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The Ex and Her Riches novel (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120 Another Performance

It was nine o’clock at night. Maverick was awakened by the crisp chirping of two birds.

Bearing the excruciating pain in his back, he gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand up from the ground.

He had to stay alert, as there were important matters to attend to in the evening.

He leaned on the railing as he returned to his room on the second floor and headed straight to the bathroom. He

then turned the shower temperature up to its highest setting.

1 Bona

As his shirt was stained with blood and he had fainted for six hours without changing it in time, the blood from the

wound had stuck to the fabric of the shirt. If he tried to forcefully change his clothes, it would peel off a layer of skin

on the spot. Only by using hot water could he quickly remove the shirt.

However, when the hot water showered on the wounds on his back, it was like enduring a second round of torture,

as if millions of needles were piercing his bat

Maverick trembled in pain.

He gritted his teeth as the hot water washed over him. Although his body was in excruciating pain, his mind was

becoming increasingly clear.

After washing up for a few minutes, he changed into clean clothes, turned off the light, and took advantag of the

limited view from the bodyguard’s hiding spot. He pretended to lie down on the bed to sleep and quietly stuffed the

extra bedding he had prepared in advance onto the bed, making it look as though he was sleeping.

Then, he quietly rolled to the foot of the bed from the other side. When his back accidentally touched the ground,

he shuddered in pain, and his vision became momentarily blurred.

After waiting for two minutes, he finally left through the slightly ajar door and went to the room on the other side,

which was in the blind spot of the bodyguard’s view. He climbed down the pipe next to the window to reach the first


This location just happened to be the back door.

Nico heard a faint sound and quietly reported through the iron door, “Boss, the Newton family had only one missing

daughter six years ago, but that girl was found three years ago. Her photos can be found online, and she’s

definitely not Ms. Shalders. Other than that, there’s no one else with a similar timeline t Ms. Shalders.”

Maverick’s eyes, which were originally filled with pain, gradually dimmed.

Nico continued, “But when I went to visit the prison, I found out that Ms. Shalders was in Lightspring to personally

bring back a doctor to treat Inez’s heart. I gathered all my subordinates to investigate and eventually discovered

that the doctor she was looking for was… Kieran.”

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Kieran? Maverick was stunned on the spot.

Kieran held a significant position in the medical field, which spoke volumes about his status. However, rumors

suggested that he had a reclusive and arrogant personality, being a man of few words. He was als known as a

medical fanatic, with no women ever seen by his side.

Gwendolyn able to persuade someone like that?


Chapter 120 Another Performance

The only three sons of the Harris family have an indescribable relationship with Gwendolyn. They are even

wholeheartedly helping her!

It seems that the Zipper family is also a distant relative of the Harris family, which is why they have the audacity to

show off their power and influence in Fairlake.

Her relationship with the Harris family is not simple. Could she also be a member of the Harris family?

Maverick’s expression grew colder and colder. “Investigate the Harris family! Whether it’s the side. branches of the

Harris family or their distant relatives, as long as their timeline matches up with Gwendolyn’s, report them all!”

Nico thought for a moment and said, “Boss, do you still remember that six years ago, daughter of the head of the

Harris family seemed to have-”

Honk, honk!

Before Nico could finish speaking, the headlights of a car flashed by.

Gwendolyn is back! How could she suddenly return at this particular moment?

the youngest

“Boss, please take care on your way back and stay safe! I will definitely investigate this thoroughly!” Nico cast a

worried glance at him, then quickly disappeared into the night.

This rascal! He slipped away so quickly!

Maverick immediately turned around, intending to enter through the front door connecting the garden t the living

room. However, Gwendolyn had already gotten out of the car, and there were lights in the garden. He was sure to

be exposed.

There was no other choice. Maverick looked helplessly at the pipe on the wall that he had just climbed down from.

This was the only way.

He didn’t care about the pain in his back and immediately started to climb upward.

As Gwendolyn walked from the garden into the living room, she asked her bodyguard, Quinton, “Has he been

behaving himself these past few days?”

Quinton honestly replied, “Mr. Wright tried to go out twice, but after we refused him, he didn’t ask agair He’s

already in bed asleep now.”

Gwendolyn frowned.

She glanced at the time. It was only half past nine at night. Would he really go to bed this early?

“I don’t believe he’s really that well-behaved!” Gwendolyn spoke as she climbed the stairs, with Quinton and Ryan

following closely behind her.

The door to Maverick’s room was left open, which Gwendolyn found a bit odd, but she didn’t give it mu thought.

She pushed open the door. With the help of the corridor light, she saw Maverick lying on the bed with 1 back to the

door. He was sound asleep.

Was 1 overthinking it?

Chapter 120 Another Performance

Gwendolyn closed the door again. Seeing that she hadn’t noticed anything. Quinton and Ryan quietly breathed a

sigh of relief

However, Gwendolyn had barely taken two steps when she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

When she opened the door just now, she seemed to have noticed that the color of Maverick’s shirt collar was a bit

darker than usual.

Is it wet?

Is he sweating?

There is a problem!

Gwendolyn immediately turned back. This time, without any hesitation, she switched on the light, clearly revealing

the man curled up on the bed with his back facing her.

She walked to the side of the bed and confirmed that the back of his collar was indeed wet. A mocking smile played

on her lips. “Maverick, you must have been working hard in your sleep to be sweating like this.”

The man on the bed kept his eyes tightly shut, not responding to her.

Gwendolyn was a bit annoyed. “Stop pretending. I know you aren’t sleeping. You’re sweating so much. What on

earth were you doing just now?”

He had been exposed.

Maverick remained silent, his eyebrows suddenly furrowing tightly.

He murmured in a low, hoarse voice, “It hurts so much…”

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“Hurt? What are you trying to pull with this fake suffering act?” Gwendolyn said while pushing his back


“Ugh…” The man let out a miserable scream through gritted teeth, suddenly drenched in a cold sweat. Hi facial

features were contorted, and his expression was full of agony.

Standing behind Gwendolyn, Quinton and Ryan were puzzled. “Huh?”

During the day, the two of them had been outside, listening to the whistling sound of the cane and the repeated

strikes that reached his flesh. They had been terrified by what they had heard.

However, this man had endured it all without making a single sound.

During the day, he had seemed quite brave, but now he was both crying out in pain and screaming miserably. Is he

deliberately pretending to be weak and helpless?

He really deserves an Oscar with that acting skills of his! Even the best actor can’t outperform him! Isn’t obviously

trying to mess with Treyton?

Quinton and Ryan were so frustrated that they felt as if they were about to cough up blood, but they couldn’t show

even the slightest hint of it in front of Gwendolyn.

Standing in front, Gwendolyn was unaware of what the two of them were thinking.


Chapter 120 Another Performance

Maverick’s condition did seem a bit poor. He did not seem to be faking it

She unfastened two buttons of his shirt and gently pulled it toward his back.

Upon closer inspection, one could see the crisscrossing purple welts, with hardly any intact skin left. Several areas

bore deep bruises that had turned into dark, purple clots of blood. There were even open wounds that had broken

skin and were oozing blood droplets.

Quinton and Ryan noticed her expression growing colder and colder and were prepared for her to explode in anger

any second. They were ready to kneel down on the spot.

However, Gwendolyn merely asked calmly, “Who did this?”

The two of them couldn’t quite figure out whether she was actually angry or not, so they could only respond

honestly. “It’s Mr. Harris.”

“What did he hit him with?”

“With a cane. He was whipped ninety times,” Quinton said. “Ms. Shalders, Mr. Harris was just upset that you got

hurt and couldn’t help it in a moment of anger…”

Gwendolyn’s expression was indifferent. “All right. Since it was Mr. Harris who took action, then he deserved it.”

When Maverick heard that, he clenched his hands that were inside the blanket.