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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 437
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Chapter 437 Do You Believe Me?

Marion woke up at 7 a.m. to find Lucas unusually still in bed. She blinked, observing the man sleeping next to her

with her gaze falling on his thick, long eyelashes.

She wondered, were his lashes naturally that full? Was Lucas secretly a mascara model?

Back when she was bored, Marion scavenged from Cassie, where they often described the heroine's

lashes as long and feathery,

She always found it exaggerated. Yet now, seeing Lucas’s lashes, she realized she had been wrong.

Lucas’s lashes were indeed like feathers!

She admired for a moment, noticing how deeply he slept, showing no signs of waking. Her eyes drifted to his

lips, and she suddenly felt the urge to touch them.

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Nervous, her hand trembled throughout the entire process. However, Lucas’s eyes remained closed, his

breathing steady, showing no signs of waking.

Finally, she touched his thin lips with her trembling hand. The touch felt dry but incredibly soft.

Marion gulped unconsciously, feeling her fingertips burn. As she gazed at those red lips, she felt a strange itch in

her chest.

It was like a battle was raging in her mind, one voice condemning the other's playful antics, rude of you!”


The playful voice retorted, “I'm his rightful wife. What's rude about touching him? Heck, even if | kissed him

wildly, it wouldn't be rude!”

The face of the one with the condemning voice. “No! You know you're not really a couple. How can you take

advantage of him like this?”

The playful voice argued, “We like each other. Doing a little intimate act isn’t a big deal!”

Marion was torn, her face already flushed before she even made a move.

After much hesitation, her rationality was overcby her desire. She pursed her lips and leaned in toward

those red lips.

At that moment, the room seemed to fall silent. Marion only heard her own increasingly rapid breath and her

escalating heartbeat.

It was just a kiss, right? Lucas had kissed her before!

Just one kiss, and then she would get up!

Marion had to encourage herself as that was her first tstealing a kiss.

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As her lips met Lucas’s, Marion felt a thrill like winning a million-dollar lottery. She felt childish, yet she enjoyed

that naivety!

Not pushing her luck, Marion decided to retreat. However, as she withdrew, something unexpected happened.

Her right hand, which was supporting herself on one side of Lucas, suddenly gave way. In her panic, she could

not salvage the situation and ended up falling onto Lucas, her front teeth knocking against his lips.

With such a “sudden attack”, how could Lucas stay asleep?

However, as he opened his dark eyes and looked at her with confusion, he murmured,


He frowned slightly, seemingly puzzled.

Marion was utterly bewildered but was conscious enough to sit up slowly. When her gaze met those dark eyes,

she trembled. “I might've been sleepwalking. Do you believe me?”