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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 144
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Chapter 144

His being so close to me when earlier before my hands were running all over his chest makes my

fingers itch. The taste of his lips is at the tip of my tongue. The feel of his gentle caresses still lingering

from where he touched.

“Alpha, it would seem your mother and father are at the pack house requesting your presence.”

Raizel cocks a brow at the news. His eyes clouding with thought before he shakes himself out of his

trance. He gives Weston a curt nod.

“Alright. We’re heading back.”

I catch myself about to frown and instantly feel a bubble of childishness at my reluctance of watching

him leave. He just got here. Sighing, I push my own selfishness aside only to see Weston flashing me a

knowing glance. Bowing, Weston grins at me coyly with something lurking beneath his amusement.

The twinkle in his eyes when he shifts his gaze between Raizel and I, dance with mischief before he

abruptly looks away. With no explanation, he turns on his heel to leave after saying a few parting

words. Of course, he doesn’t forget to take a second to scowl at Noah -who doesn’t bother hide the

mutual distaste for him- before walking through the door.

The rivalry between the two was really something to spectate.

“Regrettably, we’ll be taking our leave!”

Raizel announces, looping an arm around my waist. There’s no embarrassment, no hesitation and

absolutely no discretion when he leans down to kiss me softly on the lips. I won’t lie and say he doesn’t

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

catch me off guard because a second into the kiss, I feel my fingers grasping onto his forearm in

desperation and my lips pursuing his.

We break apart, his forehead resting against mine when he caresses my cheek in his hand,


“I’m sorry, love. I promised I’d stay-”

I shake my head, smiling. From the corner of my eyes I can see Noah smirking and thinking he’s slick

enough to take photos on his phone -none too candidly- with Isaac gaping and blushing before turning

to look the other way. Williams is utterly mortified but he tries reeling in his discomfort by being

intensely interested at the carpeting on the floor.

And Meredith-

Well Meredith was being Meredith,

“Oh my Goddess, I raised her right.”

She whispers to Isaac who’s now following Williams‘ example of longingly staring after the floor like it

was the most interesting thing in the world. With a small reluctant sigh, Raizel pulls away but Heaves

one last lingering kiss to my forehead. His hand that sought after caressing my cheek falls to

hold my hand.

Giving me a slight squeeze, he looks to the others,

“Ms. Crestfield, Beta Noah and…?”

His grey eyes cloud with confusion when his focus falls to Isaac. I almost forgot that they haven’t met

yet, Isaac, who finally finds it in himself to snap out the awkwardness, looks to Raizel and slips into his

Gamma mode.

Chapter 744

“Gamma Isaac Everdale.”

Raizel nods, recognition flashing in his eyes as he gives him a curt nod,

“Gamma Everdale.”

Raizel looks to me once more and gives me a small smile,

“I’ll be seeing you.”

I squeeze his hand,

“Is that a promise?”

Theres the tiniest twitch of his lips,


Raizel had left right after, and of course I suffered the endless questions from Meredith and Williams.

They had both been confident in the development of Raizel and I’s relationship but they must’ve

assumed it would’ve taken us longer than this. Admittedly, the progression was rather fast. There was

no denying it. Even I felt a little shocked at how fast things escalated but at the same time it had felt so

right. So fitting for us two.

Like everything was falling into place.

The pieces of the puzzle clicking together.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After telling Isaac about the two rogues were still kept in the Capital untouched, he had asked (very)

eagerly) if he could take part in the interrogation. The face he made when I told him I hardly began

since I had intended him to take part since the beginning was nothing less than pure evil. Amusing, but

still evil. His wolf had been growling in content, not caring about who would notice or hear his yearning.

He was far too gone with revenge to take note of how his eyes were flashing from black to the familiar

bluish green he inherited from Bentley.

And now, here we are.

In the cell where we kept the rogues; only, we had them separated for mental torture. Not knowing how

your mate was faring under such conditions must’ve been a bitch. Val and Fit were both at their wits

end with desperation to see each other. Their wolves were going crazy with separation anxiety. They

were at their breaking point and we hardly began.

I smiled, thinking of Fio being in the other side of the room. She was currently seeing this through the

hidden camera. Noah was there restraining her. I could almost hear her screams of agony at what was

going on and what will go on.

I was enjoying this.

All of this.

“I’m not telling you anything. You can hurt me as much as you want but I still won’t say anything.” Val bit

out through clenched teeth. As much as I hated to admit it, he was quite stubborn. His will was strong

and though I’d normally find it honorable, it was unbearably frustrating in this case. If only he could be

compliant. Well, compliance doesn’t really matter all that much. In the end of the day, their fates were

still the same. Blood will be spilt but how was still debatable.