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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 150
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Chapter 150

She didn’t give much hint as to what they could’ve discussed. I had a hunch it was about me. As much

as I wanted to grill her about their topic of conversation, I thought it’d be best to leave it alone. If

anything was going to concern me, I was sure they’d let me know.

“Alpha, are you worried about Alpha Locksworth going with you to Nightwake?”

Mailia asks quietly. Her brown eyes gleamed with worry, her lips turned into a slight frown as Noah

placed his hand on her knee. Of course I was worried. I could practically taste the disaster at the tip of

my tongue. The detaining operation was going to commence today and all we were doing right now

was waiting for Raizel to arrive. We’d agreed on keeping the operation on the low. We didn’t want to

catch lingering gazes and cause panic in Nightwake or possibly alarm the rogues something was going


Williams had sent his warriors to accompany us, but they were instructed to wait outside the border

unless their assistance was required.

With that said, I was only bringing Isaac with me.

Noah was to stay here with Meredith to keep watch the pack. I had to be careful now more than ever

with all that’s going to happen. Raizel had decided to do the same; Weston keeping track of everything

at Ignis Red while his Gamma would go with him.

Anxiety began to grow inside me. So much could go wrong and no part of me doubted that. It was all a

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matter of who provokes who first. Whose impatience would get the better of them. My bet was on either

Walker or Dixon. Remembering the outburst Landon didn’t help to reduce the stress on the my

shoulders. Chances are, he’d act the exact same way- maybe even more since Raizel would be with


Curse the damned mate bond.

Regardless of the little effect it has on me, it seemed like Landon still felt everything. Was it a side

effect of being the one who initiated the rejection? Did the Moon Goddess interpret the rejection as one

sidedly his fault?


I breathe out,


“I’m sure something will go wrong. Whether it be Gamma Chamberlain refusing to cooperate or Dixon

making a scene. Worse case scenario a fight will ensue between Raizel and Landon.”

I felt a smile twitch on my face,

“I’m fairly certain that’s what Williams wants anyway, Why else would he order Raizel to accompany

me? With all the trouble they’ve caused, Williams knows Raizel doesn’t like Nightwake much. And if he

finds out Landon was my mate?”

I scoff with a roll of my eyes,

“The Bloodlust Alpha might just make an appearance.”

I hadn’t told him, but when he found out about my rejection, Raizel’s wolf had released very threatening

snarls directly to my wolf. He was vocalizing his anger for us, trying to reassure us he and his human

wasn’t the same as my ex–mate. His wolf going as far as comforting my wolf with


The Female Alpha’s Sanctúan


Chapter 750

promises of killing my ex–mate for my honor. It was kind of funny. His wolf adorably nuzzling his snout

against my wolf’s in attempt to ‘relieve‘ us the pain.

Raizel didn’t seem to notice his wolf’s outrage, too focused on his own to realize the kinds of things his

wolf was communicating to us.

“I’d pay to watch that.”

Noah mumbles, seemingly getting lost in his thoughts. No doubt imagining the scene in his head.

“I would literally pay him thousands.”

“You know, Alpha. It might not be so bad if he goes with you.”

I look to Isaac who shrugs.

“I mean, who really cares what he does? If he wants to sign his death warrant by pulling something with

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in front of Alpha Locksworth, no one would object. Besides, he doesn’t even know Landon’s your

ungrateful ex–mate. He doesn’t even know you met your mate! It can’t be that bad.”

There’s murmurs of agreement circling around us. The mood getting considerably lighter when he

brings up this point. I whip my head around, seeing everyone nod enthusiastically at Isaac’s logic. If

only they knew. I hadn’t told them that Raizel knew of my rejection. Things had been so hectic with

Isaac coming back, then the rogues and now going to Nightwake that it sort of just escaped me. Clearly

they didn’t see the potential of a murder happening with this operation. The murder of Landon and quite

possibly the murder my father.

I bit my bottom lip. Shifting my attention to Meredith, she holds my gaze and immediately I realized

that she knew.

We spoke.

Was all she said to me in our mind link. The last word being emphasized to give me somewhat of an

understanding of what it was they spoke about. There’s an unmistakable twinkle in her eyes

accompanied by a smile ghosting across her lips. It was obvious he’d gotten Meredith’s wolf’s approval.

The feeling surging forth from her similar to the motherly affection she directed at me.

It was then that things were beginning to make sense in my head.

Raizel had more than likely asked Meredith for her blessing. Possibly doing his best to assure her he

wasn’t going to be like Landon. I felt my wolf whine. She rolled onto her back with her paws sticking up

high in the air.
