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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 163
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Chapter 163

Raizel tilts his head to the side, confusion inscribed with a tormented frown. The creases on his

forehead displaying his slight displeasure at the loss of contact. The desire to trace every dip and curve

of his form grips my heart in my chest. Swallowing, I run my hands over his shoulder-blades, enjoying

the ridges of his muscles tensing.

He’s watching silently, bright eyes taking in my every move. He’s alert but calm. Excited but nervous.

Then slowly, ever so slowly, I drag my hands down his chest before settling in the center.

I stare up at him, keeping our eye contact and found the first stud of his shirt

and unbuttoned it.

!!!! smirky smirk smirk !!!!

There’s no need for any exchange of words.

No need to clarify anything when I continue my work.

Button after button, his shirt opens to reveal a strip of his toned chest. I had to keep my eyes from

lingering, trying hard to focus at the task of taking his shirt off. Gawking at his figure was something I

planned to do later. Heat bubbled in the pit of my stomach, forcing a blush over my skin. My cheeks,

my neck, my ears, I felt hot everywhere. His perfectly proportioned body staying still as he waits.

Gently, my nails graze against his abs when I unbutton the last one.

He groans, body flinching when I let my hands rest at his hips. The pleasurable tingles run through me

when I glide my hands over his abdomen, up his chest and to his shoulders. Our eyes connect, his

breathing going hard when I slip my fingers under the fabric of shirt and unhurriedly brush the clothing

off his shoulders and arms until it fell to the floor.

He’s quick to understand where this is going. We both hurriedly take our shoes off and by the time I

bend back up, Im caught at a stand still.

I suck in a sharp breath, unable to resist the urge to run my eyes down his bare upper body. His

sculpted torso teasing me to the point of desperation. I bite back a moan, chewing on my lips at the

delicious sight of him. The pants he wore stuck snug at his hips to which I could see the beginnings of

his happy trail leading the area below his belt. I force my eyes up, leaning toward him and twisting the

shower k nob to the right.

Water sprinkles over his head, drenching him and I completely but we never take our eyes off each

other. The blood that dried on his skin washing away to reveal slight marks of which the scratches

were. It was only now that I realized he had a small tattoo on his chest in the shape of a crescent


Without thinking, I reach out. The tips of my fingers tracing around the ink when his hand gently holds

mine to stop it. I look up to him, slightly afraid he didn’t like it when he pulls my hand to his face. He

presses a firm kiss on my wrist, sticking the tip of his tongue out to trail up and over the heel of my

hand, to my palm and finally

to my fingers.

My breath catches in my throat. The heat burning between my legs runs rampant. No matter how cool

the water was set, we were burning hot. We were soaked. My shirt clinging onto the shape of my body

like my pants were. My hair was in a similar state, sticking onto my skin as his did.

We shamelessly drank in the other’s bodies; loving the sight of each other dripping wet. Hands twitch to

touch, squeeze, hold and caress. The atmosphere sexual and strained. It was a waiting


Chapter 163

game.Both of us waiting for the trigger. Waiting to unleash the neediness we both suffered.

It’s almost too much.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

A startled noise came from the back of my throat when he drops my hand to lay both of his on my

waist. He looks at me, eyes questioning as he curls his fingers around the hem of my shirt. He doesn’t

move until I respond. I can barely feel myself nod when he lifts the now skin tight fabric up and over my

chest until it’s completely discarded.

He drops my shirt to the floor. His hands wandering at my waist as he breathes in deeply. Heated dark

eyes raking down the swell of my chest only covered by a black bra. He swallows thickly, eyes meeting

mine when he slowly dips his head down. The hooded look in his grey orbs so enticingly seductive I

have to force myself from acting out.

I follow his lead mindlessly. There’s no room for doubt, second guessing or even thinking of the

aftermath. Allowing myself this one moment to be led by this trance and sexual tension. Goddess it felt

like forever. Inch by inch the space between us is erased until our lips touch.

The was his lips molds against mine is heavenly. Hands reach out to grasp onto each other in

desperation. They run down his back, nails digging into his skin as he lets out a low moan.

His own hands find their way back to my waist until one of them disappears into my hair. He pulls at the

hair-tie, releasing my hair from a ponytail so he could twist his fingers around them. The water raining

over us do nothing to extinguish the ever-growing flame holding us together.

13:14 Chapter 163

Raizel tilts his head to the side, confusion inscribed with a tormented frown. The creases on his

forehead displaying his slight displeasure at the loss of contact. The desire to trace every dip and curve

of his form grips my heart in my chest. Swallowing, I run my hands over his shoulder-blades, enjoying

the ridges of his muscles tensing.

He’s watching silently, bright eyes taking in my every move. He’s alert but calm. Excited but nervous.

Then slowly, ever so slowly, I drag my hands down his chest before settling in the center.

I stare up at him, keeping our eye contact and found the first stud of his shirt

and unbuttoned it.

!!!! smirky smirk smirk !!!!

There’s no need for any exchange of words.

No need to clarify anything when I continue my work.

Button after button, his shirt opens to reveal a strip of his toned chest. I had to keep my eyes from

lingering, trying hard to focus at the task of taking his shirt off. Gawking at his figure was something I

planned to do later. Heat bubbled in the pit of my stomach, forcing a blush over my skin. My cheeks,

my neck, my ears, I felt hot everywhere. His perfectly proportioned body staying still as he waits.

Gently, my nails graze against his abs when I unbutton the last one.

He groans, body flinching when I let my hands rest at his hips. The pleasurable tingles run through me

when I glide my hands over his abdomen, up his chest and to his shoulders. Our eyes connect, his

breathing going hard when I slip my fingers under the fabric of shirt and unhurriedly brush the clothing

off his shoulders and arms until it fell to the floor.

He’s quick to understand where this is going. We both hurriedly take our shoes off and by the time I

bend back up, Im caught at a stand still.

I suck in a sharp breath, unable to resist the urge to run my eyes down his bare upper body. His

sculpted torso teasing me to the point of desperation. I bite back a moan, chewing on my lips at the

delicious sight of him. The pants he wore stuck snug at his hips to which I could see the beginnings of

his happy trail leading the area below his belt. I force my eyes up, leaning toward him and twisting the

shower k nob to the right.

Water sprinkles over his head, drenching him and I completely but we never take our eyes off each

other. The blood that dried on his skin washing away to reveal slight marks of which the scratches

were. It was only now that I realized he had a small tattoo on his chest in the shape of a crescent


Without thinking, I reach out. The tips of my fingers tracing around the ink when his hand gently holds

mine to stop it. I look up to him, slightly afraid he didn’t like it when he pulls my hand to his face. He

presses a firm kiss on my wrist, sticking the tip of his tongue out to trail up and over the heel of my

hand, to my palm and finally

to my fingers.

My breath catches in my throat. The heat burning between my legs runs rampant. No matter how cool

the water was set, we were burning hot. We were soaked. My shirt clinging onto the shape of my body

like my pants were. My hair was in a similar state, sticking onto my skin as his did.

We shamelessly drank in the other’s bodies; loving the sight of each other dripping wet. Hands twitch to

touch, squeeze, hold and caress. The atmosphere sexual and strained. It was a waiting


Chapter 163

game.Both of us waiting for the trigger. Waiting to unleash the neediness we both suffered.

It’s almost too much.

A startled noise came from the back of my throat when he drops my hand to lay both of his on my

waist. He looks at me, eyes questioning as he curls his fingers around the hem of my shirt. He doesn’t

move until I respond. I can barely feel myself nod when he lifts the now skin tight fabric up and over my

chest until it’s completely discarded.

He drops my shirt to the floor. His hands wandering at my waist as he breathes in deeply. Heated dark

eyes raking down the swell of my chest only covered by a black bra. He swallows thickly, eyes meeting

mine when he slowly dips his head down. The hooded look in his grey orbs so enticingly seductive I

have to force myself from acting out.

I follow his lead mindlessly. There’s no room for doubt, second guessing or even thinking of the

aftermath. Allowing myself this one moment to be led by this trance and sexual tension. Goddess it felt

like forever. Inch by inch the space between us is erased until our lips touch.

The was his lips molds against mine is heavenly. Hands reach out to grasp onto each other in

desperation. They run down his back, nails digging into his skin as he lets out a low moan.

His own hands find their way back to my waist until one of them disappears into my hair. He pulls at the

hair-tie, releasing my hair from a ponytail so he could twist his fingers around them. The water raining

over us do nothing to extinguish the ever-growing flame holding us together.

13:14 Chapter 163

Raizel tilts his head to the side, confusion inscribed with a tormented frown. The creases on his

forehead displaying his slight displeasure at the loss of contact. The desire to trace every dip and curve

of his form grips my heart in my chest. Swallowing, I run my hands over his shoulder-blades, enjoying

the ridges of his muscles tensing.

He’s watching silently, bright eyes taking in my every move. He’s alert but calm. Excited but nervous.

Then slowly, ever so slowly, I drag my hands down his chest before settling in the center.

I stare up at him, keeping our eye contact and found the first stud of his shirt

and unbuttoned it.

!!!! smirky smirk smirk !!!!

There’s no need for any exchange of words.

No need to clarify anything when I continue my work.

Button after button, his shirt opens to reveal a strip of his toned chest. I had to keep my eyes from

lingering, trying hard to focus at the task of taking his shirt off. Gawking at his figure was something I

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

planned to do later. Heat bubbled in the pit of my stomach, forcing a blush over my skin. My cheeks,

my neck, my ears, I felt hot everywhere. His perfectly proportioned body staying still as he waits.

Gently, my nails graze against his abs when I unbutton the last one.

He groans, body flinching when I let my hands rest at his hips. The pleasurable tingles run through me

when I glide my hands over his abdomen, up his chest and to his shoulders. Our eyes connect, his

breathing going hard when I slip my fingers under the fabric of shirt and unhurriedly brush the clothing

off his shoulders and arms until it fell to the floor.

He’s quick to understand where this is going. We both hurriedly take our shoes off and by the time I

bend back up, Im caught at a stand still.

I suck in a sharp breath, unable to resist the urge to run my eyes down his bare upper body. His

sculpted torso teasing me to the point of desperation. I bite back a moan, chewing on my lips at the

delicious sight of him. The pants he wore stuck snug at his hips to which I could see the beginnings of

his happy trail leading the area below his belt. I force my eyes up, leaning toward him and twisting the

shower k nob to the right.

Water sprinkles over his head, drenching him and I completely but we never take our eyes off each

other. The blood that dried on his skin washing away to reveal slight marks of which the scratches

were. It was only now that I realized he had a small tattoo on his chest in the shape of a crescent


Without thinking, I reach out. The tips of my fingers tracing around the ink when his hand gently holds

mine to stop it. I look up to him, slightly afraid he didn’t like it when he pulls my hand to his face. He

presses a firm kiss on my wrist, sticking the tip of his tongue out to trail up and over the heel of my

hand, to my palm and finally

to my fingers.

My breath catches in my throat. The heat burning between my legs runs rampant. No matter how cool

the water was set, we were burning hot. We were soaked. My shirt clinging onto the shape of my body

like my pants were. My hair was in a similar state, sticking onto my skin as his did.

We shamelessly drank in the other’s bodies; loving the sight of each other dripping wet. Hands twitch to

touch, squeeze, hold and caress. The atmosphere sexual and strained. It was a waiting


Chapter 163

game.Both of us waiting for the trigger. Waiting to unleash the neediness we both suffered.

It’s almost too much.

A startled noise came from the back of my throat when he drops my hand to lay both of his on my

waist. He looks at me, eyes questioning as he curls his fingers around the hem of my shirt. He doesn’t

move until I respond. I can barely feel myself nod when he lifts the now skin tight fabric up and over my

chest until it’s completely discarded.

He drops my shirt to the floor. His hands wandering at my waist as he breathes in deeply. Heated dark

eyes raking down the swell of my chest only covered by a black bra. He swallows thickly, eyes meeting

mine when he slowly dips his head down. The hooded look in his grey orbs so enticingly seductive I

have to force myself from acting out.

I follow his lead mindlessly. There’s no room for doubt, second guessing or even thinking of the

aftermath. Allowing myself this one moment to be led by this trance and sexual tension. Goddess it felt

like forever. Inch by inch the space between us is erased until our lips touch.

The was his lips molds against mine is heavenly. Hands reach out to grasp onto each other in

desperation. They run down his back, nails digging into his skin as he lets out a low moan.

His own hands find their way back to my waist until one of them disappears into my hair. He pulls at the

hair-tie, releasing my hair from a ponytail so he could twist his fingers around them. The water raining

over us do nothing to extinguish the ever-growing flame holding us together.
