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The Double ( or More ?) Life of The Fake Heiress

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85

Far away in Riverdale, James suddenly sneezed. At this moment, his usually handsfeatures seemed a bit

paler, but those eyes remained mysterious.

“Sir, are you feeling unwell again?” Wyatt asked, concern etched in his gaze.

James lifted a hand in dismissal. “I'm fine.”

“The auction doesn’t start until six this evening. Perhaps you should rest at the manor first?” Wyatt suggested



“No need. We'll head straight to the venue later,” James replied, his voice crisp. After a brief pause, he turned his

head, “Make sure to keep an eye on every individual who enters tonight.”

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Wyatt nodded in understanding. “Understood. Should that person appear, we'll make sure they don’t slip away,”

James nonchalantly flicked his cuff, and after a moment's silence, he murmured, “Let's hope so.”

“If they need that medicine, they will definitely show up,” Wyatt whispered, his expression unreadable in the dim


Meanwhile, Mirabella watched as Catherine finished her medicine and engaged in light conversation with her.

Age and frailty soon took their toll, and Catherine drifted off to sleep not long after.

After tucking the blankets around Catherine, Mirabella quietly exited the room. As she reached the lobby via the

elevator, she encountered Mandy, who, it seemed, had been waiting for her deliberately:

“Cwith me. We need to talk,” Mandy said.

The lobby was bustling, so Mandy's voice wasn't sharp, but her face was still painted with its customary


Mirabella’s eyebrows arched in interest at Mandy's retreating figure, heading toward the outdoor garden. After a

few seconds of thought, Mirabella followed.

“What exactly did you give Catherine? What kind of medicine was it?” Mandy demanded, her eyes cold as she

looked at Mirabella as if she were a villain of the worst order.

With her hands casually in her pockets, Mirabella’s demeanor was nonchalant. “Is there a problem with my


Mandy almost laughed in irritation at Mirabella’s attitude. “No packaging, no manufacturer's name, ‘mystery

medicine,’ really? You're bold to give such a thing to a woman in her seventies. Are you trying to kill her,


“Mystery medicine?” Mirabella let out a light chuckle, lazily raising her eyelids, her eyes a deep shade of intrigue

as they met Mandy's accusatory stare. “Do you have any idea how much my medicine is worth?” Her speech

was slow and deliberate, bordering on mockery.

Mandy was momentarily taken aback by her tone, and after regathering her composure, replied with a scoff, “No

matter how expensive your medicine is, it’s still unverified.”

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How much could a rural folk remedy be worth? What a joke.

Pausing, Mandy added, “Besides, I've consulted a doctor, and they also advised against such untested rural

remedies. They said it could exacerbate cardiac stress, practically amounting to a slow poison. Catherine's

health was stabilizing until your medicine cinto the picture. Her sudden illness last night, how do you

explain that, Mirabella? If anything happens to her, you'll be the one to blame.”

A smirk played on Mirabella’s lips, but she wasn’t angered by the accusation. Instead, she posed a wry question,

“The doctor you consulted, was he perhaps severely myopic and practicing without a license?”

Mandy was at a loss for words.

With a soft chuckle, Mirabella shook her head, no longer interested in wasting her ton such nonsense.

Without another word, she turned and walked away.

Chapter 85

Mandy snapped back to reality, watching Mirabella walk away into the distance, her face turning ashen.