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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 128
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Chapter 128

Running the tip of my tongue over the opening of my lips, I almost sigh out in relief when she starts to

get up. She raised her head, groggily craning her neck to the side and lets out a groan.

She really needed to stop doing that.

Still unaware of my presence, she shakes her head in deep thought, her eyebrows drawing together

and a cute little pout on her face. Leaning my back against the door, I breathe out.

“Must’ve been a nice dream.”

She freezes for a moment before slowly turning in her chair. Her big doe eyes falling on me before

trailing down my body. A quick flash of lust hidden in those blues I find myself getting lost into on more

than just a few occasions.

“Do elaborate what you meant by ‘Please, Raizel.””

I smile, her face getting to that perfect shade of red I loved on her.

“And in full detail, of course.”

At this, she shoots out of her seat. Her breathing is heavy and something tells me it’s not only because

of the dream she just had. Selene looks flushed- embarrassed even, understanding the very interesting

position I just caught her in. Her eyes are wide, lips parting and closing as if she were contemplating on

answering me. She looked shocked, but the small quirk of her lips tell me she was also pleasantly

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I grin, breathing in deeply. I couldn’t get enough of her scent no matter how many times I breathed it in.

My skin scorching with desire only she could put out. Drawing my arms over my chest, I patiently watch

as she finally finds her voice.

“What are you doing here?”

“Williams and I had a meeting when he told me he was coming for a visit.”

I tell her. I walk in her direction, enjoying the ripples of satisfaction coursing through me the closer I got

to her warmth. But then I look away, turning my attention to the photos hanging on the walls.

“I figured I’d come along.”

I glance over to her before returning my gaze at the photographs. Leaning over to the one that had

Selene in it, I recognized Meredith beside her. A small smile was on her face, but somehow she looked

different. She looked younger, and not physically, but in maturity level. The air around he ran the photo

was completely different to the air around her now. I raised my hand to touch the photo, gliding my

fingertips across Selene.

“I’ve been deprived of you for far too long.”

And i have. Not a minute went by where I wondered about her. I was smitten. I wasn’t going to deny

that. There was no shame in what I felt for her. There was nothing to be embarrassed about. I nod to

myself, taking in her silence.

“That dream of yours, was it good?”

“I wouldn’t know.”

Her response was quick, sharp– rushed. Denial deep in the roots of her answer.I raise a brow, slightly

amused by her response but tried to hide it. Tilting my head to the side, I suck in a heavy breath.

“Oh? And why is that?”

Chapter 128

She merely shrugs, walking over to the front of her desk before sitting at the edge. Her hands pressed

onto the sides for stability.

“It cut short before it got to the good part.”

Her eyes fall to the desk for a second before lifting those gorgeous eyes back to me. Each and every

time she looks at me, I feel a sort of rush in my veins. Excitement from the thought she was

acknowledging me being the main reason why. Smiling, her little tease gets me worked up. She knew

what she was doing and from the looks of it, she had every intention of holding her ground.

I liked that.

A lot.

Nodding, I begin to stalk toward her, knowing how my presence affected her as hers did mine. In just

three strides, she’s already leaning into the desk like the prey she has become. The smile I once wore

quickly wiping off as the tension around us thickened.

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I wanted her so bad.

I needed her.

I’ve never wanted or needed anything or anyone so much in my life the way I needed her.

She was my personal sanctuary. The only one I can go to and feel calm. Just being around her was

enough to take me out of my most worse moods.

“And what part would that be?”

I whisper.

“The part where I ask you what you expect to get by coming here.”

A little stunned from the sudden bite in her response, i find myself amused. My wolf panting out his own

amusement with the tilt of his head. Feeling playful, he eagerly blinks up to Selene’s wolf. The both of

them finding our interaction as a sort of play.

“I didn’t expect anything by coming here. I only wanted to see you.”


I breathe, enjoying her scent wrapped around me. I feel a smirk pulling on my lips.


Moving closer to her, her smaller frame shivers with delight. The fire in her gaze alight from the closer I

got. My arms left my sides, caging her between them. Satisfaction coiling in my chest from how close

we were. Both my wolf and I immensely happy from feeling the warmth radiating from her skin