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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 159
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Chapter 159

Raizel presses the heels of his feet into the soil as if expecting the response, readying himself from the

impact and catches Landon’s snapping jaw with both hands.

His jaw ticks in annoyance. Landon lashes around, attempting to snap his jaw around Raizel’s fingers

but he’s too strong. Raizel pulls on his jaw to the point of it being painful. The snarls turning into whiney

sounds of defeat.

Hestia screams along with the other wolves when Raizel throws Landon’s body tumbling to the ground.

The wolves around us stepping back when Landon’s form skids across the mud before rolling over to

his back. His wolf shakes his head to clear off any damage. Frustration and embarrassment burdening

his shoulders when he tries to lunge at him again.

The screams were deafening. Most of the audience taking refuge behind the trees or rushing back into

the buildings. Hestia’s hands fly to her bulging stomach. She can’t move. The intensity of Landon’s wolf

rendering her motionless. The mark on her neck and the oath to be Luna holding her down in her spot

like chains. It was her duty to calm Landon down. To bring him back from his adrenaline rush and

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soothe his beast. As the first attacker was Landon, it had to be him who made amends.

The strings of snarls rumbling from Landon’s chest trigger Chamberlain. He moves harder against

Isaac and Emerson. Taking advantage of the chaos and pushes himself off the ground to his feet.

Emerson’s hold on Chamberlain loosened from the surprise of Landon’s outburst.

“Hold him down!”

He shouts, shaking off the slight surprise. Everyone was so focused on Raizel and Landon that they

momentarily forgot about the task on hand.

Isaac slams his right shoulder into Chamberlain’s chest while Emerson gets him in a choke hold.

Squeezing his bicep around his neck, he cuts off Chamberlain’s air supply until his face goes

increasingly red. His veins rise from his temples as he tries to breathe in. The desperate flailing of his

body increasingly aggressive. He doesn’t even care that the silver chains binding his wrists are burning

his skin. The chucks of flesh forming around the binds red and patchy. He knew that if he didn’t escape

now, that he was never going to get out of this. He was caught and the only option was to fight his way


No matter how much he tries to push against their hold, he can’t break free. Isaac and Emerson’s tight

grip around him made no room for escape. With a few sporadic breaths, he begins to slow.

His eyelids start to droop over his eyes and the struggles come to a sudden stop. Chamberlain’s

muscled body goes limp in their hold. His rapid breathing falling into a steady pattern. Emerson and

Isaac share a look with one another. Turning to the driver who’d handed them the chains, Isaac frowns.

“Get a unit in here. We’re leaving now.”

“Like hell you are!”

Benicio protests. He’d been stunned by how the events played out but snapped out of his daze by the

time Chamberlain had fallen.

Hestia’s panic stricken face looks to him. Sophie is by her side, her hand around Hestia’s wrist yanking

her back. A protective stance over the pregnant Luna.

Benício notices how his Alpha isn’t doing so well against Raizel. He can see just how this fight would

end. He had to interfere.

Chapter 159

seen before when he’s about to slash his claws over Raizel’s back but its like a switch was flickered. I

jump between them, catching his forearm in my hand and twisting it over his back. He lets out a howl of

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pain. His wolf whimpering out and I can feel with the cracking of his bones that I just broke his arm. The

power I was using against him uncontrolled. I acted on raw instinct.

He snaps his head to me and I immediately let go of his swaying arm. His face contorts in hurt,

betrayed blue eyes focusing on me like I was a vermin of the Earth.

I glare down at him, matching his heated stare and dare him to continue. My wolf successfully taking

half of the control as she flashes her teeth at him. The need to protect me and my family a leading

component from how she managed to bring forth such reflexes.

“You touch him and I swear to the Goddess above I’ll f ucking kill you.”

The threat is enough to make him hesitate. The heaving of his chest rises when he takes in a breath.

It’s then that he makes this face. A face that makes it look like he’s looking at me. Really looking at me.

There’s silence between us. The only sound echoing down the lot were Landon’s snarls as Raizel

continues to hold him down. I can feel his patience wearing thin. Depleting so fast that I knew if waited

a minute later Raizel might just snap Landon’s neck.

Benicio opens his mouth, but no words come out.

It wasn’t words his words that caught everyones attention.

Chapter 160