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The Ex and Her Riches novel (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55 You Reap What You Sow

“Not too bad, I guess.”

+25 Bonus

Despite the humble reply, the smugness on Linda’s face was obvious to all. “Let me introduce you. This is my

boyfriend, Jamie Derrymore. He’s the assistant business manager of Celeste and makes eight hundred thousand a


When she emphasized the last sentence on purpose, Jamie smiled proudly, flashing his golden tooth again.

Thereafter, Linda waited for Gwendolyn’s response, expecting compliments from the latter.

However, when Gwendolyn continued to give her an indifferent look, Linda was peeved.

She has always loved pretending to be high and mighty. It’s time I pull her down from her high horse.

“I heard that you got divorced?”

Linda studied Gwendolyn’s outfit while speaking. Noticing the latter was dressed in office wear, she let out a snort.

“Which car dealership are you working in as a salesperson? Is this all you have achieved after all these years?”

Shooting Linda a glare as if she was a fool, Gwendolyn sneered. “I’m here to buy a car.”

With that, she retracted her gaze and let herself be ushered in by the salesperson to choose her car. She had no

intention nor energy to spend time on someone who was irrelevant to her.

Linda was further infuriated to see Gwendolyn just as arrogant as in the past and giving her the cold shoulder.

When she returned to the orphanage just two days ago, she heard that Gwendolyn had not only gotten a divorce

but also received nothing from it.

And yet, she’s here to buy a car?

“I’m curious to see what sort of car she can afford,” Linda muttered under her breath as she stared at Gwendolyn’s


Subsequently, she turned toward Jamie and spoke in a coquettish tone.

“Darling, let’s go in and take a look. Since you’re buying me a present, I would like to spend some time choosing the

car that suits me the most.”

Lost in the fantasies he conjured up with Gwendolyn’s slender body, Jamie readily complied with her


Inside, Gwendolyn had arrived at the section where all the mass markets cars were put on display.

She wasn’t particular when it came to material possessions. All that mattered was user-friendliness and practicality.

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In fact, she had intended to randomly pick one and leave but was surprised to hear Linda clicking her tongue from

behind her.

13:25 Mon, May 15

Chapter 55 You Reap What You Sow


+25 Bonus

“I didn’t expect you to have your eye on a cheap car like the Volkswagen Passat. It seems life as a divorcee has

been hard on you.”

Arms folded, Linda wore a condescending look on her face.

In spite of that, Gwendolyn continued to ignore her.

Despite receiving the cold shoulder, Linda continued calmly, “Just for old times’ sake, I can get my boyfriend to

introduce you to some of his outstanding male staff. He is an assistant manager, after all, and he commands the

respect of his subordinates.”

Meanwhile, Jamie was already ogling Gwendolyn. The moment he heard his name being mentioned, he flashed a

smile that was accompanied by a salacious glint in his eyes.

“A friend of Lindee’s is a friend of mine. Here’s my number. You can call me anytime.”

Linda gave him the side-eye at once. After being together for two and a half years, she was well aware of his

gallivanting ways.

Thus, she reprimanded him, “I’m asking you to introduce a good man to her. What are you trying to get her

number for? Do you intend on hitting on her behind my back?”

Even though she spoke with a smile, her eyes were already spitting fire.

With a drastic change in expression, Jamie quickly wrapped his arm around her waist. “Come on. What are you

talking about? You’re the only one who matters to me. I’m just being helpful to make you happy.”

Nevertheless, Gwendolyn couldn’t bear watching both of them sweet-talking each other any longer.

“There’s no need for any of this. You can save those good men for yourself.”

“Stop right there!”

Linda gave chase when she saw Gwendolyn trying to leave. She was clearly upset over the interest. Jamie had

shown the latter.

She has always wanted to take what is mine. And now, she wants my man?

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became.

With a vicious look in her eyes, she snapped, “What’s with that attitude? I was just trying to help. I’m sure you have

to take out a loan to buy the car, so what’s wrong with having a boyfriend purchase it for you?”

Brows knitted, Gwendolyn threw her a fiery gaze.

On account of Jamie’s presence and the fact that they had suffered together in the orphanage, Gwendolyn had

intended to let the matter slide. She simply wanted to leave after getting her car since it was unlikely for them to

ever cross paths again.

Unfortunately, Linda mistook Gwendolyn’s silence for fear and intensified her attacks instead.

Staring at the latter’s silhouette, Linda sneered, “What’s with that haughty attitude when you’re nothing but a

woman rejected by the Wright family? Do you really think you’re so much better than me?”

Chapter 55 You Reap What You Sow



+25 Bonus

Even though she was speaking in a low voice, it was loud enough for Gwendolyn to hear every single


“What did you say?” Stopping in her tracks, Gwendolyn turned around with her eyes spitting fire.

Stunned momentarily by the animosity, Linda quickly regained her vicious look. “You know better than anyone else

that you’re the one who has been cast out.”

As a grim look descended upon Gwendolyn’s face, she began to emit an icy aura.


“I had wanted to forgive you, but you have now gone too far.”

Shaken by Gwendolyn’s intimidating response, Linda was briefly worried that the former would seek


Unexpectedly, Gwendolyn walked toward the exit and quickly disappeared.

“Look who’s talking! My boyfriend is the assistant manager of Celeste. Who gave you the right to threaten me? I’m

the one who’s not going to forgive you!”

In an attempt to make up for being cowed earlier, Linda ranted in Gwendolyn’s direction.

Thereafter, she was filled with the urge to prove Gwendolyn wrong.

Hence, she grabbed Jamie’s hand and suggested coquettishly, “Darling, I want a BMW. The kind that’s like a coupe. I

know you always treat me well, so why don’t we take a look?”

Jamie’s expression instantly froze, for his annual salary was only eight hundred thousand. A car like that would wipe

everything out, leaving him nothing for living expenses.

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However, given that he enjoyed having his ego stroked by Linda and the fact that all the salespersons were staring

at him, he readily agreed, as doing otherwise would be too embarrassing for him.

Holding each other tightly, both of them looked intimate together.

Unfortunately, their age gap made them look more like father and daughter instead of a couple. Anyone who saw

them would simply feel disgusted.

It was under everyone’s strange gazes that both of them made their way to the exit.

No sooner had they walked through that door than a loud splash was heard.


A pail of days-old water from the car wash was splashed on Linda before she could react.

Even though Jamie had noticed it in time and dodged it, he was still caught by most of the dirty water.

-Looking pretty in a red dress a moment ago, Linda was now totally drenched and covered by a sour


She screamed at the top of her lungs before glaring at the person who did it.

It was a young girl dressed in a staff uniform. Despite the meek look on her face, her eyes showed no

fear at all.

Linda exploded in rage. How dare a small fry like her bully me?

“Has your mother never taught you to look where you’re going? My clothes, shoes, and bag are all branded. Do you

know how much they cost? You’ll never be able to pay for them even after ten years. of work!”

Nonetheless, the girl stayed silent and allowed Linda to rant on like a shrew.

“I’m not going to forgive you for this. Other than an apology and payment for the damage, I demand that you

compensate me for the mental distress you have caused. On top of that, I’m going to make sure that you’re fired

and will never be hired again!”

Holding the pail in her hand, the girl continued to keep mum.

Linda consequently felt as if she had nowhere else to vent. “Are you mute? Has your mom never taught you how to


At that moment, Jamie came forward to support Linda. “Tell your boss to come out here. Just say that the assistant

manager of Celeste wants to see him. I want him to personally resolve this matter!”

He had inadvertently shortened his position as assistant business manager to assistant manager of Celeste in an

attempt to inflate his own ego.

“I’m the boss. I was the one who splashed the water on you.”

A crisp feminine voice suddenly rang out.

When both of them turned to look, they saw the smiling Gwendolyn leaning casually against a luxury