years, he would know when he was lying. Weston chewed on the inside of his

cheek and a slow, sheepish smile spread across his lips.

“…and Meredith Crestfield may or may not have asked me to keep watch and update her through text.”

The smug grin on Weston’s face makes Isaac groan internally. Meredith’s devious grin flashes through

his eyes at the sound of her name. He could easily imagine the kind of thing those two were talking

about. He sighs, hanging his head and puts his hands at his hips.

“Of course she did.”

He mumbled to himself. He wouldn’t be surprised if Noah was part of this too. No, in fact, he was a

hundred percent certain the brunette was.

“Meredith Crestfield?”

Emerson repeats. He thought back to the previous Greyhound Alpha he had enormous respect for. The

female Alpha that led a powerful pack with no mate by her side. If there was one thing Emerson Vince

respected, it was the way Meredith held her ground against Alpha’s who’d talked her down merely for

being a woman- a mateless one at that.


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

he wasn’t allowed to attend the field trip that Emerson had a pleasure of going on. In response,

Emerson got sharper with his words. It was quite a scene. The Gam ma pulling the Beta down the

stairs by the hand like a mother scolding her child for hitting another student at school. The pout on the

said Beta’s face didn’t help. They were quite a sight; the three of them. Isaac wordlessly followed like a

lost puppy, effectively catching the attention of the many, many passerby’s.

Weston groans, tugging his hand back only for Emerson to tighten his hold.

“I just want to know if I’m gonna be an uncle so early in my


He exclaims in exasperation. Emerson stops midstep and raises a challenging brow at his reason. He

worked with the man for years, he would know when he was lying. Weston chewed on the inside of his

cheek and a slow, sheepish smile spread across his lips.

“…and Meredith Crestfield may or may not have asked me to keep watch and update her through


The smug grin on Weston’s face makes Isaac groan internally. Meredith’s devious grin flashes through

his eyes at the sound of her name. He could easily imagine the kind of thing those two were talking

about. He sighs, hanging his head and puts his hands at his hips.

“Of course she did.”

He mumbled to himself. He wouldn’t be surprised if Noah was part of this too. No, in fact, he was a

hundred percent certain the brunette was.

“Meredith Crestfield?”

Emerson repeats. He thought back to the previous Greyhound Alpha he had enormous respect for. The

female Alpha that led a powerful pack with no mate by her side. If there was one thing Emerson Vince

respected, it was the way Meredith held her ground against Alpha’s who’d talked her down merely for

being a woman- a mateless one at that.