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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 856
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Kenneth had finally found his groove, and Dorothy couldn't help but feel genuinely happy for him.

Deep down, she really hoped he'd stumble upon someone who'd be his perfect match.

Knowing that Karen was waiting, Dorothy decided to put off some non-urgent work until tomorrow. She hurried off to Jeffrey's estate.

"Dorothy's here! Jeffrey, go open the door for her." Karen's voice boomed from inside, its strength unaltered even by her pregnancy.

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The sound of slippers shuffling closer preceded the opening of the door. There stood Jeffrey, clad in cozy home wear, his hair a casual mess, holding a tiny pink garment in his hand.

"Dorothy! You're just in time. Take a look at these hideous baby clothes Jeffrey picked out. Why are guys so clueless when it comes to shopping?" Dorothy glanced at Jeffrey's expression, which bore no hint of offense — he seemed utterly accustomed to Karen's ribbing — and she relaxed.

"Don't be too harsh on him. You might hurt his feelings." "He won't mind," Karen quipped, though she continued showing each piece of clothing to Dorothy with evident excitement for her impending motherhood.

"Now that Dorothy's here, should | get the kitchen to start on the fondue?" Jeffrey interjected, neatly folding the previously scattered clothes.

"Sure, go ahead!" Karen waved him off with the air of a duchess directing her butler.

Once Jeffrey was out of earshot, Dorothy whispered, "Don’t be too hard on him. Jeffrey's been pampered all his life, and here you are treating him like he's the help." "He asked for it. | turned him down so many times, and he just wouldn't have the breakup. What can | do?" Karen smirked, her hand resting naturally on her belly.

"Besides, I've got to train him now, so he's ready to take care of me and the baby when the time comes." Dorothy thought about it and had to agree. She was always the worrywart. If the couple was happy with their arrangement, who was she to judge? "What about you?" asked Karen.

"Me? Just the usual grind at work, you know that.” Karen slapped her leg playfully. "I'm not asking about your job. | mean, you and..." Dorothy hesitated, a wry smile on her lips. "No contact.” "Not at all?" Dorothy nodded.

Everett hadn't even sent her videos of Abigail and Langston anymore.

Complete radio silence.

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"Do you think Everett has really given up on you?" Karen asked, her lips pursed.

Visit english.net to read full content.

I" q A Dorothy, what are you thinking? | mean, Jeffrey and Everett ge EHD only about work haber they chat SHOR yur name never comes up.

, q I've even snooped on their messages fH I — all business." Please read the original content at english.net.

"If he's given up, isn't that a good thing?" Visit english.net to read full content.

I" q . , Good? Are you kidding? Everett's stacked. He could Sy igre! agi heyeradind bomen ready to [1 remarry. What then?" Please read the original content at english.net.

Dorothy paused, her voice soft. "I'd wish him well." Visit english.net to read full content.

Karen smacked her forehead without WAL: : P mercy. "Wish him well? 50 youd he Yop ueamB a ser H f f ) becoming Abigail and Langston’s " aa stepmom?" Please read the original content at english.net.

"Karen, | pushed him away. More than once. He's under no obligation to wait for me." mmMwWLIII0fifl0&1 mmMwWLIII0fifl0&1 mmMwWLII0fiflO& 1 mmMwWLIII0fifl0&1 mmMwWL1i10fif10&1 mmMwWLIiI0fiflO&1