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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 837
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A chance at life? Did Everett not want that? The last thing he wanted was his mother's involvement in the whole mess! If it were just Heather, Dorothy wouldn't need to be so worn out with litigation, draining her energy. Everett could personally dice Heather up and feed her to the dogs! "The surveillance video clearly shows my mom giving the injection order. She can't deny her involvement." "I know! But didn't you hack the video? You must have the source code to delete it!" Jonathan stood up abruptly, walking over to his son.

"Just help your mom this one time, okay? | can talk her around and get her to accept Dorothy into the Lopez family as a daughter-in-law! | can even get your mom to testify in court to prove Heather had premeditated murder!” With that, Heather would be convicted swiftly, her life for a life! Dorothy's aim would be achieved as well! Seeing his son silent, Jonathan thought he was wavering and quickly added, "Everett, think about it. If both | and your mom agree to Dorothy marrying into the family, we'll be one big happy family! We'll put the past behind us and never speak of it again.

Isn't that great? Why push it to the point where everything breaks down?" "I won't destroy the video." Everett took a step back without once glancing at the photos. "I've said it before: whatever Dorothy wants to do to avenge her mother, | won't interfere." "Everett!" Jonathan exclaimed in frustration, "Then just wait to bury your mother! For the sake of Dorothy's deceased mom, you're risking the life of your own mother, who is very much alive. Great, you've got some nerve! Let's see how, after your mom dies in jail, as her son, whom she nearly died bringing into this world, you can just forget all this and elope with Dorothy!" Everett's lips quivered slightly, his gaze dropping. "Of course... | can't." Dorothy could feel that Everett had been in low spirits ever since he came back.

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Even though he was going through his work as usual, taking his regular showers, and engaging in normal conversation, the atmosphere was just off.

After tucking the kids into bed, she returned to their room to find Everett sitting in front of the computer, a contract in hand, his eyes not really seeing it.

"What's wrong?" She couldn't help but ask.

He shook his head. "Nothing." "Tell me, what is it? Is there some trouble at the company? You should head back if there's urgent business!" Everett looked into her eyes, wanting to speak, yet unable to utter a word.

How could he ask Dorothy to spare his mother? "It's not about the company.” In the end, Everett couldn't say it.

"What is it then?" Dorothy asked, immediately realizing the gravity of the situation.

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Anything that could render Everett silentand at a loss fopsyarasThust beyglatedito tid tdwsuit. Please read the original content at english.net.

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"Everett, do you regret helping me get the surveillance video?" "No." He would do it again without hesitation.

"Do you regret meeting me?" Visit english.net to read full content.

Everett raised his eyes, first shaking his head, then nodding. doit Weyer for nel Your mother wouldn't have died." Please read the original content at english.net.

Even if he wasn't the instigator, he had triggered the outcome.

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"But | don't regret meeting you! You've shown me that | can be treasured and held close to m someone's heart Rofotfy ia sal emilénd leaned into his embrace. "Everett, stop shouldering the pressure. Let me walk the rest of this path on my own. Whatever the outcome of the trial, good or bad, I've prepared myself. It's time for you to step back." Please read the original content at english.net.