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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 156
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Chapter 156

I had to say it was going well until one of the more younger wolves dared to send a growl to Raizel.

I bit back a snarl, a reflex to defend and aid him. Raizel doesn’t waver under the thick and heavy cloud

of aggression rolling off the wolves. Not even the most iciest of glares is enough to nerve him. He

maintains his posture, composed and looking ever so powerful with his shoulders squared up and

muscles bulging out. He was slowly releasing his dominance, keeping the wolves in check and allowing

them to know that even if they chose to attack, he’d have no problem picking them off one by one. The

rawness of his power oozing from where he stood.

The tangible strength of this man in his Alpha role sends pleasurable tingling down my spine. A pool of

heat making its way down my lower abdomen.

I force my thoughts in the back of my head, clenching my jaw as I looked on. Yielding to anyone much

less these people will never happen. The day I bow to these people will be the day I’ve officially lost my


Emerson steps forward, holding the authorization document up to the wolves. A look of calm graces his

features as he spoke,

“Under the authorization of Chancellor James Williams, Alpha Crestfield of Greyhound and Alpha

Locksworth of Ignis Red are permitted entry into Nightwake on the account of detainment. Refusal

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cooperate will mean automatic status change for treason. You will not alert your Alpha of our presence

or purpose. Those who decide to do so will be subdued, arrested and put on trial. ”


A hush falls upon us before the wolves break out into whispers. A mixture of anger and fear s pik ing

into the hearts of the wolves. The name of Raizel alone and realizing he was the notorious Alpha

dwindled their confidence. I release my own waves of authority. The wolves who’d been looking at me

stepping back and bowing their heads as they did with Raizel.

Raizel winced in surprise, snapping his gaze to me with a slow, s exy smirk on his face.

The darkened look in his eyes melting the restraints of control within me. A purr from my wolf and

seductive swaying of her tail enticing him further.

“That’s them… the Hellhound and the Bloodlust Alpha.”

One whispers quietly.

Raizel whirls his head to the short brunette who spoke. It takes a threatening rumble from the man

beside me to silence them. Raizel grows impatient with the way his eyes narrow down on each

individual. Its only until the head of security who I recognized as Kenneth stepped up to look at the

document. After scanning down the page for a few seconds, he turns his head and nods at the

gatekeepers. A long reluctant sigh leaves him.

“Let them in.”

The large gates pull open upon command. A gush of relief flowing through me at the fact we didn’t

need to use force to gain entry, Although no one objected, I can feel the thick apprehension from the

Nightwake wolves.

No one says a word when we get in and drove through the entrance. The short drive remained silent

and terse. Raizel’s hand falls on-top of mine. His fingers lacing themselves through the spaces before

closing around it.

Taking the reassuring squeeze of his fingers, I let my eyes fall to Isaac. His eyes narrowed down as he

stares out the window. Unblinking and hard while we pass by trees and soon come into view of the

pack houses. Both Gam mas go unnaturally still.


The Fomala Alpha’s Sanctua


Chapter 156

This needs to be quick.”

Isaac mutters.

“Walker is definitely going to cause a commotion. Hell, I’m sure Dixon will too.”

Raizel casts him a glance. His hand tightens around mine.

“Should he try to stop us, I won’t think twice about snapping his neck.”

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“Whose? Walker’s or Dixon’s?”

I ask, turning my head to look at him. I feel a chill run through me from the way his eyes were distant.

He simply watches as we pull into the driveway without taking his hand from mine.


The minute the van stops moving, we slide open the doors and step out. Emerson, Isaac lagging

behind Raizel and I. It doesn’t take long for people to notice us. In fact, we had eyes on us the minute

we entered the heart of Nightwake. The familiar earthly scent of pine and soil surrounds me.

All of the unwarranted emotions bubbling in the pit of my stomach forcing my heart to beat erratically. I

can’t deny the nerves I feel. There’s this unshakable feeing that something very bad will happen.

Something I won’t be able to prevent. And it only grows by the second.

Wolves start crowding around. Some stopping mid step to watch and whisper to one another. A

gleaming red enters my vision and I find myself seeing the ring on Raizel’s finger. His crest. A blood red

gem with a black band circled around his pinky.

I haven’t noticed it until now.

“Move! Let me through!”

A voice barks out. I turn my attention to the man facing himself through the crowd. Murmurs around us

growing louder as my father breaks through and stops in front of us. His heaving chest falls as he takes

us in. Confusion but most notably anger storming in his blue eyes.