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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 39
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When Dorothy woke up, Everett had already left.

Since it was the weekend, she got up and cleaned the house after freshening up before heading to the hospital with the food she had prepared.

Upon reaching Ward V1, she saw two men standing at the door. They were the typical bodyguard types you see in TV shows, dressed in black and stone-faced.

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As she approached, they blocked her.

"Access to this ward requires the consent of the person inside." "I'm Bella's daughter.” At first, Dorothy thought this was something the hospital had arranged, but after inquiring, she found out that they were actually Everett's personal bodyguards.

After verifying her identity, she was allowed into the ward.

Bella, seeing her daughter, hurriedly asked, "Who are those two men standing outside? They're so intimidating! Even the doctors had to show their IDs today." Dorothy put down the lunch box and explained. "The hospital has upped their security since strangers have been coming into your ward." "But isn't that a bit over the top? | don't see this in other wards." Bella took a few bites of her food, then remembered something.

"Right! You haven't told me about your boyfriend. What does he do for a living? He sure seems loaded. | asked around about the price for a VIP room, and it's 1,000 dollars just for the bed per day! You better spill the beans. Don't try to keep me in the dark." "It's 1,000 dollars a day for this place?!" This was the first time Dorothy heard the price for a VIP room. She knew it would be expensive. She thought it would be around a hundred or two, but she hadn't expected it to be this much.

Bella became even more worried after seeing her daughter's surprised expression.

"What's this guy's game? Why is he spending money on you but not telling you why?" She thought hard, then panicked. "This guy... he's not after your organs, is he?!" Dorothy was quite impressed with her mother's ability to jump to conclusions. She was probably the first person to think that Everett was involved in organ trafficking.

"Are you watching too much TV?" As she busily made her mother's bed and cleaned the wheelchair, she said, "Mom, starting next Monday, I'll be working at the head office. I'll also need to go to Havenbrook on a business trip, so | won't be able to visit for a few days. Please take care of yourself and don't worry me." "You're going back to Havenbrook?" Just the mention of the place made Bella look like she'd heard a trigger word. Her face suddenly clouded over.

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"It's for work. It’s not a vacation. | have to do as the company says." Besides, she didn't have any qualms about Havenbrook. She didn't have any family or friends there, nor any fond memories to reminisce about.

"Just be careful, and bring your boyfriend over when you return from your trip." Why was she bringing up the boyfriend issue again? "He's very busy. He doesn't have the time. He'll come when he's free." "You silly girl. Your mom just wants to vet him for you. Just because we're using his money now doesn't mean I'll accept any son- in-law. If it comes to it, we can just not do the operation, and I'll leave the hospital." Dorothy was getting a headache and didn't want to continue the conversation.

She pulled up a chair and sat down. Just as she was about to check her phone, she noticed a missed call from an unknown number.

Worried it might be work-related, she quickly got up and stepped outside the ward to return the call.

After a few rings, it was picked up.

"Is this Dorothy? Can you come to the head office right now? | need to discuss the contract for the SinoSuccess Enterprises project with you in detail." The voice sounded familiar. She recognized it right away as Heather's.