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The Ex and Her Riches novel (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85 Can She Even Be Called A Woman


+25 Bonus

The man wore a safety helmet with his head slightly lowered, revealing his dark skin. His workwear was covered in

dust. It could be seen that he was a long-term laborer at first glance.

Gwendolyn’s gaze shifted slightly downward. She understood the situation upon seeing his spotless shoes.

“Lead the way.”

“This way, please.”

The man stretched out his hand, revealing the thick clluses on the purlicue of his right hand.

Gwendolyn glanced briefly before withdrawing her gaze, and she followed the man.

The man deliberately led her down a quiet and secluded path. As they approached a condemned building,

Gwendolyn stopped in her tracks.

“I don’t think we are on the right path,” she said as she halted in her tracks..

The man leading the way froze for a moment but soon regained his composure. He replied, “Mr. Wrington was

worried that you might be hungry, so he has already ordered dinner for you. That’s why we’re taking this shorter


Gwendolyn pursed her lips and stared at him without saying a word. Her clear and cold bright eyes seemed to be

able to see through one’s heart.

The man was taken aback by her gaze. He quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at her again.

“Let’s go.”

Initially, she stopped to test him slightly because she wanted to give the man a chance to take action directly

against her. However, even though the man could have dealt with her right there, he did not make a move.

She felt that there was a bigger surprise waiting for her up ahead.

As expected, as she got closer to the condemned building, a swift black shadow suddenly darted out from behind

the broken pillar, rapidly charging toward her.

Gwendolyn had anticipated that. She took half a step back and dodged the fatal blow with a sidestep. However, just

as she stood firm on her feet, sudden noises came from overhead.

As soon as she looked up, a hard slab on top of the building hurtled toward her head. She swiftly dodged with a few

flips before she had time to think and successfully landed safely on the grass at the


With a thunderous crash, the slab fell to the ground, stirring up a thick layer of dust that seemed to shroud the air

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

in a fog. After the dust gradually cleared out, ten strong men leaped out from the shadows and surrounded her,

which made her unable to escape.

Before she could catch

her breath, that group of people charged at her one after another.

Unlike the previous group’s brainless approach, this group’s attacks were extremely well-trained. Their

14:0 Mon, May

Chapter 85 Can She Even Be Called A…


+25 Bonus

techniques were skillful yet diverse, seemingly incorporating kickboxing, jiu-jitsu, and capoeira.

“Ha, that person really thinks highly of me.”

Gwendolyn scoffed while elegantly pinching her slender fingertips. A coldness gradually surfaced in

her eyes.

Unfortunately, the mastermind still did not fully know her and underestimated her too much.

She raised her eyebrows and said provocatively while beckoning them over with her curled finger, “Are you guys

going to attack me together?”

They exchanged glances and launched their attack on Gwendolyn together.

Since she knew the routines of every move, that group of people could not gain the upper hand in their attacks

other than their large numbers of people, in her opinion.

Ten minutes later, Jake learned that Gwendolyn had been taken away by a stranger who had trespassed onto the

construction base. Sensing that there was a problem, he hurriedly brought a team of security guards armed with

electric batons to help Gwendolyn

“Ms. Shalders, are you all right?”

By the time he arrived, Gwendolyn had just taken down the last person with a fierce sweeping kick.

Those who hurried over were stunned by the scene.

Can she even be called a woman?

Jake looked around at the men lying on the ground, who were rolling and wailing in pain. Adhering to the principle

that he had to do something rather than nothing, he then instructed the security guards to give those men a good

jolt with their electric batons.

“How dare to lay a hand on Ms. Shalders. You guys must have a death wish.”

Gwendolyn dusted off her hands and smiled with satisfaction. “Very well, tie them up and take them straight to the

police station.”

After giving her instructions, she bypassed Jake and the others who had hurried over. She left the film. and

television construction base without looking back!

Jake watched her charismatic figure walking away, and his admiration for her grew even more internally.

On the way back, Gwendolyn sent someone from Shadow Bell to investigate the matter.

She discovered that the people who had been following her recently were from the Lane family.

“Samantha Lane? The Wright family?” she murmured, and a hint of mockery smile appeared on her face.

Some people are recklessly digging their own graves. Why do they keep finding trouble for themselves, as if they

are not afraid of the consequences?

It seems like I have to hurry up and deliver the bankruptcy gift package to the Wright family

14:07 Mon, May 15

Chapter 85 Can She Even Be Called A…

Gwendolyn had always handled tasks with great efficiency and speed.

+25 Bonus

The next day, she increased the workforce at the film and television construction base, hiring almost twice as many

workers. Then, she asked Jake to work out a detailed schedule to arrange all the workers. efficiently. As expected,

the construction progress sped up significantly.

It was the beginning of summer, and the sun was scorching hot. Nonetheless, Gwendolyn continued her routine

inspection of the film and television construction base as usual.


A familiar deep voice sounded behind her. She turned around and was somewhat surprised. She asked, “Why are

you here?”

Treyton smiled and said, “You haven’t been spending much time at the company lately, so I figured you’d be here. I

thought I’d stop by to meet you. Why don’t we grab something to eat and have a chat?”

“All right.”

Treyton naturally reached out to help her in taking off her helmet and dotingly used a tissue to wipe. the thin layer

of sweat on her forehead. Then, he held her hand as they left.

In an upscale restaurant, Treyton skillfully ordered meals for two.

“I heard that Inez had invested in a large shopping mall for Mossey Group recently, which has actually helped the

Mossey family recover quite a lot from the stock market losses caused by the Natasha. incident.”

Natasha’s verdict had been made.

That was because Eloise shifted all the blame to Natasha, which led to the latter being sentenced to ten years in

prison in the end. Moreover, Maverick never showed up this time as he could not help her. Coupled with the Mossey

family cutting ties with her, she was left with no support. Therefore, she had no choice but to accept her fate and

serve her time behind bars.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Although Inez’s health had improved significantly, her legs still had no sensation due to nerve damage from the

previous car accident. As a result, she had to rely on a wheelchair.

Nevertheless, she had already been able to support Jerome in business.

Gwendolyn had a pretty good impression of Inez, who was a career-oriented and capable woman.

“This is a highly valued shopping mall for the Mossey family. The opening ceremony will be held tomorrow, and I

heard they’d invited all the prestigious families and business tycoons from Fairlake. Jerome hopes that you and I

can attend to show our support. What do you think?”

As Treyton spoke, he handed a gold-trimmed invitation to Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn opened the invitation, only to find that it was surprisingly sent in Inez’s name.

Since all the prestigious families were invited, it was likely that the Wright family was included as well.

“Of course, we should go to the ceremony.”

As expected, many guests attended the opening ceremony of Mossey Group.

Although the Mossey family suffered significant losses due to Natasha, was there a truly honest and clean member

among the wealthy families?

As long as one had the capability, business tycoons, wealthy wives, or socialites would come over to show their


Gwendolyn did not particularly enjoy those types of events, but she never let her demeanor falter even the

slightest. This time, she attended as Treyton’s female companion, as usual.

As soon as Madelyn saw Gwendolyn, she enthusiastically greeted the latter. It could be seen that she genuinely liked

Gwendolyn from the bottom of her heart.

Gwendolyn also responded very politely.

The duo was chatting leisurely when a sudden commotion occurred at the entrance.

It was the Wright family’s luxury car arriving.

The car door was pushed open, and three women of varying ages with exquisite makeup came out.

Gwendolyn stood behind the crowd, casting a glance from afar. Her gaze locked onto the unfamiliar face standing

to the right of Frida.

“That’s Samantha Lane, the heir-apparent of the Lane family. I heard she just returned from abroad recently,”

Madelyn explained upon noticing Gwendolyn’s gaze.

Gwendolyn pursed her lips without saying anything.

Meanwhile, at the entrance, whispers suddenly spread through the crowd due to the appearance of Frida and her

two companions.

“Mr. Wright indeed didn’t show up today. I heard something happened to him. Could it be that he died?”

“That’s terrible! How long can the Wright family’s women hold on without the family’s backbone?”