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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106


I whimper, his middle finger slides down between my wet slit. I take in a sharp breath, unconsciously

rolling my hips harder against him so he’d reach the place I needed him most. The sparkle in his eyes

told me he understood my intent. The unearthly want I have for him, make me feel everything ten times

more sensitively. I can’t begin to explain the lust clouding over me. It’s more than just the carnal desire

for physical intimacy.

It’s more than just sex.

It’s a reassurance of emotions. Reassurance of feelings we share with one another. He looks at me

and withdraws his fingers away from my cl it. Raizel doesn’t comply to my wish. He leisurely slides. the

pad of his finger down my slit, coating his digit in my liquid arousal. The face of pure desire on his face

make me pulse under him.

My pus sy quivers, the walls convulsing together in willingness. I can feel myself getting wetter from the

intensity of his gaze. The hot, thick streams of possessiveness and dominance I feel him radiate is

enough to make me tremble with desperation.

Images of all sorts flash through my mind. Enticing images of what he can do and what Id allow him to

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do. The man hovering before me with his arms at either side of my head is stripped naked.

The smooth muscles bulging from his body and flexing with every little movement he made had me

feeling lightheaded. The tautness of his physique let me know he was holding back. His restraint slowly

chips away the longer he teases me but he continues his sweet torment anyway. He watches me pant

out my want for him. I feel desperate, I feel needy but I’m not ashamed of it.

He made me feel like even the most shameful of acts was nothing I should feel ashamed for.

His index finger joins in to rub into my slit. I whine, throwing my head against the mattress and lay

myself bare to him. My chest arches out when his finger finds my nub, teasingly rubbing at a slow pace

with the intention of driving me crazy. He wanted me delirious for him until I couldn’t say a word other

than his name.

“That’s right, my love.”

He whispers into my ear. His teeth nip at my earlobe and I groan, shutting my eyes tight. He lowers his

head down to my shoulder and slowly moves up my neck. The bridge of his nose trails up the curve of

my neck and I gasp out in pleasure. His musky scent filling my nostrils as I arch my back. His digits

quicken and I moan into his hot skin.

“I can give you this pleasure.”

He breathes out huskily. His own tone is dripping with desperation. He sounds pressed, almost like he

was held down and chained to the grounds of his mind.

“Only I can bring you to this high.”

Raizel’s head ducks down, his lips brushing against my jaw and going even lower. They drop to the

collarbone, down the valley of my need breasts, my navel and then he pulls away to kneel. His grey

eyes cut to me when I look down in confusion. The smoldering, heated fir sin his eyes only growing

when he takes my thighs in both of his hands and pull them apart.

My eyes widen in surprise as a yelp rips from my lips.

I don’t have the strength to say anything but I know, Goddess, I know I want him mouth on me. He

knows that too.

And so gives it to me.

His tongue darts between his lips to lap at my arousal. Raizel doesn’t hesitate to take my bud into his

mouth. Tugging, sucking, licking. I squirm under him, feeling myself reaching my high inch by inch. I cry

out his name, my hands finding their way to weave into his hair and I tug on it. His silky locks. tangled

around my fingers, brought little comfort to the raging fire in my lower abdomen. If there’s one thing I

noticed, Raizel loved it when I did that.

He loved the feel of my hands running through his hair. He groaned, the vibrations from his voice

sending tingles down my spine at his pleasure. His lips brutally pulled in my bud, teasing me to no

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He flattens his tongue to run up my slit and I moan. His slick, wet muscle doing wonders to my body as

my toes curl up in anticipation. I feel so rigid when I feel it. His tongue plunged into my warmth, swirling

in and out, thrusting back and forth like he was a starved man. The eagerness of his tongue served to

tempt me harder.


His fingers grip onto my hips, holding me in place so that I don’t squirm away. He continue his

merciless attacks. The euphoria his mouth provided had my mouth hanging open in a silent scream. It

felt so da mn good.

He felt so da mn good.

“Raizel, ah that feels- oh- f uck me.”

I cry out, closing my eyes harder from the stars I was beginning to see. It kept guiding up. The high, the

drug known as Raizel put me through, grows higher and higher.

I feel him smile when he halts his torture. Out of breath and devastatingly weak to his touch, I my eyes

to peer down at him. His long lashes hoods over his dark eyes but the look he gives me is

unmistakable. His eyes are narrowed with amusement, lips pulling into a smirk.