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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 124
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Chapter 124

I sighed, breathing in deeply. Word traveled fast as I expected it to. I had no doubt in my mind that

Selene and I would be the subject of everyones interest. It was practically impossible not to be. Not

when the top ranking Alphas were seen to be quite intimate with one another, which I will take full

blame for. I leaned against my chair, hands interlaced and head thrown back at the cu shion. Two

whole days. It had been two days since I last saw her at the Gala.


The third and final instance where I found myself surprised to the point of speechlessness. Meeting her.

A presence I never knew I needed but now can’t even fathom the thought of being without.

“While you’re in the process of ignoring me, please don’t forget Chancellor Williams will be visiting.”

I raise my eyes to look at Weston. I nearly forgot Williams was going to visit. I’d been so distracted by

my blue eyed female to really care for anything else.

“Just let him in whenever he arrives.”

Weston nods, taking a moment to tell the border patrol of my order through mind link. When his eyes

flash back to their normal shade of brown, he frowns at me. A deep frown that marred wrinkles on his


“Please don’t tell me I just walked in on you having a wet d ream about a certain Alpha.”

I stare at him completely unamused. He must’ve taken my silence as confirmation because next, thing I

know he throws his hands in the air before rubbing them down his face in exasperation. With a

disgusted groan he narrows his eyes at me,

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“Oh Goddess, you were! Weren’t you?”

The accusation in his voice dripped from his words.

“I’m beginning to believe a me ntal evaluation is in order.”

Weston’s eyes widen before he clamped his mouth shut and stepped back. The initial look of disgust

masked and untraceable from his expression.

“I was joking.”

He said.


“No really, Alpha. I was.”

“Im sure.”

“Why don’t you believe me?”


I give him a look and he puffs out his cheeks. I feel his sheepishness in our bond. His wolf

embarrassed of his human side. Hiding under his paws, his wolf’s tail slumps with a small whine. Mine

huffs out, pacing in my mind as he growls out his annoyance.

He’s been deprived of our little Wildflower for far too long, he tells me.

I agree.

“I bet you my next pay check you’re probably thinking of her again.”

I roll my eyes, straightening up in my chair when I feel a pri ckle of Williams’ presence a few feet


The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary


Chapter 124

from my office.

“I always get this weird”

Weston makes a face, shuddering on purpose as he rubs his arms up and down for dramatics,

“-feeling when you do. The feeling of icky sticky love and affection. The warmth.”

He gags with the roll of his eyes,

“I can only imagine what it’s gonna be like when you guys have raw, rough, passionate $e-”

“I’d appreciate it if you shut your mouth before I kick your a ss out of this country.’


I feel a smirk tug on my lips as Williams strolls in with a raised brow directed at Weston. The wolf inside

him narrowing his glare at my Beta.

“I don’t necessarily like to hear about the future escapades of my daughter and Alpha Locksworth.

Jokes included.”

A grin breaks across his face when he looks at me,

“Unless, of course, it’s me making the jokes.”

Weston rolls his eyes but greets Williams with a a muzzle of the forehead.

“Well, aren’t you early?”

I muse, getting up to greet him after Weston pulls away. Williams smiles, flashing me his canines

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before grasping my shoulder in a tight hold.

well, I’m quite popular it seems. Right after this, I have another visit to make at Greyhound,”

My wolf’s ears perk at the sound of Greyhound and slowly look over his shoulder to where Williams

was sitting.

Go. Go. Go. Go.

I could feel him beg me in the back of my head, whining over and over about how much he wants to

see her. I don’t let it show on my face, but even I’m getting annoyed by his constant demands. He was

terribly impatient and having to deal with his constant whining has finally taken toll on my body.

“A meeting?”

I ask, trying not to look too interested as I shift my weight on my other foot. I see Weston smirking at

the side, getting a good poke out of this. He knew exactly what I was trying to do and he found it to be


“No, Meredith wants to have tea.”

“When she says she wants tea, I believe she means tea to spill.”

Weston says, looking every bit amused at the thought of the rather vocal and outgoing she wolf.

Meredith was always quite the character. From stories of her reign as Alpha to the now grandpup

wanting ex-Alpha, she was always painted out to be energetic.

“You’re not wrong there, Creed.”

Williams sighs, plopping into the couch. Propping his elbow on the arm rest, his lifts his eyes to look at

me. A small smile breaks out on his face with a twi nkle in his brown orbs.