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The Ex and Her Riches novel (Gwendolyn and Maverick)

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100 Seriously Injured

Samantha nodded earnestly and began making arrangements the very next day.

+50 Bonus

Unexpectedly, when she discussed the partnership with the person in charge of Oceanic Constructions, the person

in charge said regretfully, “I’m sorry, Ms. Lane, but Amryn Real Estate has already raised their offer to a hundred

million from the original price. We can’t possibly give you this deal. Unless… you’re willing to increase your offer as


Amryn Real Estate is willing to raise the price to a hundred million to obtain this large batch of building materials?

Are they crazy? Well, it’s good that they’ve invested all their money in the construction on the western outskirts of

the city. It shows that they value this piece of land very much. and are willing to risk the entire company’s survival

on it. Once their collaboration comes to a halt, they will only end up losing everything, declaring bankruptcy. That

piece of land will inevitably fall into the hands of Wright Construction Group.

Upon thinking this, she smacked the table without hesitation. “Wright Construction Group will offer a hundred and

fifty million for this batch of goods.”

The person in charge of Oceanic Constructions clicked their tongue disapprovingly, showing a bit of disdain.

“Well, doing business is all about maintaining credibility, after all. You only want to add fifty million. and expect us to

breach our contract with Amryn Real Estate? That’s a bit unreasonable, isn’t it? Besides, it won’t be easy for us to

speak to them as well!”

Samantha’s face turned grim, but before she could retort, the assistant of the person in charge of Oceanic

Constructions pushed the door open and entered the room. The assistant leaned close to the person in charge’s car

and whispered, “Amryn Real Estate has added another hundred million.”

Although it was meant to be a whisper, it was not soft at all.

Samantha heard it loud and clear, and her face turned dark.

As the future heir of Lane Group, she would soon be merging the organization with Wright Construction Group.

There was no way she would submit to a small company like Amryn Real Estate.

The desire to win got the better of her. She abruptly stood up and slammed the empty coffee cup on the table in

front of the person in charge.

Hearing the loud bang, the person in charge jumped in shock. Samantha, with her chin up high in arrogance,

declared powerfully, “Five hundred million! In cash!”

The person in charge’s eyes

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in charge’s eyes lit up. “Deal!”

Meanwhile, also at Oceanic Constructions, Gwendolyn was sitting in the main seat in the conference room next

door with an exquisite coffee brewing set on the table.

She calmly emptied the first pot of brewed coffee and began the second round of brewing with the used coffee


The room was filled with the aroma of coffee.

Yulia sat on the left side, quietly watching Gwendolyn’s leisure and skillful movements.

14:16 Mon, May 15

Chapter 100 Seriously Injured


+50 Bonus

Impressive! She truly is the Harris family’s precious daughter. Even after leaving Salinsburgh for a full six years, she

can still remember clearly how to brew nice cup of coffee.

The sound of the door opening broke the silence in the conference room.

The person in charge’s assistant walked in with a delighted expression. “You guessed correctly! Wright Construction

Group indeed followed through with five hundred million, and it’s in cash! My supervisor said that as soon as Wright

Construction Group’s funds arrive, we will immediately split the profits with you according to the contract. You will

receive eighty percent, and Oceanic Constructions is getting twenty percent.”

Gwendolyn remained silent, focusing on savoring her coffee.

Yulia stood up and shook hands with the assistant. “Great, it’s a pleasure working with you.”

Most big companies mainly used checks and let the banks handle the rest so their cash reserves would not be too


The fact that Wright Construction Group could come up with so much cash at once showed their remarkable

strength. Unfortunately, once all the cash was invested, the subsequent vulnerabilities would only grow.

Late at night, thunder and lightning raged as torrential rain poured down.

In the mountain range between Fairlake and Lightspring, a group of people ran along the narrow mountain path as

if their lives depended on it.

“Boss, there’s a cave over there!”

Several people quickly rushed into the narrow, pitch-black cave. They cut some wild vegetation to conceal the

entrance, making it a good place to hide temporarily.

Maverick’s initially neat short hair was soaked by the rain and drooped down onto his forehead.

His handsome face was unnaturally pale. Even his lips were devoid of any color. As he finally caught his breath, a

sudden, intense pain in his waist made him feel lightheaded. When he could no longer bear it, he dropped onto one

knee for



Just now, the group of people was focused on running Even though Maverick was clearly injured, he did not say a

word about it from beginning to end.

His subordinates only realized then that he had been stabbed in the waist at some point. It was a long and deep

gash, and the wound had turned pale from being washed by the rain. However, blood was still oozing out from it.

On the way here, Maverick got caught in the rain, and now he was starting to feel hot all over, as though he was

running a fever.

If he could not stop the bleeding and treat the fever in time, his life would be in danger!

Fortunately, all his subordinates had fought their way through life and death in the army and were familiar with self-

tending methods for injuries sustained in the wilderness.

14:16 Mon, May 15

Chapter 100 Seriously Injured


+50 Bonus

The group bustled in and out. Due to a lack of resources, it took almost an hour to bandage Maverick’s


Maverick woke up from his groggy state, and the first words that came out of his dry, pale lips were, “Tomorrow…

we’re going back to Fairlake!”

His subordinate, Nico Larson, was growing increasingly anxious.

Everyone is almost at their wit’s end, yet you are still thinking about returning to Fairlake?

“Boss, your body is too weak right now, and those people outside are still looking for us. If you act recklessly, your

wound will tear open. Do you really not care about your life?”

Maverick bit his thin lip. I’ve endured much worse injuries before. This is nothing.

He got over the pain and began to analyze the incident. “When you guys fought with that group, did you notice that

they all had the same small tattoo on the inner part of their arms?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After some thought, Nico grabbed a piece of leftover torn cloth that he had originally ripped off to bandage

Maverick’s wound. With the muddy water on the ground, Nico relied on his memory to draw the tattoo and handed

it to Maverick.

A group of people gathered around this piece of tattooed cloth and engaged in a lively discussion.

“It seems like some kind of animal.”

“Right! It’s an animal. Don’t these two sides look like two horns? A rhinoceros!”

Neville Landon had just finished speaking when Nico smacked him on the head. “Idiot! A rhino has ears on both

sides of its head and only one horn!”

Maverick listened to their animated chatter as his eyes focused on the piece of cloth.

After briefly thinking about it, he spoke weakly. “It’s a deer.”

Although his voice was soft, his subordinates heard it loud and clear. Their expressions turned extremely solemn.

Many years ago, during a mission, they had collaborated with the Harris family’s team from Salinsburgh. It seemed

that the subordinates of the Harris family also had a similar tattoo.

If that’s true, that means our former allies have become enemies. But why?

A long silence fell upon the cave as everyone’s eyes were fixed on Maverick. Mayerick’s dark eyes narrowed, deep

in thought, leaving everyone wondering what was on his mind.

After the long silence, Nico was the first to speak up. “Boss, maybe it’s a misunderstanding. We’ve been living

incognito since we left the army, and hardly anyone knows about our existence. Perhaps it’s a misunderstanding.”

Maverick did not speak, and his eyes were extremely cold.

That group of people was clearly very purpose-driven, and it was obvious that they were coming straight for them.

To the best of his knowledge, there was currently a well-established team capable of detection and concealment,

led by the eldest son of the Harris family, Asher. Asher was known to have connections with both the mob and the


Treyton and Asher were also brothers.

Moreover, when Maverick was fighting the group leader previously, the man said, “You want to know who I am? You

should be asking who you’ve let down!

Upon hearing these words, Maverick somehow suddenly thought of Gwendolyn. His mind wandered for a moment,

and that was when the other person’s blade struck him.

Is this matter related to Gwendolyn in any way? If Treyton would go to such lengths for her, then who exactly is
