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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75 Any Questions?

In the afternoon, around three o’clock, Marion woke up, sat in her room for a while, and went

downstairs to have a bowl of sweet soup.

At five o’clock, Marion came out of the music room, and Mable asked her what she wanted to eat for


“Nothing specific, Mable, you can make whatever you think is refreshing. The weather is hot, and I

don’t have much of an appetite.”

Marion absentmindedly responded. “Thank you, Mable.‘

Tomorrow she had to go to Lucas’s place, and she was hesitating about whether to pack her things.

Thinking about it made her blush. It seemed as if she could not wait to move in!

Richard had a dinner appointment and had advised Marion to go to bed early. Marion originally wanted

to wait for Richard to come back and chat with him, but he said he would not be back until eleven that

night. She had to take a bath and


Just as she finished bathing, her phone on the bed started ringing.

It was quite late. Who could be calling her at that hour?

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When Marion saw the caller ID, she tensed up. It was Lucas.

Her hair was still wet as Marion answered the phone and put it on speaker then grabbed a towel to dry

her hair.

“Hello, Mr. Craig.”

“Have you packed your things yet?”

Marion’s hand froze. She felt embarrassed. “I don’t have much to pack.”

After all, did he not have everything over there?

A few days ago, when she visited, Marion could see that everything had been prepared for her–clothes,

shoes, and anything she could think of. She could just bring herself.

Besides, considering their blitz–marriage, who knew how long it would last? She might have to pack up

and come back in a few days.

“I’ll come by at nine tomorrow.”

“Isn’t that a bit early?” she asked.

Chapter 75 Aby Questions?



Although it was over the phone, Marion still felt the unspoken pressure he exerted on her. She dared

not say it was early. “Not that early I suppose. I usually leave at eight on weekdays.”

“Then I’il come at eight.”

“Any problems?” Lucas asked as she remained silent.

Marion was genuinely afraid of him. She quickly smiled and replied, “No problem at all. See you

tomorrow, Mr. Craig.”

“See you tomorrow, Mrs. Craig.”

Why did he call her Mrs. Craig again? But Marion did not dare ask him any more questions. After

waiting for a moment, she quickly hung up the phone.

Eight o’clock? Did Lucas never sleep in? Why would he get up so early on a fine weekend morning?

Complaints aside, Marion quickly dried her hair and set her alarm clock before lying down to sleep.

Otherwise, if Lucas showed up in the morning, and she was still in bed, it would be more than just


Marion had a dream. She dreamt that she was a rabbit in a forest, and one day, while foraging for food,

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she suddenly

2 untered a wolf.

Frightened, she tried to escape, but

escape she stopped running and resigned herself to being eaten by the wolf.

the wolf’s pursuit. Exhausted “atter how fast she ran, she could not

As the large wolf pounced, she instinctively closed her eyes, expecting the worst, and then she

suddenly felt warmth on her face.

When she opened her eyes, she found the wolf licking her. Marion woke up abruptly, realizing it was

just a dream.

The warmth she felt was just a trace of drool on her face.

The alarm on her phone rang incessantly. Marion quickly reached over and turned it off. The room

returned to silence, and she thought about the absurd fairy tale in her dream. She raised her hand to

touch her cheek.

Good Lord, what kind of bizarre fairy tale was that?

Chapter 76 The Lady Takes Her Leave.