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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 849
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Everett was always the rock, unshakable, but even he couldn't hide his distress at Dorothy's panicked state. He did not want her to be so bothered by this incident.

The world was a roulette wheel of chance, and nobody could predict where the ball would land, so why torment herself with the ifs and buts after the fact? "I... I'm just so scared something's going to go wrong," Dorothy fretted, wringing her hands. "They're supposed to be getting married soon." Her emotions were a tangled mess, a whirlwind of worries that refused to settle. The images that crowded her mind were too messy to make sense of.

Compounding her anxiety was the fact that Jeffrey was missing, and there had been no update on Karen from the emergency room.

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Without any resolution in sight, Dorothy couldn't find peace.

Everett wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to soothe her nerves. Before he could utter a word of comfort, the sound of hurried footsteps approached.

Both tuned towards the commotion.

It was Jeffrey.

"Everett!" Jeffrey was a mess, stumbling as he ran towards them, gripping Everett's shirt as if it were a lifeline. "Karen, how is she?" Everett's brow furrowed, his tone full of reproach. "She's still in the ER. No word yet. Where the hell have you been?" "I..." Jeffrey's gaze fell, his jaw clenched. "I was so mad at myself, and | didn't want to take it out on Karen, so | went for a walk around the resort gardens.” He had returned only to find an empty room and a carpet stained with blood—Karen was gone. It was the hotel staff who had informed him that everyone had rushed to the hospital, and so he followed suit.

"What did you two even fight about?" Dorothy couldn't help her frustration, though she sensed it might not be the best time for a lecture. "I specifically told you to keep it together before | left!" "It was... Karen said | was too hot-headed and that | shouldn't have beat up her ex. It made me so angry, thinking she was defending him, so | just..." "They broke up years ago! And it was her ex who couldn't let go, can't you see that? Karen's pregnant, for heaven's sake! Didn't you know?" Dorothy couldn't hold back, her words spilling out before Everett gave her wrist a gentle squeeze, signaling her to stop.

Jeffrey had been staring at the ground, but now visible teardrops were falling on the tile beneath him.

"I'm sorry... | was too impulsive..." "Let's just wait for Karen," Everett finally said, his voice steady. "See what the doctor says." He guided Dorothy to take a seat while Jeffrey remained standing, lost in thought until he suddenly turned to her. "Did you tell her parents?" "No, what could | say?" They had all set out for a joyful vacation, and now they were here, in a hospital, with the baby's life hanging in the balance? Visit english.net to read full content.

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: : [1 Jeffrey hung his head again. "I never imagined it would come to this. | remembered your words, sot dit! sae saree just her lecturing me, calling me impulsive and immature... she even said she needed to reconsider marrying me. | : I" was so mad | just had to get out.

Please read the original content at english.net.

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Dorothy could imagine the scene, f and somehow, she couldn't m completely fault ds {frei for Jalking sey Kare was always quick to speak her mind, never pondering how her words might land. Please read the original content at english.net.

"Let's not tell her parents just yet. No need to worry them until we know more. Things might not be as bad as they seem." Visit english.net to read full content.

I" But | saw so much blood on the " H mM carpet." Jeffrey was CEE O fh teha ce himself to r I and apologize to Karen, but now this... Please read the original content at english.net.

"Family of Karen Miller, please?" Finally, the ER doors swung open.

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