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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 855
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Everett took off to Liberty City the next day with Abigail and Langston in tow.

Dorothy's life suddenly felt like a throwback to her days at the Prosperity Consortium. Her world narrowed down to her apartment and the office — a very predictable routine.

Only on weekends, there was no longer a need to visit Bella at the hospital.

The Lopez Corporation's projects were moving along as scheduled. Sure, there were hiccups here and there, but nothing that teamwork couldn't iron out.

Before she knew it, winter had given way to a stealthy spring.

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Eldorria City's weather couldn't make up its mind, swinging from rain to snow, leaving everyone baffled about what to wear.

Karen's baby bump was starting to show, and she had put on a noticeable amount of weight. She was the picture of a little mama-to-be, hands constantly supporting her lower back as she walked.

Her wedding with Jeffrey was postponed. There was no helping it; they didn't want to wear her out, and the doctor advised bed rest during this critical phase of pregnancy.

"Dorothy, why don't you come over for some barbecue after work today?" Karen's voice came through the phone.

Even with the doctor's orders to rest, Karen couldn't sit still.

If she couldn't go out, people would just have to come to her! Dorothy answered the call while printing out the latest project report, ready to submit it shortly.

"I might be late today. You and Jeffrey start without me!" "We haven't seen each other in a week, and | miss you! Just come over; I'll wait up no matter how late," Karen whined.

Boredom was her constant companion these days. Even with Jeffrey's company, seeing the same handsome face day in and day out could become tiresome.

"Alright," Dorothy couldn't resist her friend's pleading. "If you get hungry, eat first. I'l contact you after work." "Deal!" After hanging up, Dorothy handed the printed documents to Austin.

"Everyone's been working hard on the project. There's been no delay, and I've made sure the progress reports are accurate.” Austin nodded, giving the papers a cursory glance before fixing his gaze on Dorothy. "Say, Ms. Sanchez... you're about to resign, right?" Dorothy paused, then nodded. "Yes, but it's not for a while yet. Why do you ask?" "Well, just checking! After all, we need someone to fill your shoes, right? What's going to happen to the project otherwise?" "The company should appoint a replacement,” Dorothy affirmed. Everett... he must be aware of her resignation date.

"That's the usual procedure, but so far, there's been no word! And considering you'll be leaving soon, we're still in the dark," sighed Austin.

He then added in a negotiating tone, "Ms. Sanchez, how about this? If the company doesn't send a replacement by the time you're set to leave, would you stay on and oversee the project until they do?" Visit english.net to read full content.

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Dorothy frowned slightly. "That wouldn't be appropriate. Once | resign, my contract ite cO Mm sepa lemaicd I'shouldn't be involved in the project as a director. If you're worried about the transition, it might be best to inquire about the company's plans in advance." Please read the original content at english.net.

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"Alright then," Austin conceded, seeing her deerme "vaioan ge bagk golds s. That's all for now." Please read the original content at english.net.

"Okay." Leaving Austin's office, Dorothy returned to her desk and noticed a new WhatsApp message on her phone screen.

It was from Kenneth.

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[Dorothy, I'm going on a blind date today. Do you think this\gir and) 160k liks gfe? Wy rhom insists we're meant to bel] Please read the original content at english.net.

She opened the photo and looked.

The girl in the photo had a gentle demeanor with a clean, sweet smile.

[Kenneth, you better make the most of this. She seems perfect for you, and your mom's right!] [If you say so too, then I've got to spruce myself up. Here's hoping | can bring her home and make her my wife.]