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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 439
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Chapter 439 Why Would She Dream Something Like That?

Today, Marion had arranged to meet Cassie since Cassie wanted to join in on the fun. She claimed it had been

ages since she had a good tand wanted to tag along while Marion practiced.

After stopping the car, Marion sent Cassie a quick message.

She was not planning on staying long. There was only a week left until the 17th, and she needed to practice


Cassie quickly joined her, hopping into the passenger seat and shooting Marion a curious look. Seriously, why

keep this from Lucas?”

“Keeping it from him is good, not bad!” Marion shrugged. “Besides, | don’t mean to keep it from him. I'm just not

sure how to bring it up.”

Besides, just a few days ago, Lucas had gifted her a jet ski. If she told him now that she was JJ, it would be

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Cassie nodded. “Yeah, it's awkward. But once the competition's over, you can cclean about everything.

Lucas will be there to see the race anyway, so it'll all cout then.”

Marion did not respond and focused on driving instead.

Truth be told, she was not entirely sure how Lucas would react to her showing up as “17”. Would he be mad? If

he would, she would have to smooth things over.

Regaining her focus, Marion drove earnestly.

The training grounds were a bit of a trek, and it took over an hour to get there. By the tthey arrived, it was

already past 9 a.m.

The weather was perfect. After swarm-up exercises and testing the water temperature, donned her life

jacket and took a cautious lap around the course before practicing turns.


Cassie was familiar with the routine, having accompanied Marion often before, so Marion was not

worried about her.

At noon, Marion emerged in her gear with a squint. “It's scorching. Do you want to head back?”

Cassie shook her head, eyeing Marion's lips. “What happened to your lips? They look purple.”

Marion, exhausted from a morning of jet skiing, had not even noticed. “They're purple?”

Before she could process it, Cassie's hand was on her lips.

The slight sting made Marion wince. “Ow.”

Cassie withdrew her hand and gave Marion a pensive look. “Hmm, things between you and Mr. Craig seem pretty


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Marion instinctively covered Cassie's mouth. “What are you talking about?”

How Could Cassie say such things in pubber

Marion blushed fuionaly, but Cassie could not tell if her face was red from the sun or embarrassment. They drove

to a nearby town, grabbed lunch, and then checked into a hotel room for a nap.

The midday ann was too harsh, leaving little tfor practice in the afternoon. It was not until after 4 pn., when

the sim was less intense, that Marion resumed training

She had risen early and trained for most of the day, so as she chatted with Cassie, she drifted off to

it was a particularly deep sleep, and Marion had a rather inappropriate dream. She dreamt of stripping naked

and snealing into the bathroom while Lucas was showering

The details were not suitable for sharing. When her alarm started her awake, her heart was racing

She touched her cheek, which was hot to the touch.

Help! How could she dream something like that?