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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155

“You know, when Weston told me you’d found someone…”

He paused, looking us up and down with a long whistle,

“I was pretty convinced it was just the paperwork getting into his head.”

Ginger grins when his green eyes travel from Raizel to me. Mock being evident in his tone with a hint of

hidden delight lacing his words.

He dips his head down.

“Pleasure to meet you, Alpha Crestfield. I’m Emerson Vince, Ga mma of the Ignis Red pack under

Alpha Locksworth.”

When he raises his head to look between us he winks,

“In case you’re wondering, I volunteer myself as the best man when the wedding comes.”

Whirling my head to Raizel, I feel my lips twitch in amusement. Raizel rolls his eyes but there’s

contentment swirling in his pretty grays. His wolf puffs out, sitting on the ground with pride swelling in

his chest. Then he looks over to my wolf with his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth. His

emotions of joy being reciprocated from my wolf.

“It’s nice to meet you.”

I extend my hand to him which he takes in a handshake. His grip firm and his hand rough and

calloused- undoubtedly the aftermath of all the training he underwent as Gam ma. I sense Isaac

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

walking forward, taking Emerson’s attention from me. The two men look at each other, hardened looks

in their eyes as they subtly give each other an assessment. Both Gam ma’s giving into their wolves’

instinct on surveying the ‘competition’.

“Isaac Everdale, Gam ma.”

Isaac nods curtly. Emerson returns his gesture and gives him a tightlipped smile,


A moment of tense silence separates them until Raizel clears his throat. Garnering everyones attention

to him, he c ocks his head in the direction of the vans parked a few feet down.

“I think it’s best we go now. Williams has sent his detainment team ahead of us just surrounding the


His eyes drift down to me.

“It’d be ideal if we get this over with as soon as possible. There’s been a number of rogue sightings

lingering around Nightwake. Something tells me Xeneron has an eye out for something like this to


His grip around my waist tightens,

“I know you’re more than capable of handling yourself but I don’t like the idea of you being in that place

longer than necessary.”

Pressing his forehead against mine, he sighs. Neither of us really had any fond memories of the place

or people there. It’s not a surprise Raizel already despises the idea of stepping foot in Landon’s

territory. He was pinned up as a mate, disrespected and more than likely had his reputation questioned

with Hestia’s claims. I’d heard Williams mention it once that Hestia made a scene in front of some other

Alphas and how very close he was to shifting.

Pursing my lips, I allow myself to press my weight onto him. Time was ticking and sooner or later I’d

Chapter 155

be finding myself back in Nightwake tiptoeing around the place to make sure no unnecessary fights

break out.

Getting Chamberlain was priority.

Making sure Raizel stays unshifted was close to second.

Isaac casts me a tight look and bites down on his bottom lip, no doubt thinking of Raizel’s words and

how much more this visit to Nightwake actually is. How much more was on stake by even

considering the chances of Raizel finding out about Landon.

Not that Raizel really knew the extent of it.

And hopefully, he won’t ever know until much later.

If only we knew ‘much later’ was sooner than either of us thought.


Getting into Nightwake territory was just as complex as I initially expected. The moment our vans pulled

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up to the borders, the wolves patrolling the area were on high alert. We hadn’t sent out prior warnings

of our arrival to avoid any chances that Chamberlain might catch word and make a quick escape.

Knowing him, he was as crafty and stealthy as they can get.

The detainment operation was a complete surprise to both Walker and Chamberlain. We had the

documents authorizing our search signed and approved by Williams, so regardless of whether or not

Landon allowed it, we were permitted entry. His refusal to cooperate would be counted as


Something he knows a lot about.

Of course, our entry was no easy feat. The wolves in charge of protecting the border by the gates all

shifting into more hostile stances. They didn’t care who we were but the fact that we were here


I exchanged a look with Isaac. Wordlessly, he questioned me with his eyes on what we do next. To this,

I looked to Raizel. We hadn’t gone over what we were going to do when we got here. But I guess we all

had a mutual understanding as we nodded to each other.

It was Raizel who stepped out first.

I went after him with the two Ga mma’s following suit. The rest of the guards staying in the van awaited

our orders. From the corner of my eyes, I see Emerson’s green eyes darkening from communicating

through mind link. He must’ve been alerting the extra security he brought waiting a few miles down to

stand guard.

I scanned down the gate. There were a total of fifteen patrol guards. The number cut in half the amount

Harrison Walker had during his reign. My wolf watches in my head. Her eyes are alert and observing as

she analyzes the threats surrounding us. She doesn’t deem her presence necessary. Concluding that

we would have no trouble in maintaining the situation and being safe.