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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 141
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Chapter 141

“But how? What could you have possibly done to upset the Goddess?”

Taking in a breath, I sat on the couch near the mahogany table. I look at her expectantly as she takes

the one sitting opposite of mine. She allows herself to sink into the leather wordlessly. The curiosity still

high on her end.

“It isn’t so much what I’ve done, but what my lineage has done.”

Raising a brow, she leans against the cushion.


My arms spread out onto the armrests, body pressing flat agaisnt the chair. I feel the unfamiliar sense

of uncertainty ink into my skin. I have no idea how she’ll respond to what I’m about to tell her. She

could very well decide I’m unworthy of Selene after hearing the story.

No mother would want a cursed wolf for her pup. My bloodline only serves to punish those who get

involved. At this rate, I could very much be paving way for all the things to go wrong in our relationship.

“I’m sure you’ve heard of my ancestor, Alpha Romanuv Locksworth.”

She nods, a tinge of understanding in her expression.

“Yes, he was a great Alpha. The sole Alpha who helped create order with the founding of the Capital.

The man whose ambition laid the foundation of the Ignis Red pack.”

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I nod, taking in her words of praise but only felt anger brew inside me rather than pride. Chuckling dryly

I give her a forced smile. Of course that’s how everyone viewed him as. That’s the facade he had

worked so hard to achieve.

“Yes, but you forgot ‘shit mate‘ on that list.“”

Meredith’s eyes widened from the brutality of my words. Discomfort bleeds into her frozen posture from

the clear disdain I had for my ancestor.


“What do you mean? The Luna was a wonderful woman. She was powerful, respected, unbelievably

noble until her untimely death. Alpha Romanuv was said to be a great mate, even after her death he

never took another. Luna Analisa-”

“Wasn’t his true mate.”

I watch as her mouth slowly shut with her face draining of col

The shameful secret of the Locksworth family known only to a handful of people. My pack had no idea,

only knowing that the Locksworth lineage was cursed for a sin committed against the Goddess.

“Alpha Romanuv Locksworth rejected his true mate for her. For power. For authority. For stronger pups.

He didn’t like how his true mate held no status or prior training. She was raised on grounds that lived

off agriculture; only knowing how to farm and raise cattle rather than self defense or taking

command. A lowly female in his eyes unworthy of being his mate.”

I grit my teeth

the curse.

the blood in my veins boiling at the unfortunate wolves that followed after him with

“Alpha Romanuv Locksworth was the first wolf to ever reject the Moon Goddess‘ gift. What my

Chapter 141

ancestor failed to realize was the Moon Goddess is a vicious being. You wrong her, she punishes you

accordingly. You deny her, she unleashes her wrath. And my ancestor just happened to do all of that.”

Isaac sank the thin silver needles into Val’s skin, the flesh around the wound chunking around like

molten lava. His natural stench and blood hangs heavy in the cell. The dreary, dimly lit room looking

even more ghastly from the screams ripping from his throat. The ever going cycle of push and pull with

the needle embeds deeper and deeper into his flesh each time Isaac inserts the silver in Val’s


Another heart wrenching scream pulls from him.

By now his vocal agony becomes yet another normal occurrence of the cell; along with the stains of

blood seeping into the cracks of the cobblestone on the floor, never meaning to come off. Sighing, I

lean back in my seat and tilt my head to the side. I ask him,

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“Must you be so difficult?”

Val’s head lulls to the his right, his curly dark locks falling over his forehead. His body is unable to keep

himself upright from the amount of energy he’s exerted. Whether it was from trying to keep himself

awake or his constant screaming, or maybe a mixture of both, I wasn’t so interested in finding out.

Motioning to the table, Isaac nods before walking around and picking out another tool. He hums to

himself, crossing his arms before pondering about which to pick. Raising a gloved finger to his chin, he

taps the point of his jaw thoughtfully. The choices he has set in front of him makes the rogue stare

between me and the table warily.

“Which would you prefer, Alpha? Nailing his hands with silver or scraping the skin off his palms?”

I cast Isaac a glance before retuning my focus to a increasing paling Val.

“I don’t know, Isaac.”

My lips slowly curl into a smile,

“Surprise me.”

Val glares up at me, his lips tugged up to showcase his canines. A low, rumbling growl echoing in the

chamber. Even when completely drained, he still tries to put up a fight. The energy he’s giving out

matches one of utmost fury but even with the front of utter rage, I can still see the underlying seed of

panic sprouting in those brown eyes of his. He knows that the tools on the table is no fib.