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The Divorced Heiress by Arianapeige

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102 Amanda sat on the couch with a black phone in her hands.

James didn't dare talk as he knew one mistake and he would make the princess angry making his days in the new city miserable.

Gregory looked at the two individuals in front of him and sighed as if he had never seen such people. He was used to people trying to curry favor with him thus being in front of sfellas who ignored and treated him like air, he felt bitter. At the stime, he knew it was understandable as Amanda was from a richer family than his and James, although his family was not as rich as the two, it was also wealthy and he had been around Adrian who was regarded as the king of the business world.

'Yes. We found her with only her secretary. Madam, didn't you say that she cfrom a very rich family and the woman was always surrounded by bodyguards? What we saw was a totally different thi than you said." Amanda replied to Marie as she pretended to be the guy who had been hired to kill her.

"You shouldn't talk tolike that! You should remember your place! I am your client thus you should speak to clients with a lot of respect," Marie replied rudely and arrogantly as she didn't like being told that she was wrong.

Amanda rolled her eyes when she saw that. She wondered how long would Marie be before she was crushed.

Although she knew that at that moment she should have submitted and apologized, she was never gc to apologize to Marie.

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"As you said, you are a client, ma'am, not our boss. Who do you think you are to be rude and arrogan here?" Amanda replied making Marie furious as she couldn't believe such a low-life person would treat him like that.

She felt as if she could throw the phone on the ground and smash it but when she remembered it wasn' hers and that she was in Eunice's room and doing that might wake up the latter, she stopped, took a deep breath so that she could calm herself.

"Are you sure you killed her? Where is her body?" Marie asked. She didn't want to argue with the other party. From the previous text, she knew that if she continued being arrogant and rude, the other person Chapter 102 Quici pally.

5 Stare From the previous text, she knew that if she continued being arrogant and rude, the other person might make her lose her calm and do something stupid and she couldn't make mistakes at the momen "Ma'am. from your your tone and everything, it is evident that you hate that woman so much. To make our client happy, I instructed my men to throw her and her secretary's body onto the sewage that is on the hills. It will take tbefore her body is found," Amanda replied as her eyes twinkled.

She felt like laughing when deceiving Marie but she knew that she had to do this. She didn't stay behind and hid for nothing.

Marie was surprised at first then satisfied.

'Although this guy has a bad temper, he knows how to please someone. I bet the wild animals have already eaten Amanda's body. She said inwardly as she smirked.

She looked at Eunice who was still sleepy soundly and couldn't hear anything and decided to go with the phone in her room and she would return it when she was done with everything.

With this on her mind, she walked out of the room slowly and quietly.

"I will add smoney to you for such a good work,' she replied making Amanda laugh.

The two men in the room looked at her and wondered why she was laughing. They looked at her with questioning eyes but didn't dare ask her.

"Thank you, miss," Amanda replied.

They were both quiet for a moment and at that time, Marie remembered her lover's words making her frown.

"Can you return to where you threw the body and bring it back? Or you can take photos of her body. parts that have remained as I am so sure by this time, the woman's body is the wild animal's food," Marie sent, Amanda looked at the text and cussed Marie in her heart.

"Why does she have to be so troublesome? Can't she agree that her, Amanda is already dead? What's the point of taking pictures?' Amanda asked herself.

"Ma'am, are you serious? How can you ask us to go to that place at this time? Do you want us to die? 12:25 Fri, 3 May MM.

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Chapter 102 ☐☐:63% 5 Stare I think that you just don't want to pay us our money and that's why you are asking us to go at this late hour," Amanda complained.

Although Marie knew that she had indeed gone far with her request, she just needed to get the pictures for them to be released in public, not other things.

"That's not the case. I trust you guys so much and I believe that you have killed her. I just want that picture for other use." Marie said without explaining further.

Amanda becmore confused and couldn't help but wonder what the at the woman was up to With no of choice I was up to as she was unable to know what to do when she saw the text, she turned to both James and Gregory.

Having nothing else to talk about, they looked at what she was showing them as they were curious to know why she had been laughing so hard.

Gregory understood immediately what Marie was up to and nodded his head. He was amazed at how latter was thinking.

"Since she wants a body then we will give it to her. All we need is a woman with the sbody shape as you who will pretend to be dead and that she was eaten by wild animals and tortured," Gregory said after a while.

On the other hand, Marie frowned after waiting for a reply for a long without getting anything. At first she thought that the latter was ignoring her 1. At as they couldn't go to the hills at night but after stime, she consoled herself that the person had gone to instruct his men what she wanted. With this thought, she smiled brightly.

"You are saying we give her a body, not even a person! How on earth are we going to get that?"