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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 1412
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Chapter 1412 “It's... It's broken... It hurts!” Teresa shouted.

“Mr. Gunner, how could you do this to an old lady!” Paul shouted and hurriedly helped his mother up.

“So what?" Calvin said coldly, “I've said it before. No one can hurt Hanna in front of me.” “Mr. Gunner, don’t be obsessed with her. She is ominous. If it weren't for her, her parents would not have died! You can ask her yourself if she was the one who caused her parents’ deaths! She’s just a jinx!" Seeing this, Paul decided to confront Hanna directly. Since Hanna was so uncooperative, he didn't intend to make it easy for her either.

Calvin clearly felt Hanna's body tremble slightly, while her pale face beceven paler at the moment.

Paul said earnestly, “Calvin, this jinx will only bring you bad luck in the future. Be careful! For example, not long after she cto our family, my father was fired from his job at his previous workplace, and my mother, who was in good health, suddenly fell seriously ill. Besides, | didn’t perform well in my high school and college entrance exams...” “So, do you think it's all her fault?” Calvin interrupted.

“Well... It's indeed all her fault. We even consulted a fortune teller, and her fortune is really bad!” Paul added.

Calvin said, “It's ridiculous. You are blaming your problems on others.” Staring at Teresa and Paul coldly, he continued, “I can tell you now that she has very good fortune! If it weren't for her lucky fortune, your life would be even more miserable!” Suddenly, Teresa and Paul were startled, and a sense of fear overwhelmed them.

It was only at this moment that they truly realized they were standing in front of the scion, who was known for his ruthlessness and indifference.

He had never been someone easy to trifle with.

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Teresa and Paul looked flustered, and they fled in a hurry.

Calvin lowered his head and looked at Hanna, saying, “You don’t have to Chapter 1412 care about what they said.” Hanna's head was kept down. She bit her lips tightly and said after a while, “What if | care?” She thought, “Yeah. How could | not care?” Since her parents died, she had been constantly labeled as a jinx. And after hearing it repeatedly, she even began to doubt herself at times.

“If you really care, I'll find a way to make sure that they can never speak ill of you again,” Calvin said.

Hanna looked at Calvin in a daze. It seemed that she hadn't expected him to say that.

“What's wrong? Do you think | can’t do it?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

She shook her head and said, “No, if it's you, you can do it. It's just...” She took a deep breath, gathering the courage to say, “I don't care about what they say about me. What I'm worried about is whether | might bring any misfortune to you in the future if | really am a jinx.” His eyes flashed slightly, and then he said faintly, “I never believe in these superstitions. And you don’t need to believe them.” “But...” “Or, do you wantto believe it and break up with you?” Calvin interrupted.

She hesitated, her eyes showing a hint of uncertainty as if she were making a decision.

Calvin raised his hand and flicked Hanna's forehead. He said, “It seems that you don't loveso much. In this way, how can | fall in love with you?” She covered her forehead with her hand and looked at him blankly.

“Hanna, don’t you wantto fall in love with you?" His voice echoed in her ears.

Tears suddenly welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks, catching her off guard. She hadn't expected herself to cry.

Her tears seemed to surprise him as well, and he appeared unsure of what to do. He said, “Did | hurt you when I flicked your forehead? I'm sorry; | didn’t pay attention to my strength...” Before he could finish his words, she suddenly jumped into his arms

Chapter 1412 burst into tears.

She was crying uncontrollably as if she were releasing all the helplessness, fear, and grievances that had been weighing on her heart.

Watching Hanna cry so sadly in his arms, Calvin felt even more at a loss.

Even if he knew what to do, his hands and feet seemed to becstiff. What he could say fluently beca bit stammered in his mouth.

“Don't... Don't cry, Hanna. If you needto apologize to you, | can...” “No... | don’t need your apology... You... You're nice. Very nice. You're the best boyfriend...” Hanna choked up. She couldn't help but sob because he was so nice that she couldn't help crying in front of him.

For a long time, Yrinas, Teresa, and Paul always said that she was a jinx. Whenever something unfortunate happened, they would blher.

But Calvin didn't care at all after hearing this. She wondered if he knew how important his words were to her. It was like he had given her light in the darkness.

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“Then why are you still crying?” he said.

“Just... Letcry for a while, then... I'll be fine...” she said with a stuffy voice, still burying her head in his arms and crying.

After a long time, Calvin only felt that his clothes were wet, and her crying gradually subsided.

Hanna sniffed and raised her head.

She wiped her tears while looking at his wet clothes apologetically . She said, I'm sorry. I...I made your clothes wet. Should | wash them for you later?” “That's not necessary,” Calvin said. Looking into her red eyes, he suddenly felt heartbroken.

“| was like a fool,” Hanna said awkwardly. She took out the tissue and then wiped all the tears from her face . It's ridiculous ,isn't it? Clearly, we're relatives, the closest people in this world, but...” Her face was full of bitterness.

Calvin said, “In fact, what they want is nothing to me. It's okay to satisfy them. If you want them to be nicer to you, | can do it.” Hanna shook her head and said, “It's not necessary. If I wanted you to do

Chapter 1412

that, I would have asked them to borrow money from you just now, The family I hope for isn't bought with money. If I give them money this time, they will only becmore demanding in the future.”