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The Ex and Her Riches novel (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74 You Will Really Harm Inez

+25 Bonus

“There’s nothing to be jealous of. She’s just a harmless person in a vegetative state,” Natasha mocked. “If you don’t

believe me, ask the person who took her away. Inez’s death has nothing to do with me.”

Madelyn covered her ears and let out a piercing scream before running outside agitatedly.

Watching her leave, Natasha couldn’t hold back any longer and burst into hearty laughter.

Initially, she had some doubts about what Eloise had said, but seeing Madelyn’s reaction then, she was certain that

something had indeed gone wrong with hez. There would be no more competition for her in the journey to become

the Mossey family heir.

She had finally overturned the situation!

Now that Gwendolyn and Inez were both dead, there was no one left to compete with her for Maverick’s love, and

no one to stand in her way of earning greater fame and status.

Natasha was in an exceptionally good mood.

She picked up a piece of salad with her fork and put it in her mouth, still unable to suppress the smile that tugged at

the corners of her lips.

After taking just two bites, she placed the salad on the bedside table and swiftly lifted the blankets.

Upon seeing this, the housekeeper hurried over to help her. “Ms. Mossey, what are you trying to do?” the

housekeeper asked in concern.

“Getting discharged.”

Natasha’s tone was determined as she sat down in the wheelchair with the help of the housekeeper and left the


After leaving the hospital, Madelyn instructed the Mossey family’s driver to go to Treyton’s villa at the fastest speed


Deep into the night, a myriad of stars adorned the sky, adding a touch of romance to the tranquil


Madelyn stormed into the courtyard angrily, awakening the butler and a group of housekeepers who had already

fallen asleep.

“It’s already very late into the night. If you have any business, please come back tomorrow to see Mr. Harris,” the

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butler said groggily as he greeted her, trying his best to be polite,

“I don’t care! I must see my daughter today!” Madelyn’s eyes were red as she fiercely pushed him away. “Tell me,

where is my Inez?”

“Please calm down. You might disturb others who are resting. Please go back.” Witnessing Madelyn’s emotional

outburst, the butler immediately stepped in with the housekeepers to stop her.

“What are you all doing? Hurry up and help me!” Madelyn turned around and shouted angrily at her bodyguards.

Taking advantage of the moment when the Mossey family’s bodyguards were engaged in an altercation


Chapter 74 You Will Really Harm Inez

+25 Bonus

with the butler and housekeepers. Madelyn slipped into the villa.

Glancing up at the illuminated third floor, she swiftly climbed the stairs.

Treyton, who was standing near the stairs, had just caught sight of Madelyn. Before he could even utter a word, she

grabbed his sleeve.

“Where is my daughter? I want to see her right now!

Treyton frowned before pulling his sleeve out of her grasp and straightening the cuff elegantly. “Calm down,” he

said. “She’s receiving treatment in a room on the third floor. You can rest assured.”

“No, I need to see her right now!”

She simply couldn’t be at case without seeing Inez alive with her own eyes.

Gwendolyn heard a commotion coming from outside. As she stepped out of her room, she saw the scene unfolding

before her and walked over.

“Mrs. Mossey, when I took Ms. Inez away, I promised to ensure her safety, and you agreed to it at that time. Now,

however, you have come to the villa late at night, disturbing our peace. What is the meaning of this?”

Upon seeing her. Madelyn immediately grabbed her and wouldn’t let go. “I don’t care about all that! I want to stop

collaborating with you! Let me see Inez right now! I want to take her away!”

Gwendolyn frowned as she pushed the older woman’s hand away, displeased.

“I understand that you’re worried about your daughter, but please remember, Mrs. Mossey, that you represent the

entire Mossey family. Is this how the Massey family conducts business, by breaking its promises? I will not allow you

to take her away.”

Madelyn was at a loss for words, unsure of how to refilte her. In the end, she simply decided to throw at tantrum

and made a scene,

“Either way, if you don’t let me see my daughter today, I won’t leave even if I die here!”

Gwendolyn was about to signal someone to escort the guest out when the housekeeper who had been tending to

Inez emerged from the room with an anxious expression.

“Ms. Harris, bad news! Ms. Inez is in danger!”


Madelyn clearly heard the housekeeper’s voice and pushed past Gwendolyn in a desperate rush to enter the room.

“What’s wrong with Inez? Let me in to see her immediately!”

Gwendolyn quickly grabbed Madelyn, preventing her from barging into the operating room.

“If you go in now and interrupt any ongoing treatment, you’ll truly be harming her! Do you really want to lose your

daughter forever?”

Madelyn was intimidated by Gwendolyn’s sharp tone and gaze.


Chapter 74 You Will Really Harm Inez

+25 Bonus

It took her several seconds before she finally came back to her senses. She mustered the strength to struggle,

attempting to break free from Gwendolyn’s grip. However, she was no match for Gwendolyn. who had practiced jiu-

jitsu before and was much stronger.

Frustrated, she could only snap angrily, “Stop trying to scare me! You took my daughter away and won’t let me see

her. If anything happens to her, I won’t let you off the hook! I must see her today!”

She tried her best to pry Gwendolyn’s fingers loose but still couldn’t break free.

“Let go of me! Let me in!”

“Fine, go ahead then! If you interrupt the surgery inside and anything happens to Inez, it’s all your fault”

Abruptly letting go of the hysterical woman, Gwendolyn crossed her arms and stared at her coldly.

Madelyn staggered before regaining her balance, staring at Gwendolyn in disbelief.

“How could you perform surgery on Inez without my permission?”

“The doctor performing the surgery inside is Kieran. He is a medical prodigy with a master’s degree, is

internationally acclaimed, and holds the top position in the surgical world. Every surgery he has ever performed has

been a success, and I’m sure you’ve heard of him. If you rush in now and interrupt the surgery, you would be truly

harming Inez.”

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By then, Madelyn had already reached the door. She hesitated for a moment with her hand on the doorknob.

Before this, she and Jerome had considered reaching out to Kieran to seek medical treatment for Inez, but he was

too famous and his demeanor too cold. Being merely a minor wealthy family in Fairlake, they simply couldn’t afford

someone of his stature.

Yet, Gwendolyn actually managed to persuade Kieran to come to Fairlake in person. Should I really

trust this woman?

Madelyn stood right in front of the door, knowing that with just a gentle twist of the doorknob, she would be able to

see her beloved daughter inside the room.

However, she struggled internally for a long time.

In the end…

She eventually withdrew her hand.

“Gwendolyn, I’ll trust you one more time, but let me make it clear if anything happens to Inez, I will not let you off

the hook!” She unwillingly threw down these words before turning around to leave the


Gwendolyn and Treyton exchanged glances, both visibly relieved, as they re-entered the operating


The horizon gradually brightened as morning arrived.

Madelyn settled into the car, closing her eyes wearily.

“Mrs. Mossey, where should we…?” the driver asked tentatively.

“Return to the Mossey residence.”

She opened her eyes, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed across her face for an instant.

The black BMW slowly pulled into the villa’s garage. Madelyn adjusted her facial expression before hurriedly making

her way inside.

Jerome was sitting in the living room watching the morning news while Natasha sat nearby.

It was a harmonious scene of a father and daughter’s daily life.


As Madelyn burst through the door, her loud voice and sobbing shattered the harmony that had been


The two people sitting on the sofa turned around and saw Madelyn, whose face was filled with grief, lunging toward

Jerome and crying out, “Darling! Our daughter is gone!”