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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 1381
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Chapter 1381 Rosalie shook her head. “It doesn’t hurt anymore. I'm sorry for worrying again,” she said, gently stroking Jonathan's cheek.

Jonathan gently rubbed her palm with his cheek. “I just want you to be fine. As long as you are fine.” No one could imagine that Jonathan would act like a child who was afraid of losing his beloved one.

Rosalie was sent to the ward. She was so tired that she soon fell asleep.

“Thank you very much,” Jonathan said to Amelia and Hanna.

Hanna waved her hand. “Forget it. As long as Rosalie and her baby are fine.” However, Amelia said apologetically, “I'm terribly sorry. Those people are after me, but it’s all my fault that Rosalie is in danger.” “Well, I'll ask someone to send you home. Don’t worry about Rosalie. | will care for her,” Jonathan said, walking Amelia and Hanna out of the ward.

At that moment, they heard a scurry of footsteps. It was Calvin who rushed over.

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His handsface was full of anxiety, and his hair was a little messy because of running.

“Is Rosalie all right?” Calvin asked worriedly.

Jonathan raised his eyebrows. “It’s none of your concern. Rosalie is my wife.” “You...” Calvin frowned. He stared at Jonathan and asked again, “Tell me, is Rosalie fine?” “S-She’s fine,” Hanna replied, hurriedly stepping forward. She didn’t want the atmosphere to bectoo awkward. “We were surrounded by several people while having lunch. Rosalie got frightened and her abdomen B began to hurt.” “Several people surrounded you?” Calvin was stunned. He continued without thinking, “Since you're having lunch together, why didn’t you protect Rosalie when those people cto you? Don’t you know that she 1/4 09:51 Chapter 1381 is pregnant? She...” Amelia’stepped forward and interrupted him, “Enough, Calvin! It’s all my fault. If it weren't for Hanna, Rosalie would be in grave danger. If you want to blme, just blme. Don’t blHanna! You can blit all on me.” “I-I'm okay. He was right. Rosalie would not be in the hospital if | had done more to protect her,” Hanna said, tears welling up in her eyes.

“Hanna!” Amelia wanted to say something more, but Hanna spoke first, “I-I have to go now. See you!” Then she hurried to the elevator.

Amelia glared at Calvin, “Even if you are worried about Rosalie, you shouldn't have blamed Hanna. As her boyfriend, you should know her character well! Rosalie had been gripping Hanna's wrist while she was in pain on the way to the hospital, leaving scratches on it, but Hanna never complained and even told us it didn’t matter. | can’t believe you chastised her instead of worrying about her as soon as you chere. Calvin, is this how you treat your girlfriend?” Hearing Amelia’s accusations, Calvin was rendered speechless, feeling embarrassed.

Everyone suddenly becsilent.

Jonathan ordered the bodyguards to drive Amelia home. Then he turned to Calvin and said, “Hanna is a wonderful woman. You should cherish her.” “I know.” Calvin pursed his lips.

“But you don’t love her, do you?” Jonathan asked.

Calvin's face suddenly changed. “What do you mean?” “You hurried over as soon as you heard Rosalie was in hospital. You then chastised Hanna. Anyone can tell that you don’t love her!” Jonathan said mercilessly. “I can tell, Amelia can tell, and do you hope Rosalie can tell one day?” Calvin suddenly stiffened at his words. “Jonathan, what the hell do you know?” “I don’t know for sure, but | can guess it roughly, right?” Jonathan said. “Both of us hope Rosalie can be well.” 2/4 09:51 Chapter 1381 Calvin suddenly becfurious. “If that’s the case, why did you get her pregnant? You knew she almost died of giving birth to triplets. Why did you put her in grave danger again?” Jonathan's face flashed with remorse. Then he stared at Calvin and said seriously, “It’s indeed my fault, so I will live and die with her. If she can’t make it, | will die with her!” “You...” Calvin was shocked at first but quickly realized what he was saying.

If it were him, he would do the sthing.

“Rosalie is not in good health now. She can’t afford to experience any emotional fluctuations now. She must be on complete bed rest until labor begins. Calvin, now that Rosalie knew you had a girlfriend, you should finish what you started. | don’t want Rosalie to be in danger again because of you!” Jonathan said coldly.

After a long moment of silence, Calvin spoke again, “I want to see Rosalie.” “Okay, but she is asleep now. Don’t wake her up.” With that, Jonathan returned to the ward.

Calvin quickly followed up.

After entering the ward, tears stung Calvin's eyes when he looked at Rosalie who was sleeping on the bed.

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She looked so vulnerable with a pale face. It worried him that she could be in danger at any tbefore giving birth to the baby.

If she experienced intense mood swings again, it would put her and the baby in danger again.

He didn’t want to risk her life again.

If his relationship with Hanna would put her in danger again, he was willing to fake it until he made it. He was willing to do everything for Rosalie! Jonathan's voice sounded in the ward. “I hope you don’t let her know what happened between you and Hanna.

Even if it is a lie, do your best to make her believe it.” Calvin slightly fluttered his eyelids and stared at Rosalie lying on the bed.

3/4 09:51 Chapter 1381 After a while, he said, “I know what to do!” Hanna ran out of the hospital and got on the bus. Until then, tears began to stream down her face.

She didn’t expect that she would cry.

She hurriedly wiped the tears off her face and tried hard to resist the urge to cry.

She knew that Calvin cared for and loved Rosalie very much. It was understandable that he said those words! Send Gift