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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 874
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The day Dorothy left the Lopez Corporation, she rose with the sun. She wanted no fuss, no fanfare. Catching a cab, she headed straight to the office. Bypassing her usual workspace, she made a beeline for the HR department to formalize her departure.

"Ms. Sanchez, just fill out this form, and you'll be all set," said the HR assistant, sliding a piece of paper across the desk.

Dorothy glanced at it - a standard exit survey for employees choosing to leave the company.

"Alright," she said, taking the pen and methodically filling in each section.

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The assistant watched her curiously. "If you don't mind me asking, Ms. Sanchez, why are you leaving the Lopez Corporation?" Dorothy hesitated, searching for a diplomatic answer. "It just doesn't feel like the right fit for me." She couldn't very well say that she was about to sue the company’s CEO's family and it was no longer appropriate to stay.

"You know, in all my time here, you're one of the few who've chosen to leave voluntarily.” Dorothy's pen paused as she offered an awkward smile. "Yes, it's quite rare to leave the Lopez Corporation.” The perks here were second to none - great benefits, a dynamic work environment, and plenty of opportunities for advancement.

Landing a job here was no small feat. Who would willingly walk away? If it weren't for her connections with Everett, Dorothy might have needed years, maybe even a decade, to gain enough experience to be considered for a position here.

She finished the survey and reached the final section: suggestions for the company.

Dorothy pondered for a moment, then wrote slowly: [May Everett always find peace and joy.] Leaving the building, Dorothy's heart was a mix of heavy and light.

Her phone rang; it was Karen.

"Dorothy, | have a prenatal appointment today. Will you come with me?" "Me? What about Jeffrey?" "I don't want him to come. We're not on the best terms right now!" Karen didn't mention to Dorothy that their argument was mainly about Everett. She reminded herself never to bring up anything about Everett around Dorothy again.

Dorothy paused, not pressing for details. "Okay, I'll come and get you." "Now? Aren't you working today?" Dorothy sighed. "As of today, I'm officially no longer with the Lopez Corporation." Karen was taken aback. "So, your lawsuit is going to court soon?" "Yeah." "That's great, you've finally reached this day." Visit english.net to read full content.

Dorothy's smile was forced, and she quickly changed the subset ARE! neqging upzshe hailed acab to Jeffrey's place. Please read the original content at english.net.

Visit english.net to read full content.

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Expecting to find Karen and Jeffrey in the midst of a cold wary Porgy as 1S prised fe iia deiiey at home, API to make amends. Please read the original content at english.net.

"Please, let me come with you! | want to hear our baby's heartbeat!" "No need, Dorothy's coming with me!" Visit english.net to read full content.

"It's not like one more person will hurt! I'l just stand rete pequiet, 3 Zisffey PEAT is pride S oN like dust at their feet.

Please read the original content at english.net.

As soon as Karen saw Dorothy, she rushed over. "Dorothy, let's just go." Dorothy felt awkward. "Um... maybe Jeffrey should go with you? I just remembered | have something else to do." "Exactly, I'l go with you! Don't bother her, Karen. I'm sorry, okay? From now on, you're my number one, Evere..." Jeffrey's words were cut off as Karen clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Don't you dare mention that name in front of Dorothy!"