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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 157
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Chapter 157

“Alpha Locksworth, Alpha Crestfield…”

He grits out when he looks at me. The smoldering fire in his eyes burning into my face.

“Why are you here? We don’t have a meeting scheduled with either of you.”

The moment he says the last word he winces. Realization crosses his features as his face twists in an

ugly scowl. Accusing dark eyes darting to the men behind us.

“You’re here unannounced. You dare force your entry?”

He takes a step toward us. His body hunching forward to threaten. His shoulders squared and lips

tugged up to bare his elongating canines. Raizel straightens his back, his wolf flashing forward with a

dark look on his face.

He steps forward. The two Ga mmas following suit and bulking up their forms. I can almost see the

fragile strand of tension between the two sides. One little slip of the tongue can easily snap the thin

strand in two.

The spectating wolves watch the scene unfold with wide, surprised eyes. Most of whom including those

that had pups with them cowering back from the overwhelming pressure. Some of the men hunched

forward. Their faces portrayed the uncertainty of whether or not they should join in. Knowing my father,

he’d want to attempt to handle all three wolves himself.

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Stu pid.

Utterly stup id.

My wolf tugged at my side. Her marble eyes darting between Raizel and my father. Her instinct to

protect our man stumping any other thought. She fills me with adrenaline. A gnawing urge to make

Dixon submit before us. To interfere and defend him just as he was doing for us.

“We’re here on orders by the Chancellor.”

Raizel begins, taking the sheet that Emerson was handing to him. He holds it up, Dixon’s eyes

scanning the words with a look of pure outrage written on his face. He shifts his blazing gaze to

Raizel’s impassive expression.

“Emerson, Isaac find him. Bring him here.”

Isaac dips his head down reflexively, eyes widening in shock by Raizel’s acknowledgment of his first

name. But I feel a flare of pride bubble from our bond. His lips turned into a thin line but was wavering

as he nearly let out a smile.

Emerson and Isaac stalked toward the pack house, my father snapping his head in their direction. He

let out a snarl, blowing their path.

“This is bu l ls hit.”

He rages,

“Who are you here to detain? There’s no way you can waltz in our territory waving around a flimsy

piece of paper demanding a capture!”

Pinching my brows together, I take a step forward,

“Actually, that ‘flimsy piece of paper’ gives us the right to do exactly that. Signed, sealed and approved

by the Chancellor himself. If you don’t bring your hackles down Dixon, I’ll have to use force on you. And

believe me when I say I won’t be nice about it.”

Benicio stepped back, eyes widening with shock. The threat made clear as day sinking in his head.

Chapter 157

His surprise quickly wore off as aggression replaced it. Glaring down at me, he opens his mouth to

object when a booming voice broke out.

“What the f uck is going on here?”

Everyone looks to the direction from which the voice came from. The wolves dipping their heads down

as their Alpha walked passed them with Hestia by his side. Hestia’s long, blonde hair tied up in a

ponytail with sleep deprived eyes falling on us. Her lips part, looking between Raizel and I.

And then she looks in front of us to see Isaac and Emerson. A shiver rolling down her spine as she

catches scent of the two gam mas with us. Her body stiffens. A flash of fear crossed her eyes. The

power emanating from the four of us together making her wolf beyond uncomfortable. Our presence

beyond something she can withstand.

The two stop mid-step when they walk into the center. Landon’s mossy eyes taking in the scene in front

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of him with clear confusion, His eyelids widen by a fraction when he finds himself going still. Something

catching his attention which I quickly realize is my scent. Then, ever so slowly,

he looks to me.

I feel his gaze burn through my skin. An uncomfortable, pr ickly feeling cloaking over me from every

where he looks. The feel of his eyes skimming over me makes my wolf bristle out her fur. I shudder

from disgust.

Sophie trails behind them. Our eyes connecting briefly with a streak of her sorrow before I look away.

That’s when I notice him. Gam ma Chamberlain standing behind them with an impassive look on his

face. Dark graying hair styled in a buzzcut and an angular jaw set. Sharp brown eyes with the depth of

an abyss observe quietly. All emotion washed from his expression as he watches.

He waits to see how this’ll play out.

Raizel and I look to our G ammas and nod.

They don’t waste another second from our wordless command and lunge at Gam ma Chamberlain. He

snaps his attention to the two and tries to turn, but Isaac was too fast for him to get away. Latching onto

his right arm, Isaac twists Chamberlian’s upper body to the ground with Emerson grabbing onto the

back of his neck. Digging his clawed hand onto the base of his neck, he forces Chamberlain’s head to

the ground. He crashes face first.